This, really, really, really, makes me lose absolutely all faith in humanity. Seriously...they want to call them drugs because they have a healthy part to them? So my PB&J is now a drug because it's healthy? That's bull. Does Watermelon make you high? Oh NOES, APPLES! YOU MIGHT OD! *Face palm*
I don't even know how to rationally express my complete befuddlement at the FDA. Walnuts... Do they know that other foods contain these things as well?
Yay! I don't like walnuts in mah chocolate chip cookies. But I do get suger high off of water.... Don't ask me how... maybe it liquidizes all the sugar in my system, and makes me go crazy.... Hmmm...
*Pssst!* Hey. You. Kid. I heard you like nuts. Walnuts. How about I get you a bag of high quality stuff? What? You heard we lace them with more addictive stuff like "fruit"? Don't worry kid. These are pure, salted walnuts. Now buy a bag and get lost. And DON'T tell anyone where you got them.
But in all seriousness, walnuts are unable to be considered a drug, most definitions I have heard of go along mind altering substances besides food. Walnuts are food, therefor are not drugs.
I hate this situation... People just don't care who controls what. Thankfully more people in this thread actually pay attention... anyone in the political forum cares who is running their country and what their government is doing. I might be too young to like politics, I started having my own ideas when I was 12, really got into politics when I was 12, and I think much differently then my parents, so yeah... I like to keep up with the Government, and see what little schemes they have... We are supposed to have a Small Government, TINY government, back when George Washington was around. Then I see homeless veterans in cities, first time I saw it I cried REALLY hard, and it made me sick and made... I still cry when I see homeless veterans then I see these spoiled fat people in their houses getting paid to play video games, makes me really mad.
Then I see homeless veterans in cities, first time I saw it I cried REALLY hard, and it made me sick and made... I still cry when I see homeless veterans then I see these spoiled fat people in their houses getting paid to play video games, makes me really mad.
And that's what they call the American dream. Maybe America needs another revolution.