This is just curiosity and so people can talk about how they feel about the government of their country or what government they believe is right. Personally, I believe in a small government where the government hardly does anything to affect your life, but people just don't care nowadays what happens: They just want free stuff, like money, food to make them fatter, other free junk from what the government 'romises' also known as 'lies' and the government has just controlled people. So, I believe in a small, democratic government that won't control your daily life. That would include Capitalism as well.
a democratic goverment. but not choosen like in the usa where there are basicly only 2 partys people vote for. there should be about 8 or 9 partys you can choose from. all whit there own ideas on how things should be handled. then the people can pick who's ideas they like best and whit wich party they have most in commen. and not only 1 winner. partys must work toghter to get enoufg seats to be the majority. (except when 1 of the partys got so much votes it has enoufg seats to be the majority alrdy.)
i also whold go for a small goverment. (it takes less time to get a agreement) but still evry party must have some seats in it (except when the party has not enoufg votes for 1 seat.)
Partydevil has some great thoughts, I like the smaller government idea. People like to see big deals cut in congress. The issue that seems to be more and more prevalent in stalling any real progress in our current system is two ideological systems that are becoming further and further apart. Liberals are going WAY liberal and conservatives are going STRONGLY to the right. The problem is that this politiacl split reflects a split American population. And that is simply scary. Democracies exist on the ability to compromise between many ideas... we appear to be losing this ability all together in the USA.
there should be about 8 or 9 partys you can choose from. all whit there own ideas on how things should be handled. then the people can pick who's ideas they like best and whit wich party they have most in commen.
Adolf Hitler was elected with 33% of the vote in an election just like you described.
I think we should stay away from that.
Everyone knows the best government is exactly what the USA uses, the flexibility of the Constitution permits the country to consistently adapt and evolve without a violent revolution, making the USA always on top when it comes to dealing with the issues of the next modern world.
I believe that the world should be run (temporarily) by a giant computer. We just need to put a little box in everyoneâs head which releases endorphins at the computers command. Living an efficient and simple life would suddenly bring us more pleasure than we could possibly imagine. Under the computers command we would finally be able to fix the worlds problems. Once we have mastered the techniques of producing clean energy, found a way to produce enough food for everyone, and eliminated all disputes the computer will switch off, leaving us in a world in which we have no reason not to coexist.
Note: I know this is idealistic and somewhat ridiculous, but so are many practiced types of government, in their current form at least.
then the people can pick who's ideas they like best and with which party they have most in common.
WE can't go by what the people want but more by what they need. Countless times have I heard propaganda speeches etc. Instead of listening to what I heard I decided to learn things on my own. Do it yourself!Hear a problem on TV or radio or newspaper? Look it up and research it! Your IQ will guaranteed raise by 60.
but not choosen like in the usa where there are basicly only 2 partys people vote for. there should be about 8 or 9 partys you can choose from. all whit there own ideas on how things should be handled. then the people can pick who's ideas they like best and whit wich party they have most in commen. and not only 1 winner. partys must work toghter to get enoufg seats to be the majority. (except when 1 of the partys got so much votes it has enoufg seats to be the majority alrdy.)
How about a no party system where all candidates get in on there own merits. Also instead of having just one person at the top have three. This way We don't end up with things getting approved or denied based solely on personal agendas. With three people we don't run into stalemate decisions either.
Small government, big government, can't I get a medium government?
Everyone knows the best government is exactly what the USA uses
I prefer the direct democracy from Switzerland. And like MGW wants, we don't have one president but actually 7 (federal councils). Although there are some minor things I would change in the political system (e.g. the bicameral system), I would mainly stick with it. Unfortunately a direct democracy wouldn't work for such a big country like the USA.
Also instead of having just one person at the top have three.
That's kinda how it works today in the US. The Legislative branch is kept in check by the Executive Branch, the Executive by the Judicial, and the Judicial by the Legislative. It's a huge game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
I'm probably going to get slammed for this, but I would prefer a government led by Christian religious leaders. Maybe a council with a political party for each denomination. Then within each of those a liberal sub-party and a republican sub-party. Then the people would vote for a sub-party and the party that wins becomes that denominations party. Then that council would vote, based on how the people vote. Majority wins. Finally the council would serve as a Supreme Court. By the way I'm a liberal Christian.