Not another ignorant person who thinks Obama is a socialist or Communist? Even if he is, which any informed person knows he isn't, what's so bad about those two?
Progressivism is an umbrella term for a political ideology advocating or favoring social, political, and economic reform or changes through the state. I don't see how such a political idea is a bad one, change is inevitable and we have always experienced change.
The problem with progressivism is that any action performed through the state is involuntary. Refusal to cooperate with the state will result in a fine and unpayed fines will result in arrest or the loss of property.
The idea behind socialism and liberalism is that the government can tax money from people and use that money to better the lives of other people. I can understand why people find this attractive, but I'm completely against it.
To support socialism and liberalism, you must accept the idea that it's okay to use coercion to force others to do "good". If you don't pay your taxes, police threaten to put you in a cell. If you're lucky, they'll just take all your stuff.
I do would love to see a plan where everyone has affordable health care, but I do not agree with the means in which progressives advocate. I do not believe people should be forced to pay into a system that they don't want to pay into.
When I say people shouldn't be forced to pay for national health care, many people make the assumption that the only people who wouldn't pay into national health care are those who want to be greedy and keep their own money. This may be the case, but it is by no means the only case.
Many people may not want to pay into health care because they find themselves needing the money more, and whether you like it or not, I believe people should be allowed to keep themselves as highest priority. Some people may want to pay into a different health care plan, something they feel is more responsible than the government, which is completely understandable since the government has a horrible record when it comes to responsibility with money. Then, you have people who really are selfish and want to hoard all their money for themselves. As much as I wish we could get these people to pay for other people's health care, I do not believe me or anyone else should have the power to force them to do what they don't want to do, especially since the money is their own property.
I was merely using health care as an example. It's very hard to argue health care, but this argument also applies to things such as education. I believe education needs to be completely redone, especially high school education. If schools had to make a profit, they would find ways of better educating children and focus less on getting sued (which results in students being treated like prisoners). The problem with education is that not everyone can afford to send their children to private schools. However, the principle is that many people would rather spend their money on their own children or their own idea school system. Again, many people would like to keep their money for themselves when they don't need it, but again, I feel it is their money and the reasons as to why they want to keep their money really isn't important as long as they have a right to do what they please with their own property.
Basically, everyone wants to achieve a certain end. Some people feel that taxation is a necessary means. Some of us feel that the means do not justify the ends and that a different means should be found.