The thing is, lots of people calling themselves "socialists" were in fact capitalists or fascists.
Wait, what? Examples, and EXPLAIN! Why would someone call themselves totally left when they're actually totally right? (Fascism is extreme right-wing "Conservative", Communism is estreme left-wing "Liberal"
As for most of Europe, they may SAY they are capitalist, but if you look at their policies they are more socialist.
At this point, The United States and United Kingdom general nation intelligence is great enough that they can enter a country, look around at the jobs, and determine if its Capitalistic/Communistic. Also, EXAMPLE! And why would nations SAY they're Cap. when they're really Soc.? You're not making any sense!
How can you accuse someone of robbery, when they had to do it to live,
Robbery is a crime and is inexcusable. Get a job.
because they just got all their money in the bank lost when it collapsed?
Should have kept better tabs on the information of the bank, and if they notice its failing, should immediately seek to remove any affiliations with the establishment. Again, the fault of the individual, not the whole.
You cannot just take a crime and say "it is their fault".
So, a man loses his job, kills his wife for the inordinate amount of life insurance, and doesn't get punished because the events leading up to those actions were "Not his fault?" No, in a capitalistic society, it's a lot like Darwinism. If you're not intelligent to keep up your own tabs, then you shouldn't be around poisoning the system like a communistic parasite.
Also, to put it more simply: Capitalism is "every man for himself",
Big Businesses are the embodiment of capitalism. They provide an inordinate amount of jobs, helping out the system by dealing out more money to the consumer public. One man's goal of success is impeded by his need to work together with his common man. Cooperation is one of the key points of a capitalistic system.
Socialism is "everyone together"
You didn't finish your statement. It's "Everyone together at the same rung of success without any hope of rising or falling in terms of monetary sums. You never fail, but you're always very mediocre. There's no incentive to go above and beyond, to be over-the-top and create new ideas and innovate. This will eventually lead to a collapse of the Communistic society, exactly what happened to the USSR.
I personally feel empathy for other humans, so I say that socialism is the way to go.
If you feel bad for people, then help them find jobs, or make jobs for them. Don't give handouts, give hands.