ForumsWEPRCapitalism or Socialism?

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Hi everybody. The capitalism and the socialism are two ways of government.

This thread open the discussion: do you prefer capitalism (from countries like the USA?) or socialism (from coutries of the now-defunct URSS?)?

  • 79 Replies
8,256 posts

Did you forget that the US Government isn't a private company? It appears you did.

I'm aware the US isn't a private company. But honestly, it doesn't seem to act so differently. Though I'm also aware capitalism and socialism can work side by side. Pure capitalism as well as pure socialism simply wouldn't work.
358 posts

The problem with capitalism, albeit it being a form of economic and societal management, is the competition within a free market and the pioneering of innovation and such forth. But eventually that dogma leads into a monopoly due to competitors beating each other out of the marketplace. Which in short, capitalism evolves into monopolistic corporatism.

Socialism on the other hand often is a monopoly. Its governed by the state however, and run in the best interests of the people. Primarily focusing on welfare and infrastructure, rather then profit. Even so, with that sort of system things can either go autocratic or bureaucratic, both of which can be very inefficient. Socialism tends to be inefficient granted the way its managed as well.

For me I don't like either system of management. I'm not an atypical conservative or liberal. That's a common problem with American politics, there is no mix or middle.

TO best describe me im something of a militarist mixed with a survivalist. I believe in order and safety, and as long as people are fed, clothed and the state can be self sufficient or at the very least, not dependent upon the world bank and international monetary fund. Not necessarily fascism, since the fact fascism revolves around a nationalistic attitude that can be quite dangerous and volatile, and the fact it supports corporatism is a large no no to me.

14 posts

Just stick with what America's got to say. We might be in a hole now but thats because the government dipped in.

358 posts

I'm not American, nor is my country reliant upon America. (Unless you count the meager tourism. We get more from the former British commonwealth anyways.)

My country is Dominican Republic, if you didn't know.

358 posts

Mind my double posting, but the main reason why America started to grow debt was because of Ronald Reagan's derp policies. HE set it so that if one mishandled budget were to strike due to the idiocy of the current leadership, aka puto-dip-**** the second or George Bush Junior if you will, pushed the military budget, the economy fails. Add in a complacent, do nothing overpreached false prophet like the monkey you have in office now, and you get the picture.

2 posts

Looks like we've got some bits of confusion over here.

First, capitalism doesn't care about monopolies, as far as capitalism is simply the private owning of the means of production. Nothing more, nothing less. The only difference between capitalism and socialism is that in capitalistic societies, means of productions are owned by private interests, and in socialist ones they are owned by the State, therefore the people.

Socialism is a monopolistic economic system, and is opposed to economic liberalism which, basically, is all about free-market. Capitalism can be monopolistic, if the means of production in one sector are owned by a unique person, for instance.

For instance, if McDonalds, which is owned by shareholders, and therefore a capitalistic company, managed to destroy Burger King, KFC, and every other fast-food on the american ground, it would then be a capitalistic monopoly.

154 posts

socialist ones they are owned by the State, therefore the people.

In socialist economies, there is still private ownership. You're thinking communism. Socialism is not on the far left extreme of the economic spectrum, but is rather left of centre. Total state ownership over all means of production is communism.

[/quote]quote]For instance, if McDonalds, which is owned by shareholders, and therefore a capitalistic company, managed to destroy Burger King, KFC, and every other fast-food on the american ground, it would then be a capitalistic monopoly.[quote]

But not a true monopoly unless McDonalds also controlled all input factors, for example they control all beef and potato producers. Without that control, anyone is free to start up a hamburger business to compete, even if previous competitors were bankrupted. As long as there is freedom of entry into an economy, monopoly is not possible. In certain scenarios there are huge barriers to entry, but unless these barriers are unsurmountable, monopoly is not sustainable.

For example, there are huge barriers to entry into the automotive industry. The costs associated with designing and building a car are enormous so there can be very few entrants into this industry.
1,434 posts

Capitalism is the manifestation of growth and progress neatly symbolized into an economical/social lifestyle that the most powerful countries on the planet utilize. If someone makes a mistake, they're going to pay for it, its no one else's fault except their own. As said from Andrew Ryan,

"Is a man not entitled to the sweat on his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor!'

'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone!'

'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God!'

I chose something different. I chose, Rapture,"

Socialism/Communism is an evil form of economic/social lifestyles that center on the whole of the people, no progress, no fallback, just mediocrity. There's no incentive to do anything outside of the box, and last time I checked, the USSR were the "bad guys" in the Cold War.


1,434 posts

Grah, you ninja'd me...

I say Socialism is the way to go. We've tried capitalism, and look where we are now... Socialism is a much better idea, since it means big business can't get everything it wants

The United States, UK, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy are some of the biggest Economical, Cultural, Military, and Influential World Powers, and all are capitalistic-democratic countries (well, France is a bit more socialistic than the others... and Japan doesn't have an army... but w/e)

Only the country of China stands out as the sole Communistic Power in the world. The USSR collapsed under its own weight, so if Socialism causes entire countries to fail, but Capitalism makes some of the greatest countries on Earth (there have been worse recessions and depressions before this one!).

Pertaining to the "Big Businesses", its a Free Enterprise for a reason. If you can ship a quality product that's cost-effective and profitable, in enough quantity that you can expand, then you deserve to! Big Businesses are a bit iffy when it comes to good or evil. Big Businesses mean more jobs, lower prices, and more money going into developing better products. However, they also mean that less independent producers can get their product out on the market. It also means that if these big businesses fail, they fail HARD, crippling an entire industry and leaving many people unemployed.

Capitalism always flows, a capitalistic economy is a living, breathing entity, with ebbs and flows and risks around every turn. Socialism takes away those risks, but also takes away the potential rewards for taking risks. See "Animal Farm" for an excellent text on the evils of socialism.

1,810 posts

In all honesty its not the communism/socialism itself that is evil. History has shown that in most cases its the motives the leaders have that give socialism a bad rep for being "evil" and "anti-proggressive". i.e. leaders of the USSR during the mid/late 1900's.

154 posts

Also, to put it more simply: Capitalism is "every man for himself", Socialism is "everyone together". I personally feel empathy for other humans, so I say that socialism is the way to go.

The downfall of any socialist economy is falling productivity. Workers need incentive to be productive. Working harder "for the greater good" has proven to be an insufficient motivator. Eventually, all workers descend to the point of doing the bare minimum in their labours and society as a whole suffers.

It may feel good to help others, but without the productivity to create, you are left with nothing to help with.
1,434 posts

The thing is, lots of people calling themselves "socialists" were in fact capitalists or fascists.

Wait, what? Examples, and EXPLAIN! Why would someone call themselves totally left when they're actually totally right? (Fascism is extreme right-wing "Conservative", Communism is estreme left-wing "Liberal&quot

As for most of Europe, they may SAY they are capitalist, but if you look at their policies they are more socialist.

At this point, The United States and United Kingdom general nation intelligence is great enough that they can enter a country, look around at the jobs, and determine if its Capitalistic/Communistic. Also, EXAMPLE! And why would nations SAY they're Cap. when they're really Soc.? You're not making any sense!

How can you accuse someone of robbery, when they had to do it to live,

Robbery is a crime and is inexcusable. Get a job.

because they just got all their money in the bank lost when it collapsed?

Should have kept better tabs on the information of the bank, and if they notice its failing, should immediately seek to remove any affiliations with the establishment. Again, the fault of the individual, not the whole.

You cannot just take a crime and say "it is their fault".

So, a man loses his job, kills his wife for the inordinate amount of life insurance, and doesn't get punished because the events leading up to those actions were "Not his fault?" No, in a capitalistic society, it's a lot like Darwinism. If you're not intelligent to keep up your own tabs, then you shouldn't be around poisoning the system like a communistic parasite.

Also, to put it more simply: Capitalism is "every man for himself",

Big Businesses are the embodiment of capitalism. They provide an inordinate amount of jobs, helping out the system by dealing out more money to the consumer public. One man's goal of success is impeded by his need to work together with his common man. Cooperation is one of the key points of a capitalistic system.

Socialism is "everyone together"

You didn't finish your statement. It's "Everyone together at the same rung of success without any hope of rising or falling in terms of monetary sums. You never fail, but you're always very mediocre. There's no incentive to go above and beyond, to be over-the-top and create new ideas and innovate. This will eventually lead to a collapse of the Communistic society, exactly what happened to the USSR.

I personally feel empathy for other humans, so I say that socialism is the way to go.

If you feel bad for people, then help them find jobs, or make jobs for them. Don't give handouts, give hands.

154 posts


You sound like someone who actually works for a living. It's refreshing.

1,434 posts

You sound like someone who actually works for a living. It's refreshing.

I am a 16 year old male from a small town in New Jersey. I am a devout Satanist and Capitalist. I only just started working at my local SUBWAY. The fact that I know that much shows that the general populace is able to comprehend and understand the evils of Socialism and Communism.

And thanks. 8^D

57 posts

I think that Capitalism shows the strong and the weak and how their seperated and how they keep them seperated on the other hand Socialism gives everyone a job house and food and water without the stupid labels of wealthy or poor.

I do believe that people should be able to earn their "label", but i still do think that it is unfair that the poor should suffer with disease and lack of resources so I do think this is a good subject to talk about. Although I also think that it can't really ever be resolved as their are good sides to the two and also bad sides.

Overall I believe in Capitalism because it shows that the sides between good and bad, wealthy and poor should be earned and the people do decide how to live their life on the grounds of the decisions they make in this economy and world we live in. Even though the economy is terable I think that if people work hard to get a good education and go to a good college then they could go on to fullfill a great life with a promising job.

The economy in a socialist society is almost nothing because everyone is provided a job and everything without any choice in it, so I pick Capitalism.

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