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Time Travel

Sounds cool huh? Immagine yourself going back to Dinousaur era or Medieval times.
But its really possible?

Well i think Yes and No

Why Yes

Becuase nothing is impossible! Maybe we dont have an smallest idea how to perform this right now but maybe in 100 years? in 200 years? 300?
If we also willbe still alive ... hehehehe

Why No

Becuase how do you do the system ? Its not like in Back to the Future when you choose your year. The system coundnt do that.
Besides , how do you come back?

  • 19 Replies
190 posts

It actually is possible to travel forward in time... the faster you move the slower time appears to go and therefore you can technically move forward in time because in what seems like one year to you could be 100 to everyone else. but that would be pretty awesome if we could travel back in time

6,800 posts

Read 'A Sound of Thunder', by Ray Bradbury.

Understand your fate paradoxes.

Make your descision.

2,226 posts

If I could go back in time as a spectator rather then a physical element, I might do it. That way, I wouldn't disturb anything and therefore I wouldn't make anything different in the present.

3,371 posts

I think it might be possible but would definetly be rediculous to try. A sound of thunder is a perfect example.

5,420 posts

I thought Einstein proved that time travel is impossible a long time ago by proving that we can't move faster then the speed of light or something along those lines.

Every second a time traveler spends in a different era, he is changing the future.

I'm guessing your quite familiar with the butterfly effect then.

Time travel has always been an interesting concept in theory, but I honestly think that even being able to see into the future will in turn make the future that we have seen false in some aspect because it would most likely change just from seeing it, and even then I doubt that such a device that could do even that is not possible based on the current understandings of science and technology(meaning that unless some theories are disproven then it is probably going to stay impossible no matter how far we advance).
73 posts

but I honestly think that even being able to see into the future will in turn make the future that we have seen false in some aspect because it would most likely change just from seeing it

Your 100% right about it but if we dont talk about science? if we talk about magic but not the right Harry Potter magic but that mystic things could happen. Like dissapearing from your time and appearing in other timeline , well that sounds stupid but what about dissapearing people. i dont mean kidnaped by UFO but really dissapearing?

Just asking through
4,104 posts

Based on our current understanding of physics, it is theoretically possible. Einstein's theory of relativity states that time is relative because light is a constant, and as you approach light, time slows down to compensate. "Time is relative" means it's relative to wear you are in the universe, and that in some places, time is faster, and in others, time is slower. "Light is a constant" means that no matter what speed your traveling at, light is still 299,792,458 mps. If you are riding a bus going 30 MPH and you shine a flashlight, shouldn't the light it emits be going the speed of light + 30 MPH? No, time around you is slowing down to allow the light to continue at it's normal pace. If someone is traveling at the speed of light and they looked into a mirror, shouldn't they see nothing? Again no, time would have stopped around you so that light will still be traveling at 299,792,458 mps. So since the faster you go, the slower time gets, once you reach the speed of light time should stop, and once you exceed the speed of light, time should theoretically flow in reverse. It is possible to surpass the speed of light, seeing as how the universe (at one point) was expanding faster than the speed of light.

4,206 posts

Like I said:

No, it's impossible. Ask any men of science. There are a couple of reasons why. Let's weight 100pounds. If you travel back in time, you will remove your weight from the total weight of the universe. And then you would add your weight to the universe you would go to (back in time). So the total weight of the universe would constantly change, but it doesn't. You can not destroy or create something. The second thing is, why haven't we seen any time travelers? And if time traveling was true, then the universe would constantly change, because history would be written over and over again.

Becuase nothing is impossible!

Wrong! Some stuff are impossible and always will. Like:

-Being invisible
-Quickly Teleporting without dying
-Going faster or at the speed of light
-Recording dreams
-Knowing everything
-Going back in time
-Knowing the future
-Curing all disease

and a couple more
4,206 posts

It is possible to surpass the speed of light

Wrong. You would have to weight next to nothing.
4,104 posts

Wrong. You would have to weight next to nothing.

Maybe not for us (without an infinite energy source), but Tachyon are always moving faster then light, and there have been ways to make it from one point to another faster then the speed of light, such as wormholes and the Alcubierre drive. So the problem is that we can't travel FTL in our current state of existence, but maybe we can discover a way to convert out matter to energy and back.
4,206 posts

Maybe not for us (without an infinite energy source), but Tachyon are always moving faster then light, and there have been ways to make it from one point to another faster then the speed of light, such as wormholes and the Alcubierre drive. So the problem is that we can't travel FTL in our current state of existence, but maybe we can discover a way to convert out matter to energy and back.

Oh, I know there are tricks and stuff, but I mean without anything but energy itself, no trick, just speed.
56 posts

Wrong! Some stuff are impossible and always will. Like:

-Being invisible
-Quickly Teleporting without dying
-Going faster or at the speed of light
-Recording dreams
-Knowing everything
-Going back in time
-Knowing the future
-Curing all disease

and a couple more

Well let's begin.

-Being invisible

It all depends on what your definition of invisible is. Is it like Invisible Man invisible or is it you are invisible to the person you like invisible. Being invisible to everyone requires you to have an awesome paint job like the artist who turned her car invisible.

-Quickly Teleporting without dying

What is your definition of quick? Mine is faster than I can run.

-Going faster or at the speed of light

As of right now it is not possible but the fastest plane can go mach 9.6.

-Recording dreams

Japanese scientists are getting close. Just read it.

-Knowing everything

Omniscience is not yet proven but, between my brother and I we know everything.


Space. No gravity in space = anti-gravity.

-Going back in time

Virtual reality chambers are like going back in time. Don't you think?

-Knowing the future

The future is what we make of it and we can shape it if we decide to work hard enough. If we set our minds to something we can shape the future into what we want it to be.

-Curing all disease

Given enough time and money, we can cure anything.

4,206 posts

Given enough time and money, we can cure anything.

One word: Evolution.

The future is what we make of it and we can shape it if we decide to work hard enough. If we set our minds to something we can shape the future into what we want it to be.

Yea, but it's not certain to happen, it is also not very precise.

Virtual reality chambers are like going back in time. Don't you think?

Like, but aren't.

Space. No gravity in space = anti-gravity.

No gravity does not mean anti-gravity. You can't create anti-gravity because gravity neither is positive or negative like electricity.

Japanese scientists are getting close. Just read it.

You can vaguely decrypt what the patient is dreaming, but the dreaming is so different for every person and the brain treats it in a inconsistent way.

As of right now it is not possible but the fastest plane can go mach 9.6.

Not even close. You need an infinite amount of energy or you would have to use alternatives like master565 mentioned.

What is your definition of quick? Mine is faster than I can run.

By quick I meant without setting up a machine at the starting point or at the exit point.

It all depends on what your definition of invisible is.

By invisible I mean invisible, not cloaking. Invisible like the invisible man.
9,462 posts

such as wormholes and the Alcubierre drive.

I don't think we could use this type of travel to go faster than light, but it could be used to reach near the speed of light without experiencing the effects of time dilation.

As for time travel, unless it was more of a travel to a parallel dimension where we can avoid any paradox I don't think it would be possible.
160 posts

i have time traveled 3 hours in to the future (different time zones)

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