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Time Travel

Sounds cool huh? Immagine yourself going back to Dinousaur era or Medieval times.
But its really possible?

Well i think Yes and No

Why Yes

Becuase nothing is impossible! Maybe we dont have an smallest idea how to perform this right now but maybe in 100 years? in 200 years? 300?
If we also willbe still alive ... hehehehe

Why No

Becuase how do you do the system ? Its not like in Back to the Future when you choose your year. The system coundnt do that.
Besides , how do you come back?

  • 19 Replies
1,531 posts

Wrong! Some stuff are impossible and always will. Like:
-Being invisible
-Going faster or at the speed of light

Actually, all of the above are not only possible, they have been done.

Invisibility - Scientists have developed and are perfecting substances called "Meta-Materials" that can bend a wave of energy around themselves and transmit it out the back on the same course and without distortion. This has been done with a number of energy wavelengths, including the visible light spectrum. There is a great picture of a test subject standing outside and wearing a prototype "invisibility cloak" over part of his body. You can see his head, limbs, and the outer edges of his body, but you can see straight through his chest and out the other side.

Exceeding the speed of light - During experiments in using crystals and light impulses as a next-gen data storage system for supercomputers, scientists were able to refract a laser through a special crystal and measure the speed. The light actually traveled six times faster than the regular speed of light.

Anti-gravity - Ever hear of Mag-Lev? It is a system that uses like magnetic poles to repel and lift objects. It is commonly used on high speed bullet trains. As it is counteracting gravity, it is anti-gravity, and if you extrapolate the system to a greater power level and include the fact that atoms have their own magnetic fields that can be repelled, you get a more versatile anti-grav and potentially force fields as well.

As to time travel, people and things can only exist at one point at once in the universe, which effectively rules out time travel. However, if you take time at face value and look at it as a human construct designed to bring a measure of order to our routines, then time travel has already been achieved by U.S. Air Force pilots. When the SR-71 Blackbird spy planes would go on a mission, they were able to fly around the world faster than it could turn, resulting in their arrival back at base an average of three hours before they left. They never ran into themselves, though, because the progression of time is linear and cannot be violated.
512 posts

I only see it in games but i would want to go to medevil and gladiator times and see the great warriors like joan and author

5,952 posts

Ok there is at least one thing that is impossible here people, u cannot take jello and nail it to the statue of liberty. Not gonna happen :P
And the time paradox thing would be strange. Honestly I would hope that no one can ever travel through time cauz the country who get there hands on the thing could take over the world.
And the only time travel that won't make a paradox would be going to dinosaur times cauz that would screw history, it would screw u instead

5,952 posts

And how freaky is it to think that some guy in the future is messing with our timeline? I mean some future guy could have changed history so American won there revolutionary war. Just think . It's creepy. If I ever get into the movie business I might make a movie about this.

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