Are you a Republican or a Democrat. Say which one you are and say why your party is better. Example. Republicans are better because they didn't put us in massive debt like the Democrats did and are continuing to do so.
any goverment has a constitution. and the goverment is always allowed to make changes in the constitution.
we are a nation of 300 Million people encompassing a land mass the size of Europe
why split 300 mill people in just 2 groups? like evry thinks this way or the other and there is no ways in the middle.
you think a different system is better
that is what i wrote in my 1st post. i think the way your goverment is formed atm is not the best way possible.
ow and on a note, i never said US government has failed. (only after you said it) the only goverment that is realy failing is from belgium. i do however believe that the US government makes insanely much bad decisions. (less since obama but still alot) and no i will not list them here. it's useless to talk about that on a site like armorgames.