talk about the potter puppet pals you cauldren bums!
Potter Puppet Pals is awesome, as is the rest of the work Neil Cicierega has done.
Bother bother bother bother.HEY! STOP THAT!
What else has Neil Cicierega done? By the way, Potter Puppet Pals is awesome.
ya hagrids butt crack
There fun 2 make and watch. Dumbledores bad hair day with gingers!!! Look it up on utube "Dumbledores Bad Hair Day" I Made it
what is that misterious ticking noise?
Potter Puppet Pals are awesome!!Wizard Swears was genius!
Potter Puppet Pals are so funny and awesome! The idea was amazing, all the episodes give me good laughs! Lol.
potter puppet pals are awesome i like what is that what is that misterious ticking noise? the most.
I think its funny as! but i havent seen it for a while..
omg potter puppet pals is so damn funny
oops sorry for the stars didnt know
in the second on when voldamort kill snape the green lightnig makes a star you click that there is a hidden video and there is a full version of naked time in song version
HPP Is hilarious, love the Wizard Swears and the Harry Potter is too cool for school or something like that. Funny stuff.
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