So, in the bible, it talks (in at least one instance that i can remember) about a man being possessed by a demon. In modern society, people go to cathlioc(im sorry, i cant spell) churchs claiming their possessed/a friend takes them there/a priest comeing to their house to exorcise them(one again, cant spell). I believe "true believes" cannot be possessed by demons, as the holy spirit within them drives that out. I want to know what everyone else thinks about the topic, like for instance, what people that arnt christian think is wrong with those people, and such. Please refrain from qouteing this "aragraph" to tell me that i said something that isnt completely exact to your standerds, or that im completely missing the point in [insert thing here]. I want to know what you think, not whats wrong with this topic, so please, discuss, or go ahead and tell me all the things i did wrong with makeing this thread so i can go and make sure not to read it. If there is already is a thread similar to this, please post a link, and have a moderator/admin lock this.
Hey, Darth! So anyways, I, as some of you know, am a Seventh-Day Adventist. Therefore, I do believe in demons. It is my belief that they can, in fact, shape-shift, possess, move through objects, etc., and near-instantaneously travel. On possession itself, I believe that there are both actual possessions and cases of schizophrenic episodes. In the case of crucifixes and the like as wards, I believe that it is ineffective, and borders along the lines of Voodoo. I don't think that Catholic exorcisms truly work, and that the best means is to simply pray for the possessed, and hope for the best. (Why did I notice that the last sentence nearly rhymes?)
Only the Holy Spirit acknowledges that all should be Saved, Demons and the ilk work to bring the mortals to Satan's cause, more souls for Him means more loyal soldiers for the eventual campaign on Heaven.
The Holy spirit is God/ is part of God, the father son and the holy spirit are one and the same, none of them support satan.
Hey hey hey! I thought this thread was about possession! Please make your own thread about sitcoms and agnostic theist's or talk about it on ye' profiles. I would repond to the other posts, but i dont really have anything to say to them.
and the Holy Spirit is the only of the Three that acknowledges and sympathizes with Lucifer
Absolutely false. As sprooschicken said, the Holy Spirit is a part of God. And God doesn't support Satan/sympathize him in the least.
If that is so, then why does the "Holy Spirit" in "All Christians" allow Satan's agents to possess their respective humans, eh?
I do not believe that the Holy Spirt allows Christians to be 'demon possessed'. I do believe, however, that demons are a very real thing, and can in fact plague you with certain thoughts or emotions. But demons trying to get to you by plaguing you with certain hardships is certainly not possession.
I do believe, however, that demons are a very real thing, and can in fact plague you with certain thoughts or emotions. But demons trying to get to you by plaguing you with certain hardships is certainly not possession.
Demons do not plague one with hardships, only Truth, Truth that all shall be Saved, and that Satan is Righteous. >B^)
As stated before, all humans should be Saved, regardless of their mortal lives, no worship needed. Why? We don't know any better. The Divines set a level of intelligence that we are far below. To simply put things, Satan went to God saying "Save all humans, they're just humans, they don't know any better" (similar to "They're just kids, they don't know any better" God wouldn't have it. If you didn't answer to the Big Man, no Heaven for you. (Kinda like a monarchy, eh?)
Satan opposed this, raised an army of angels, and did battle with Micheal, who agreed in God's selective strategy.
Satan's the good guy, he wants everyone to be happy. God would rather you build more temples for him in order to be happy.
I do not believe that the Holy Spirt allows Christians to be 'demon possessed'. I do believe, however, that demons are a very real thing, and can in fact plague you with certain thoughts or emotions. But demons trying to get to you by plaguing you with certain hardships is certainly not possession.
To simply put things, Satan went to God saying "Save all humans, they're just humans, they don't know any better" (similar to "They're just kids, they don't know any better" God wouldn't have it. If you didn't answer to the Big Man, no Heaven for you. (Kinda like a monarchy, eh?)
"Thats the way we do things, lad, we're making **** up as we wish Logic and reason pose no threat to faith 'Cause if we find we're in a bind we just make some **** up" -parody 'USS Make **** Up' by Voltaire
in the bible it is not clear on weather a believer can be possessed i believe we cant(personally) and i do believe we can be pushed or tempted to do things