ForumsWEPRif eveloution is real why are there still apes?

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103 posts

i would just like to ask the question above beacuse i think it means eveloution isnt real.

  • 85 Replies
9,462 posts

Sorry for triple post, i found a much better version of the picture.

What's being said in the article is pretty dumb.

Oh yeah for more information on your tree question. The evolved more robust vascular systems allowing them to grow much taller than anything else that was around at the time. This gave them a distinct advantage in gathering sunlight.
4,104 posts

What's being said in the article is pretty dumb.

I know, i posted it for lulz.

Oh yeah for more information on your tree question. The evolved more robust vascular systems allowing them to grow much taller than anything else that was around at the time. This gave them a distinct advantage in gathering sunlight.

Thanks for the info.
1,434 posts

Simply put, when homo sapiens started trekking about Africa, we filled a niche along with the other primates, the Gorillas, the Orangutans, Lemurs, Baboons, the whole crowd. We had our role, they had theirs.

Human intelligence grew exponentially, while all primates maintain a firm grasp of higher intelligence, humans began developing societies, languages with intricate words and meanings, an alphabet, sophisticated tools for hunting, and the final achievement, agriculture, which ended the primitive "Hunter-Gatherer" lifestyle of early humans

So we conquered, but our existence revolved around farmland and growing food. The jungles of wilder lands would remain untouched by man for millenia, and so we have the environmental niches filled by the various primates of the world.

Evolution is still at work, a job in nature is filled out, there's only been one flaw in the perfection of the evolutionary plan, us. Sure, dinosaurs roamed the earth before us, but they were of different species, some ate meat, some ate plants, some swam, some flew, some weren't even related by millions and millions of species.

Humans are (as far as we know) the only species that truly dominated a planet, ended the eternal natural world's battle for water, food, and living space.

On top of it all, homo sapiens sapiens evolved from homo sapiens, who in tern evolved from other species, one of which was the focal point where our path and the paths of other apes split.


9,462 posts

Evolution is still at work, a job in nature is filled out, there's only been one flaw in the perfection of the evolutionary plan, us.

Just to make sure of no confusion evolution doesn't actually have a 'lan'.
1,434 posts

Just to make sure of no confusion evolution doesn't actually have a 'lan'.

Right. Couldn't think of the right word, that one was the first that came up. I think &quotrocess" would be better suited.

5,043 posts

Evolution is still at work, a job in nature is filled out, there's only been one flaw in the perfection of the evolutionary plan, us.

And the imperfections of animals that resort to eating their young, fight each other, and the imperfections that led to certain species becoming extinct...
3,371 posts

I'd say that's more or less part of the plan. If the animal can't survive in it's enviornment then it's elliminated. But us on the other hand, extremly change the enviorment to fit our needs. While this is incredibly smart it tends to lead to many other problems.

9,462 posts

But us on the other hand, extremly change the enviorment to fit our needs. While this is incredibly smart it tends to lead to many other problems.

While perhaps to the extent and methods used are unique, we are by far not the only species to alter our environment to suit our needs.
1,434 posts

And the imperfections of animals that resort to eating their young, fight each other, and the imperfections that led to certain species becoming extinct...

What I meant was that Humans are the first species to "break" the system. How to put this...

Imagine you're playing Counter Strike and out of nowhere, you can shoot through walls. You own the game, and will always win (granted you aren't banned or your opponents rage-quit), as such is with humans. Rapid self-adaptation coupled with immense thinking capacity has created the most powerful life-form to ever walk Earth, regardless of size.

Evolution states that the world goes through checks and balances, and competitions for niches in the natural world will occur.

imperfections of animals that resort to eating their young

If an animal cannot support its young (Gerbils are an excellent example), it makes sense the mother eat its young to regain strength and protein to live on to make babies that will actually live and carry on the species, passing on successful genes and furthering the process of evolution.

fight each other

Animals will always fight. It has always been. Some animals eat plants, and some animals have evolved to eat teh plant eaters, so the numbers don't explode and destroy the plant life due to over-eating, causing an ecological disaster. In response, prey animals develop defenses, and carnivores will develop new methods to negate the new defenses, in an infinite loop. This creates animals like the flamingo with acid-resistant legs, allowing them to hatch in soda lakes, water too acidic for baboons to enter and feed on the flamingos.

imperfections that led to certain species becoming extinct

It's cold, hard, truth, but it's truth, nonetheless. Certain animals just can't compete with others who adapted. It's all for the better, creating better-adapted animals for the environment, strengthening their own hold in the niche they occupy.

Evolution and competition is a game. It was, until the system broke and created humans. I will continue to state that we're a mistake, we're a species that came out of nowhere, a species that was quick to dominate simply because someone found out that spears hurt more than teeth, and another discovered agriculture.

ah well. Best let the natural course work. I've said this before and I've said it again. To the stars for humanity!

9,462 posts

Though I agree with what NoName said, one thing I have to add to that is that we sway natural selection quite a bit. The 'elite' (I'm using this generally) humans create ways, objects, methods of living so the weak may survive.

"One More Thing!" -Uncle 'Jackie Chan Adventures'
It's not just important that someone survives but they do so to reach an age they can reproduce and do so. So allowing the weak to live can mean very little if most of them don't get to reproduce sometime down the road.

Rapid self-adaptation coupled with immense thinking capacity has created the most powerful life-form to ever walk Earth, regardless of size.

It's interesting how some of the most simplest forms of life on Earth stand a good chance of taking most of us out of the game.

Sometimes evolution doesn't go for the fittest but for good enough, it's all the same so long as it works.

Evolution and competition is a game. It was, until the system broke and created humans. I will continue to state that we're a mistake, we're a species that came out of nowhere, a species that was quick to dominate simply because someone found out that spears hurt more than teeth, and another discovered agriculture.

We are far from a mistake or coming out of nowhere. we are also not the only species that has existed to have radically altered conditions here on Earth. It's simply in the way we do it that's somewhat unique.
349 posts

If people evolved from chimps then why are there still chimps?
Because, we didn't evolve at all, read your Bible for the love of Christ.

8,257 posts

If people evolved from chimps then why are there still chimps?
Because, we didn't evolve at all, read your Bible for the love of Christ.

If people evolved from chimps then why are there still chimps? Because we didn't evolve from any kind of modern monkey or ape. We have common ancestors, that's all. How many times do we have to repeat that?! Read the thread for the love of whatever!
349 posts

species dont evolve into one another, you dont see salamanders becoming chameleons, and chimps dont become humans.

9,462 posts

Because, we didn't evolve at all, read your Bible for the love of Christ.

So basically you believe in a deceptive God? Setting aside the smooth gradient of transitional fossils we can even look at your genetics to make this determination, which also points to this ancestral link.
9,462 posts

species dont evolve into one another, you dont see salamanders becoming chameleons,

One modern species becoming another modern species on a different evolutionary line would disprove evolution. A species developing completely new traits is something we have observed i.e. evolution.

Now let's take a species and divide them up into two groups. As the groups grow further and further apart they eventually speciate (become two separate species), something we have also observed.

Since there is no limit to how many new traits that can arise in a species. Over time this can result in two species that are vastly different from one another.

and chimps dont become humans.

At least bother to read the post just above yours. No one is saying we evolved from chimps or any modern primate.
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