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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingOfficial Strop Roast with Carrots and Oats

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11,891 posts

Today we're here to honor the only moderator awesome enough to garner a dictionary entry somewhere between 'stoned' and 'stupid'. He needs no introduction... because his username is in the title of the thread and he's been a moderator for three years, longer than anyone. We're here celebrating his two years of exemplary service as a moderator.

Strop is the resident rock-star ninja horse doctor artist rapper musician writer robot zombie werewolf vampire wizard raptor power ranger Pokemon trainer cross-dresser gamer race fan moderator. I'd also say narcissist if he was the one who suggested this roast, but I'm not Strop, even if all Asians look the same.

He's a great moderator, been at it for three years and he's still trying to retire after a year he announced he would retire. He's been a moderator for about as long as I've been a regular user and for about as long as I've been a moderator he's been trying to become a regular user again.

Strop was one of the best judges for both the Art Skills Competition and Weekly Poetry Contest. He was the only judge who was long-winded, played favorites, and dependably late in the judging. Tomorrow always meant next week and next week meant "when I'm hungover and can't study".

You never see Strop do a lot of creative writing, except for the Way of Moderation. Other than that, he's been working on a novel Strugglers for some years now. I've never actually seen it but I'm guessing he named it for his readers, because it will probably be long-winded and dependably late.

He's a great artist. He's really good at draw horses, thoroughbred, red horse, unicorn, cow. He keeps a thread for that stuff but his updates are dependably late and his reasons why are long-winded.

The only time he isn't long-winded or dependably late is, of course, when he's short of breath and surprisingly early.

In his early years, Strop was known for his rapping, which, like a doctor's writing, was short and utterly incomprehensible, so it must have been good.

He is an all around awesome guy... for an Australian.

And now for some users who respect him even less than I do.

  • 23 Replies
2,917 posts

I may just be "dat noob" or "fancy shoelaces" to strop, but I see him as a great member of AG. I can't even begin to comprehend how much work it takes to run WoM, with nothing really in it for him. I shed a tear when I heard of his planned retirement, and hope he will still be around.

Where do you take a sick horse?

To the horsepital!


6,800 posts

Where do you take a sick horse?

To the horsepital!

No, you take it to the glue factory.
2,917 posts

I was trying to incorporate that he is both a horse and a doctor.

6,800 posts

I was trying to incorporate that he is a horse, and horses are sent to the glue factory.

2,917 posts

Maybe in Britain they are, but in AMURICA we treat animals right.

4,689 posts

Yup we treat them with BBQ and a deep frier.

4,196 posts

Still working on my thingo...

I've never actually seen it but I'm guessing he named it for his readers, because it will probably be long-winded and dependably late.


He is an all around awesome guy... for an Australian.

6,800 posts

Strop said:
I like looking at pretty pictures of striatal projections while torturing people.

Yup, so we have a insane ninja doctor horse on the lose. Great.

Note: I may or may not have taken that out of context.
5,420 posts

hmm I wonder how many people remember Strop's old name "The Strop-On". I believe that was his old stripper name or something, but regardless Strop has quite a history on this site, and one that I vaguely remember well. Whether he was doing a bad job as the art competition by giving me first prize or procrastinating, which seems to apply to everything he does from what I can tell, he was always doing something....I think and that's what really counts in the end. As a moderator I've only ever seen him act serious once and it was my own fault(I got in a fight with a bear or something I think) but outside of that Strop in the past has always acted like any other typical member of the website a teenager with an extreme case of ADD, or at least I think that's how most of us act. So I say here's to a 1000 more years of princess cele- oh wait wrong person, I mean to say let's hope Strop stays a moderator, because otherwise who are we gonna nag to about spammers if he retires(other moderators don't count because lkgsdlkgslgkfdlkg so there!). I think that's all I have to say for now.

5,642 posts

Like Gilbert Godfreid in the roast of Donald Trump, I come unnannounced.

Strop, to me, is something of an Idol. Or maybe a sworn enemy, or maybe a rival. No, no, he's far beneath me to be a rival. Me and Strop, over what he considers to be a watered down friendship (as it is only through text, you see), often go on tirades of bad-blooded condescending quarrel, and I'd have it no other way. I can only assume that with every single spiteful comment we make about each other's appearance or sexuality is completely justified through circular logic of "he retaliated" or "he started it".

Anyone remember the Bogan wars? Where Strop and KingRyan were at ends and constantly thought that the other was a bogan? I even thought of making a star wars parody based off of it, but then I realized that that idea was so half-baked and rushed it could have been the Way of Moderation.

Strop's done a lot in the past few deca- wait it's only been three years? Well Strop's done a lot int eh past three years, and I've known him since I jumped on the site's community X months ago. I remember the first comment of his I every laid my eyes on.... no, no I don't. I just remember that he constantly wears a pink negligee.

Strop has made me less of a man for a single fact: I would have never known what a negligee was, nor would I have found out, if it wasn't for him. Considering that Strop has his own line of strap- I mean strop- ons, it makes sense that Strop is not a cross-dresser, he's simply a lesbian.

I won't lie when I say that I envy Strop's artistic skill. He's varied in so many different fields and in each field he's the same loveably ditzy horse. In his years of moderatorship he introduced me to some of my favorite characters, such as Klaus. I know that Strop may not keep me high on his deck of friends, online or offline, but I know that he's high on mine.

Anyway, as this has been dreadfully unfunny I'll give you a strop related joke.

Some of you may not know this, but Strop's first time ended in a **** charge. Apparently, ponies do not have good ears, as Strop mistook the girl who was saying "Stop, oh god, stop!" as a girls saying "Strop, oh god, Strop!"

13,657 posts

Ninja pony.
Now, what has been said about Strop being late or delayed isn't true. Strop simply works in another time completely different from ours, called doctor time.
Now, while be right back to us means we will be, well, right back, to Strop it means that he will be back in an hour. A few minutes easily translates to a few hours and tomorrow means next week. Now, this isn't, as one might think, because Strop simply has more to do, or gets easily absorbed into what he is doing. It's because he has the attention span of a ferret on a sugar high, and this makes him change the subject of attention every few minutes.
As you might imagine, this also makes it rather hard to work with him on a daily basis.

Now, don't get me wrong. Strop is an angel to work with... When he isn't working in doctor time, forgot what was agreed on during the last session, not to speak of the last hour, isn't changing the subject every ten minutes because something reminds him of something else.
And, well, this is actually nothing compared to his creative burst of sudden action.

I love those.

Now, imagine you have plotted down a scene, rather crucial to the overall plot, pretty much set in stone from the beginning.
Yes, that.

Of course that doesn't happen that often. Usually it's just "You know that plot point? Let's change it entirely, wooooooooooo!"
Of course, this is only true to Strop's WoM work. I assume he does a great job being a doctor, and he doesn't actually do any mod work, so he can't be screwing that up.

Now, besides this, Strop has always been like an older brother to me. Being better at everything I strive to be good at, being annoying, embarrassing and making sure to give me my daily amount of harassment and horse porn.
Perhaps it's good all our conversations are off this site...

Either way, like I started with a joke, I will end with one.
"I will update tomorrow."

1,828 posts

I wonder what life would be like without ... ninja ponies?!?! I would say that Strop has been an anchor in my art , i dunno if its a good or bad thing. Strop has inspired me to try and draw many a time, I think if I never stumbled upon the trio of art Mods I my DA page wouldn't have been revived. The first art thread I began regularly posting upon was the ASC then I found the WoM and was like #!&@#&* how'd I missed this so i delved deeper into the multicolored pool of the art forums and found things never seen as I said before Strop is an anchor in my art and I continue to fall into the pool.

13,657 posts

Wow, it is a little sad, that even when you can insult and make fun of one of the oldest mods on the site, people forget or delay it.
Strop can't be that boring.

1,828 posts

11,891 posts

Wow, it is a little sad, that even when you can insult and make fun of one of the oldest mods on the site, people forget or delay it.
Strop can't be that boring.

Maybe it's because he's already been cooked all the way through!
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