ForumsArt, Music, and WritingOfficial Strop Roast with Carrots and Oats

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Today we're here to honor the only moderator awesome enough to garner a dictionary entry somewhere between 'stoned' and 'stupid'. He needs no introduction... because his username is in the title of the thread and he's been a moderator for three years, longer than anyone. We're here celebrating his two years of exemplary service as a moderator.

Strop is the resident rock-star ninja horse doctor artist rapper musician writer robot zombie werewolf vampire wizard raptor power ranger Pokemon trainer cross-dresser gamer race fan moderator. I'd also say narcissist if he was the one who suggested this roast, but I'm not Strop, even if all Asians look the same.

He's a great moderator, been at it for three years and he's still trying to retire after a year he announced he would retire. He's been a moderator for about as long as I've been a regular user and for about as long as I've been a moderator he's been trying to become a regular user again.

Strop was one of the best judges for both the Art Skills Competition and Weekly Poetry Contest. He was the only judge who was long-winded, played favorites, and dependably late in the judging. Tomorrow always meant next week and next week meant "when I'm hungover and can't study".

You never see Strop do a lot of creative writing, except for the Way of Moderation. Other than that, he's been working on a novel Strugglers for some years now. I've never actually seen it but I'm guessing he named it for his readers, because it will probably be long-winded and dependably late.

He's a great artist. He's really good at draw horses, thoroughbred, red horse, unicorn, cow. He keeps a thread for that stuff but his updates are dependably late and his reasons why are long-winded.

The only time he isn't long-winded or dependably late is, of course, when he's short of breath and surprisingly early.

In his early years, Strop was known for his rapping, which, like a doctor's writing, was short and utterly incomprehensible, so it must have been good.

He is an all around awesome guy... for an Australian.

And now for some users who respect him even less than I do.

  • 23 Replies
2,906 posts

strop. well, shoot. I cant think of a single thing to say about him. ever since Ive been here, I havent seen him more than a handful of times outside of the amw. yet somehow his post count continues to increase despite the fact that he doesnt appear to be present. I get the feeling he spends most of his time here in the hidden mod lounge, and if I had to venture a guess to what the posting pattern in the mod lounge looks like from glancing at the WoM every now and then, I would say something it would resemble something like this:

(someone else)
(someone else)
[thread dies from too many irrelevant comic drawings of ninja horses]

that entire way of moderation thing that I almost read part of seemed like it took quite a bit of free time. some might call it suspicious how much free time it required. he has nearly 10000 posts, 30 of which are outside of the amw. somehow he also manages to squeeze being a doctor in there too. how does he do it?

there is but one explanation: strop has cloned himself. how many times is not apparent, but judging from the incriminating evidence, I would hypothesize there are about five or six strops running around out there at this time. there is no other possible theory as to how one person/ninja-horse could rack up an amazingly high post count consisting entirely of long-winded walls of nonsense while keeping a ridiculously long story about jolly old nothing consistent and illustrated and juggling the responsibilities of being a doctor and saving lives at the same time, and still have enough free time to moderate an enormous gaming site with spam coming out the wazoo. its just not possible for a single soul to have so many wasted hours in a single day.

so thats why I cant roast strop. no matter how hard I think, theres absolutely nothing I can say about him.

4,196 posts

I have but one word.


4,196 posts

is for brilliant, bold, ****** and benevolent.

Strop, I remember my first interactions with you were in your 'Medical Questions Answered' thread, and I remember being happy when you became a Mod. I thought 'He'll be able to manage his thread nicely now.' And the questions I asked you - well I haven't died yet so your response must have been adequate. I'm sure that you will be / are a fine doctor.

4,196 posts

is for original, open, old and obscene.

As I made my retreat into the Art Forum, you were always a constant in all of the different contests and threads. Honestly, I did not pay much attention to your own thread, only glancing at it from time to time...but I saw enough to know that your drawings are amazing - and you definitely have talent...and your stories are well written, as are your poems. I always found it amusing how you managed to straddle the line of what could be allowed content...

2,917 posts

Well he must be a ninja, because I don't see him here.

Ever consider a alphabet book kingryan?

4,196 posts

is for grumpy, grandiloquent, grouchy and gross.

Strop was one of the best judges of the Art Contest when it was still alive - until he made the rule of no dishonorable mentions two weeks in a row...that was quite heartbreaking. Mind you, this was when he actually got around to doing the judging (although by now, everyone knows that he is a massive procrastinator.

Dudeguy, it is going on sale next Wednesday for the low price of $15.00...

4,689 posts

I guess jumping in the middle of kingryan's bogan thing is a good as time as any to finally voice my theory on Strop. You see every day when I wake up I see the farm across from my house. This farm has three things in it. Horses, donkey and mules. Mostly mules. Seeing them everyday has gotten me quite good at identifying mules in various situations. I can tell if a telemarketer is a mule, if that cashier at the bank is a mule, even if my neighbor is a mule. Basically its like I have mule vision. Now what does this have to do with Strop you say? Well it has been commonly assumed that Strop is a mod/horse/ninja/doctor. I am here to strip away the lies and show Strop as he really is, a mule the sterile offspring of a horse and a donkey. What no way?!?! is probably what you are saying right now but settle down because I have pics. Thats right irrefutable photographic proof that Strop is a mule. Let me start with the standard picture of Strop.
Yup there he is throwing a ball and jumping. Notice however his ears! They are longer than a horse's ears have any right being. However look at this picture of a mule and you shall see
Long ears!
Yes amazing and shocking I know. Also the fact he preformed plastic surgery on himself to reduce the size of his ears to deflect suspicion from his mule heritage.
I also have and exclusive photo of Strop from his childhood, stolen from his house, showing him as he truly is, A MULE!
You can also see his mother in this picture who is a horse.
But CD7 a mule is the offspring of a female horse and a male donkey! How can he be a mule if we dont know what his father is?
Fear not I have obtained a photo of him as well.'sdad.gif
Yup there he is laying on a biking trail right before the accident. It was quite sad really and was probably what caused Strop to go insane at some point in his life.
Back to point I have now proven that a mod who was trusted with the power to ban us will not even reveal his true origins. But since he is half-*** he was unable to do it well enough to hide the truth from me and now I show you the truth AG. Strop is not a ninja/doctor/horse/mod but rather a ninja/doctor/mule/mod. And honestly Im looking into his ninja past as well. I think he really just only wears pajamas.

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