As the thread name says, I'm here to talk about YouTube downloaders.
It was on YouTube forums where I asked about these. Needless to say it was rather unpleasant. *shudders*
Anyway, everyone on the forum there was all over me saying things like, "It's against copyright laws and YouTube has forbidden it in their T&C."
I know it's against copyright laws, but you can get the same video from your temp folder in your computer.
So, here's the debate; In your opinion, is it right or wrong to "download" from YouTube?
My opinion;
Yes and no. The copyrights are there to protect people's ability to make money. On the other hand, it's just like when the VCR first came out and everyone was recording movies and TV shows illegally.
If you don't want people downloading your stuff, don't put it on youtube. I use real player (before, I used Un-plug. Only thing; it didn't play flv's which is most of the videos on youtube) to download videos. If they don't want people downloading without paying, they should disable the addon for the video (There's a lot, but I'm sure there's a script command that video websites could implement).
^ Agreed. The artist/group/company that puts it up is trying to get people to buy their album/song/or get publicity. Odds are, their getting the majority of money from sales, and what's a small chunk of percentage cut off by piracy and YouTube downloader going to do? Not that much.
I don't have problems with it if. 1you don't put it on iPhone,mobile or anything else. 2you don't spread it. 3it stays on your pc,laptop
I explain 1 if you put it on your iPod you should have bought it legal in iTunes. 2 spreading a downloaded song. 3 if it stays on your pc you could also use YouTube but I can't save my playlist.
if you have a ipod,pad,phone, all three of the devices have youtube put into them before you buy them... as in in the factory... same with the other apps built into it...
@Highfire. I explain 1 if you put it on your iPod you should have bought it legal in iTunes. 2 spreading a downloaded song. 3 if it stays on your pc you could also use YouTube but I can't save my playlist.
Sorry, I think you misunderstood me, I meant can you explain why this is acceptable - I didn't ask you to elaborate (as I already had a clear idea of what you meant).
In a way I can kind of see how downloading without buying on the PC makes little difference. I don't download but it would help stop me having trouble because I listen to the said music anyway.
Although, I do plan on buying the albums for the music I plan on listening to, as well as ones I have listened to. I wouldn't even say I would do it because I think it's wrong (that is one of the points but), in this case, I just want to support the makers
does any1 get caught for copyright? only when you go public whit it right? never heared of some1 having to pay a big bill to some record studio because he had their music on his mp3 player.
does any1 get caught for copyright? only when you go public whit it right? never heared of some1 having to pay a big bill to some record studio because he had their music on his mp3 player.
I believe this is what we should be looking at. It says that, "about 400 other WKU students." Just for that university!
Still, out of the millions of people in the U.S.A, that's a VERY small number. Even if you factored in the number of students at each college that get caught.
some record studios send letter to random people that they will get sued for illegal downloading. but only if you respone to them they actualy sue you. if you don't respone to there mail then they can't sue you
all evidense there is, is you having those files on your computer. but they can't check that because of privecy laws.