ForumsThe TavernQB in the NFL

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430 posts

Tom Brady, or "Tom Terrific" is 1st. He's been in a playoff slump, but he's still been great in the reg. season, is coming off his 2nd MVP and 2nd best career year despite multiple injuries EVERYWHERE on the team and a bad defense during the 1st 11 games of the season.

I give 2nd to Peyton Manning(why doesn't he get a nickname?). Though he had a bad 3 game slump last year, and the Colts didn't win 12 or more games for the 1st time in forever, he still had a great season even with all the injuries the Colts had, even if his TD% and QB rating was a bit lower than his career avg's.

3rd goes to Aaron Rodgers. I know what some fo you may be thinking, "Why isn't Brees in this spot" right? Well Rodgers has shown he can have just as great stats as any QB, plus he's the SB winning QB. Sure he has a ton weapons around him, but this guy is dynamite.

4th is Drew Brees, with his great stats despite little help from teammates on the offensive side(only 4 players on the offensive side of the ball made the Pro-Bowl on all teams he's played on, and 3 of those 4 are O-linemen), he's proven he can win, and produce offensively. Of course, he could easily move down behind my number 5 QB if he keeps throwing Ints like he did last year.

5th goes to Michael Vick. Sure he only has 1 year of starting experience since his return, but he was an MVP candidate(even if he didn't even get 1 1st place vote for it), he has shown he can make plays not only running, but in the pocket as well, something we didn't see much of back in Atlanta.

6th goes to Ben Roethlisberger, or "Big ben". Sure you guys may not agree, but this guy has a career QB rating of 92.5. That's only 2.7 pts lower than Brady, 1.9 pts lower than Manning's, and is actually even better than Brees career QB Rating. This guy, in my opinion, doesn't get enough credit just for the fact that he's on the steelers.

7th goes to Philip Rivers. I know, he really hasn't done a thing the playoffs, but his career averages are astounding, and he's been a Pro-Bowler in 3 of 5 seasons as a starter.
Then add that he has the highest career QB Rating of ANY QB in NFL History, has 3 straight seasons with a QB Rating of 100 or better9Only Peyton Manning has also done that), Rivers is on my list.

As for those foyou who are screaming "Where's Matt Schaub" or "Where's Tony Romo" or "Where's Matt Ryan" or any other QB, before I even consider them or if they wanna move up, they have to show me not just regular season greatness(that means you Romo and Rivers), they also have to show me some great playoff performances as well.

Lastly, because I KNOW someone is gonna say this, as for Eli Manning, let's face it, he's just not that great. Sure he's a SB Champ, and he's been pretty good since 08, but he's thrown 49 Ints in that span, and really hasn't won anything since then. Then throw in the fact that he's gone to 1 Pro-Bowl in 7 years, he just does not crack my list.

  • 33 Replies
13,344 posts


The NHL is beating the MLB by a whole NFL? You're a true Canadian, even though you aren't actually a true Canadian.
13,817 posts

The NHL is beating the MLB by a whole NFL? You're a true Canadian, even though you aren't actually a true Canadian.

You'll see a pattern..

Ice hockey (NHL) over field hockey

Skating is better than running.

Rugby over American football (NFL}

*childish bickering about pads and helmets*

Cricket over Baseball

Cricket bats have a better shape.

Basketball (NBA) over Netball

If you've never heard of netball before, think of it as basketball for women minus the contact and the dribbling but with short shorts.
13,344 posts

Cricket bats have a better shape.

But the game is so repetitive! I'm sure you'd choose baseball if both games used the same-shaped bat.

If you've never heard of netball before, think of it as basketball for women

Ehh, we already have the WNBA. Nobody really pays attention to it though. I'm sure netball wouldn't be too popular here either.

minus the contact and the dribbling

No contact? No dribbling? This netball thing sounds like a waste of time...

but with short shorts.

13,817 posts

But the game is so repetitive! I'm sure you'd choose baseball if both games used the same-shaped bat.

The beauty of the five day match can only be appreciated by people of certain tastes (i.e. not Americans).

Humor aside, I also prefer being able:

1) Score a duck.
2) Bowl a chinaman.
3) Field at fine leg and silly point.
4) Sledge people.
5) Deliver googlies.
6) Wear boxes.
7) Catch balls without gloves.
8) Duck to avoid bouncers from hitting my face.
9) Catch someone behind.
10) Cut, hook and pull.
11) Play with a paddle.
12) Wear a baggy green.
13) Take a tea break.

Okay, I've run out of silly things. Truthfully, I myself can't do most of that crap.

Oh, and one-day and T20 games are similar in length to a baseball game.

Ehh, we already have the WNBA. Nobody really pays attention to it though. I'm sure netball wouldn't be too popular here either.


No contact? No dribbling? This netball thing sounds like a waste of time...

I agree.


430 posts

I feel like if I hadn't accidentally put the wrong title(I had intended for it to be called "Best QB in the NFL" but messed up), that we wouldn't have somehow gotten to folks talking about rugby of all things.

13,817 posts

It wouldn't make much of a difference. I enjoy commenting on how there is seldom any conversation of sports that aren't commonplace in America.

that we wouldn't have somehow gotten to folks talking about rugby of all things.

888 posts

*holds rugby ball*

Once again I find myself surrounded by Yanks.

Very funny. Is rugby that fun that you had to put it in a NFL thread?
This netball thing sounds like a waste of time...

Agreed. Basketball is much better.
13,344 posts

2) Bowl a chinaman.

Where and how did they come up with this terminology?

Is rugby that fun that you had to put it in a NFL thread?

13,817 posts

Very funny. Is rugby that fun that you had to put it in a NFL thread?

No. It has nothing to do with rugby itself. More of my desire to infiltrate a thread.

Is rugby that fun that you had to put it in a NFL thread?



Where and how did they come up with this terminology?

It's a long story involving white, green and red.
430 posts

Well I figured I may as well do 8 and beyond if I did the top 7.

8th place goes to Matt Ryan. Sure he's really only had 1 great season, but this guy is gonna be the real deal. Expect another 10 seasons of greatness from this guy, and for his career stats to be around the areas of 45,000 Yds, 350 TDs, and a 93 QB Rating when it is all said and done. Of course this guy also has no playoff wins, so for all we know he's gonna end up as another QB taht does well in the regular season, and then fails in the playoffs, but let's not judge too harshly yet, he's played all of 2 games in the playoffs.

9th has gotta go to Tony Romo. Another guy with great regular season success, but seems to crumble in the playoffs(note the fumbled snap in the playoffs on that FG). Truthfully he would be at 8 with his amazing stats, but he is just too injury proned.

10th is going to another good stats guy, Matt Schaub. This guy is doing so well in the regular season, and he leads his offense so well too. Unfortunately, he is the QB for the Texans, who have not helped him a great deal offensively as of late.

11th is Eli Manning. This guy does well enough in the regular season, he leads the team to wins and gets great stats in the TD and Yards department, but he also racks up Ints. 25 of them last year alone, as well 5 fumbles. That's 30 possessions gone. That's an average of 2 lost drives a game. Only reason he's at 11 is because of the SB Ring.

12th us the good, but not yet great, Josh Freeman. This guy had a great year last season, but until he makes the leap into the playoffs and wins something, he is just not up there on my list. But don't worry, based on last season, he should make it to my top 10 pretty soon.

13th is Joe Flacco. What more can you say other than he wins? Just his 3rd year in the league, he has 4 playoff wins. Of course, his stats in the playoffs are nothing to brag about, but if you win, you're on my list.

14th is a guy I'm really high about, Sam Bradford. Last seasn his best WR went on the PUP list, and his starting RB did as well. But he still threw for over 3000 yds in his rookie season, 1 of only 3 rookie QBs EVER to throw for over 3000 yards. And considering that's just his 1st season, expect much more to come from this talented young man.

15th is Mark Sanchez. Okay, his career QB rating is below 80, throws a lot fo Ints like Eli, doesn't throw a ton of TDs and he has not won a Div. Title yet. But much like Flacco, he wins. 2 seasons, 2 AFCC appearances. And even though he did lose them both, he showed signs last year of becoming an elite QB when he threw for at least 250 yds in 4 straight games.

2,513 posts

11th is Eli Manning

I don't even put him in my top 15 QB's... Sure, he's got a Super Bowl ring, but as much as I want Tom Brady to get hit by a truck, I think that he should've won that game. That "catch" was the luckiest play in the history of the league aside from the immaculate reception, and David Tyree isn't even in the NFL anymore, he was never anything special. Complete BS. Eli doesn't even sound intelligent when he talks either. And he even said that he's in the same class as Tom Brady? I doubt it. I really do.
14th is a guy I'm really high about, Sam Bradford.

Now there's a very good football player. He had the weakest receiving core in the league, and he still played pretty good. Not elite, but that's ok because he was a rookie, and he improved the Rams' record by 6 games.
430 posts

Wait wait a minute. A couple mistakes guys.

First mistake, I accidentally Matt Schaub is getting no help offensively, I meant he's getting no help defensively.

Second, I totally forgot about Matt Cassel. I put him 11th, so move every QB that was previiously 11th or worse down 1 spot. This guy is good. His YPA was the same as Peyton Manning's last seaosn, and he had a better QB ratinf than Manning's s well, and only 6 fewer TDs in over 200 fewer attempts.

7 posts

I think Tom Brady has been the best QB over the past decade or so. Peyon Manning has had the numbers but not the rings, I believe Big Ben is overrated and Aaron Rodgers career has only just begun.

430 posts

I think Big Ben is over-rated as a "winner" even though he does have 2 rings because his SB performances have been... Well, less than stellar.

But Big Ben in 5 of his 7 seasons, has had a QB rating above 95. That's why he's up there.

I agree with you on Tom Brady. Look at the stats, Brady's career avg's are barely any lower than Peyton Manning's. Yet people are all "look at Manning's stats, they are great". But when i look at them, I look at how many attempts he had, which is what many "analysts" tend to forget. I mean if you look at Manning's career avg. for attempts in a season, its 31 attempts more a season than Brady. That may not sound like much, but that's a whole game's worth of attempts. One of the main, and only, reasons Manning has better stats is because he has exactly 2500 more attempts than Brady has.

As for Rodgers, we know he's gonna be good for years to come,so hat's why he's ahead of Brees. Of course should he screw up Brees can easily snag 3rd best in my opinion.

5,875 posts

14th is a guy I'm really high about, Sam Bradford.

Yes. He brought the Rams up from one of the worst to one of the decent teams. Let's see what's in store for them in the regular season.
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