Id say book or movie. I mean, I read Lotr books and I had a imagination about how everything looked. When I watched the movie it was ruined, gone, screwed. The whole world died for me.
For me, if I read the book then watch the movie, the movie sucks compaired to the book. For example, I read aragon and then watched the movie, the movie sucked compaired to the book. Now, if I watchthe movie before I read the book, I think the book sucks compaired to the movie. For example I watch some of the harry potter movies and then read the books, I did like the books, though, but favored the movies way more than the books!
I would read the movie first, because then you can imiganine it in your own way, yu kow. But when I read books, i usally dont watch the ovie cause books are always better, I have only ever had one exception, and It was "The Green Mile" I thought they did an amazing job at making the movie like the book, one of my favorite movies and books of all time!
well overall i think reading the book will be better if done first. But if the movie is good its not always bad to watch it first, It could give you an idea of what the people and places in the story look like. But usually movies based off of books aren't amazing and leave out little important things that are in the book.
i would much rather read a book before seeing the film for a persons imagination is far more vast than anything that can be portrade on the big screen. However, i then am setting my self up to dislike a movie that may have been enjoyable for me if i did not have a predetermand view of the direction of the film. it is almost not worth watching a movie after you read the book in most cases. there are exeptions though such as fight club and lord of the rings.
Reading, then watching the movie. If you read the book first, then you can see how bad Directors ruined it. I have a forum thread here about how they ruin them.