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ForumsWEPR[necro] Ask a Muslim

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232 posts

Any questions about Islam, ask it here?


  • 558 Replies
232 posts

Before the abrahamic religions, there were for example the pagan religions all over Europe. They have still supporters as of today. Why should they be wrong?
Saying 'it must be right because so many people believe it' is in no way a sufficient argument.

If there we're 2 or more kings ruling a country, how would the country be. There would be no harmony, many contradictions etc. That's why I choose for monotheism instead of polytheism.

8,253 posts

If there we're 2 or more kings ruling a country, how would the country be. There would be no harmony, many contradictions etc. That's why I choose for monotheism instead of polytheism.

You can't compare human rulers to gods. If you do, I'll just say one word: Syria.

But I can understand you to a certain point. With polytheism, there simply are many different cults for each god, and there can be trouble between different cults. Though they are unified in certain common points.
Also, if you look at how many different denominations christianity has, and how &quoteaceful" and "harmonious" they act between each other, I don't see such a big difference to be honest ^^
232 posts

If you'd care to - otherwise those contradictions prove that Islam is not perfect. I mean, I understand that translations of the Quran are imperfect because they're not in the original Arabic, but they still count to some degree.

*sigh* I actually don't want to spend my time for these "contradictions" but, here we go:

1) Have some passages in the Quran been abrogated?

"And recite that which hath been revealed unto thee of the Scripture of thy Lord. There is none who can change His words.(Qur'an 18:27)"

As you can read, none can change His words. The Qur'an will be protected by God untill The Day of Resurrection.

"When we abrogate any miracle, or cause it to be forgotten, we produce a better miracle, or at least an equal one. Do you not recognize the fact that God is Omnipotent?(Qur'an 2:106)"

note that, the miracles of God are infinite. No contradiction here as you can read. Some verses taken out of context that's all.

2) Is it OK to drink alcohol?

"God sends down from the sky water to revive the land after it had died. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who hear. And in the livestock there is a lesson for you: we provide you with a drink from their bellies. From the midst of digested food and blood, you get pure milk, delicious for the drinkers. And from the fruits of date palms and grapes you produce intoxicants, as well as good provisions. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who understand.(Qur'an 16:65-67)"

This should be proof for people who understand. God tells here how generous He is. It doesn't say you can drink alcohol.

3) how many Angels Spoke with Maryam?

"Mention in the scripture Mary. She isolated herself from her family, into an eastern location. While a barrier separated her from them, we sent to her our Spirit. He went to her in the form of a human being. She said, "I seek refuge in the Most Gracious, that you may be righteous." He said, "I am the messenger of your Lord, to grant you a pure son." She said, "How can I have a son, when no man has touched me; I have never been unchaste." He said, "Thus said your Lord, `It is easy for Me. We will render him a sign for the people, and mercy from us. This is a predestined matter.'(Qur'an 19:16-21)"

The Message of God has arrived to Maryam, throughout Gabriel. The story of Maryam known by almost everyone, but it doesn't say: Just one angle has spoken with Maryam, and no other did. No contradiction here too.

Enough for now.

8,253 posts

I forgot to say, thanks for the answer concerning Ramadan. I knew about the fasting, but your answer was interesting.
Actually, there is something intriguing me. You said it's the time when the doors of heaven are fully opened and hell is closed. What does that mean exactly? Is heaven not fully opened otherwise, do the deceased have to wait until Ramadan to enter heaven? What does that have to do with the still living, except that their prayers might be better heard? Do those who die during Ramadan and meant to go to hell, have to wait before entering? Have there been ghost stories because of that?

9,462 posts

Not only, it's more accurate.

Why would Allah be so exclusive with his holy text as to only make it work for one specific language hardly if at all spoken or understood by a majority of the worlds population?
3,085 posts

Muslims believe that the Arabic is more 'ure' and the perfect word of God and that translations cannot be fully trusted to convey that word properly.

5,340 posts

Hmm... didn't know that, sorry about it. Another reason I don't believe in Judaism, is something the Jews did in the past. Worshipping an idol. The Golden Calf. They went into idolatry, Muslims never did.

i can almost see your point. you see if you dont believe in this then this never happened so it shouldnt bother you XD.

anyway, warshiping the idol was wrong and they got punished. i dont know alot about the islam but im almost sure that they did mistakes as well. its like an atheist explaining he is an atheist because all other religions (judaism, christian, islam not talking about the others) believe that the first humans ate the forbidden apple. its a noa really good reason. you should look at the rules and belief of the religion and not of the sins people did there.
879 posts

Don't compare apples with pears.

I'm not doing that. Just because many people believe something doesn't mean that it is true.

how do you or did you come up with this idea?

Because of bullsh*t like this:
In most interpretations of Sharia, conversion by Muslims to other religions or becoming non-religious, is strictly forbidden and is termed apostasy. Non-Muslims, however, are allowed to convert into Islam.[124] Muslim theology equates apostasy to treason, and in most interpretations of Sharia, the penalty for apostasy is death.

Islamic law does not present a comprehensive list of pure foods and drinks. However, it prohibits:
Slaughtering an animal in any other way except the prescribed manner of tazkiyah (cleansing) by taking God's name, which involves cutting the throat of the animal and draining the blood.

Liquor and gambling are expressly prohibited in the Qur'an, and Sharia law.

Qadi 'Iyad argues that Sharia does not allow freedom of speech in such matters as criticism of Muhammad. Such criticism is blasphemy and punishable by death.

Homosexual activity is illegal under Sharia;

I hope that this is enough for you...

There is no contradiction. Don't befriend them if they if they fight you, if they don't fight you, you can befriend. Simple as that.

No, your (!) first quote clearly says:
nor shall you befriend the disbelievers

It doesn't say "if they fight you".

the so called "errors" are debunked


bout the atmosphere. 7 layers protecting us, all with different functions.

I'd like to show you this answer:
The idea of the seven heavens is very ancient and was well founded at that time which is completely contradictory to what we now know. This concept comes from the idea that the first heaven is the sun, the second heaven is the moon and the third to seventh heavens are mercury, venus, mars, saturn and jupiter. This verse also states that the stars are closer to the earth than the moon as they are in the lowest heaven!

I know a Muslim might say that this refers to a different concept of the seven heavens. But if that was the case, surely God would have explained it further, otherwise people would just think that it refers to what they already believed. If I was to write a book now, and in it I would refer to a completely new idea that I had and I called it "the big bang theory", it would be required for me to explain it further, otherwise people would just assume I was talking about what they all know to be the big bang theory.

In conclusion, if the Qur'an was written by an all knowing, all powerful god as a guide for people to follow, surely he would not write ambiguous verses that can be taken to mean anything. Evidence of the divine nature of the Qur'an would be a verse which clearly referred to scientific knowledge which was not known at the time, was not ambiguous, and which could not be refuted. However, there are no verses in the Qur'an which are like that.

Try again.
232 posts

What does that mean exactly? Is heaven not fully opened otherwise, do the deceased have to wait until Ramadan to enter heaven? What does that have to do with the still living, except that their prayers might be better heard? Do those who die during Ramadan and meant to go to hell, have to wait before entering? Have there been ghost stories because of that?

It's a time to open a new page. Ramadan is exactly the time to do this. It's the time when the doors of Heaven are fully opened(so every repentance is accepted) and the doors of Hell are closed and the Devils are chained(because the devils are chained, people are doing more good things than bad things. Less sins, many blessings. It's not to be taken literally.

232 posts

Why would Allah be so exclusive with his holy text as to only make it work for one specific language hardly if at all spoken or understood by a majority of the worlds population?

I would suggest to look here:

232 posts

... I hope that this is enough for you...


No, your (!) first quote clearly says:
nor shall you befriend the disbelievers
It doesn't say "if they fight you".

"You who believe, do not befriend those among the recipients of previous scripture who mock and ridicule your religion, nor shall you befriend the disbelievers. You shall reverence God, if you are really believers."

Simple as that.

Try again.

very, very funny. looking things up in an ex-muslims site(answering islam is better). Nothing has been disproved. God says seven layers on the earth.

"Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers? (Qur'an, 71:15)"

Game over :P

879 posts


Sorry, forgot that: Wiki (I know, it's unreliable, bla bla... but you can look at the cited sources)
Simple as that.

nor shall you befriend the disbelievers. Sorry if my English is bad: But it just says disbelievers, not disbelievers who fight you.

Game over :P

Ha ha ha, very funny, misinterpreting things
5,340 posts

the game isnt over you forgot about me.

4,104 posts

It's written in the Talmud. I will search it for you up if you want.

Please do.

Why else would palestinian womans been abused and children being killed by Jews?

While your at it, please look up a news article about this.

Oh and Islam is more tolerant to other religions than Jews, sure of that.

To my knowledge, there has never been a time where, under jewish rule, other religions were hindered or forbidden. While Palestine was under muslim rule, there were a few rules made to hinder the all other religions. Also, in almost any of the arab countries, Jews are basically forbidden from living there in fear for their lives. Not to mention the constant terrorist attacks on Israel and other countries, or are these people not real Muslims?
256 posts

Yes answer my question as well i think in page 3-4 . Don't forget about people , thats considered rude in my eyes.

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