i think armor games could be more professionalist. when i hve seen kingdom rush for the 1st time , i had a crush on him xD ! but its a very good game , very complete , even so for a tower defense ! and btw , is not a game boring , because of the graphics , animations and the development that the game requieres of thinking and commitement ! just one more thing .. that game haves many options , which is very good! do more like that one!
It;d be more appropriate to put this thread [url=http://armorgames.com/community/forum/47/flash-games/]here. But I'm glad you're enjoying Armorgames. (:
Glad you like the game, Cruise! But you're going to have to give all the credit to IronhideGames--ArmorGames just has its game here. But I do say that it's a very successful game, since it sports a 9.6 which only one other game equals. That's an amazing feat right there. Crush the Castle TD is also very strong, sporting a high 8. I think we are at the height of the quality flash game cycle.