ForumsNews and FeedbackAG3: No More Load More.

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3,174 posts

Load more buttons function horribly and are possibly the worst idea ever! Using page numbers would be much better. I know page numbers are the old fashioned way of doing things and many major websites are using the "load more" button, but it's not functional.

Let me just give you an example about how asinine the load more feature is.
You open up a book and read it to page fifty. You decide to read some more of it later so you close the book. A day goes by and you have some free time. You come back to your book and decode to read it again. Instead of opening the book directly to page fifty, where you left off, you go to page one instead and flip each page, from page one to page fifty. Every time you close the book and reopen it, to read it, you never flip directly to were you left off, you flip from page one to where you left off.
Sounds asinine to me.

Just imagine if the forums ran with a load more button instead of page numbers. Imagine that I couldn't simply click a "last post" button, but instead had to go to the first page of a topic and then click the "load more" button until I got to the last page of posts, so that I could reply.

Let's say I'm playing an arcade game that's kind of old. I randomly stumbled upon it after clicking load more nine times. I play the game for a few days. I then stop playing for a few weeks, but I want to play it again. I can't remember the name of it, but I know it's an arcade game. I have to click load more eight or more times just to find it.

Same thing goes for if I want to show a friend a game. I could remember that a game is on page seventeen or eighteen of the puzzle & skill section, but not remember it's name. I can immediately click to the page numbers and then look for it from there, but with the load more feature, I have to click it a bunch of times just to look for the game.

What if I want to browse through the games. Well I can't do that. If I want to look at some of the older games, I'm going to have to click load more over and over and over again and end up with a page that's extremely large to scroll on.

I just don't see any functionality in the load more button and think that it's more of a trend then a functionality upgrade. Bring back the page numbers.

Link to the post on getsatisfaction:

  • 17 Replies
1,649 posts

... I don't think that the load more feature will be for games or forums. I don't think that the devs would overlook such glaring badness.

3,174 posts

... I don't think that the load more feature will be for games or forums. I don't think that the devs would overlook such glaring badness.

No it's already in the beta. Its not for the forums and I think its more of a trend, unless its some sort of new standard for the web. I just don't see the benefit. It's not even that much more streamline.
9,504 posts

You could have mentioned the criticism a tiny bit earlier you know >_>

Just imagine if the forums ran with a load more button instead of page numbers. Imagine that I couldn't simply click a "last post" button, but instead had to go to the first page of a topic and then click the "load more" button until I got to the last page of posts, so that I could reply.

Traditional forum threads use page numbers for more viewing. It would be a pain to cycle through responses until you get to the last and it may cause confusion with some less-experienced members over which reply was the most recent, so I don't think the Load More button would be comfortable in the forums.

Let's say I'm playing an arcade game that's kind of old. I randomly stumbled upon it after clicking load more nine times. I play the game for a few days. I then stop playing for a few weeks, but I want to play it again. I can't remember the name of it, but I know it's an arcade game. I have to click load more eight or more times just to find it.

You have the game search, tags, and author list at your disposal to help with finding your game. Even if you don't remember the exact name of the game, you can type in a keyword or name inside to narrow the search. If not, you can search by the author if you remember the developer's name. If not still, then you can go by tags and lessen the search more. Or you could simply favorite the game or bookmark it.
3,174 posts

Just imagine if the forums ran with a load more button instead of page numbers. Imagine that I couldn't simply click a "last post" button, but instead had to go to the first page of a topic and then click the "load more" button until I got to the last page of posts, so that I could reply.

It was just to illustrate the point that the load more isn't always functional.

You have the game search, tags, and author list at your disposal to help with finding your game. Even if you don't remember the exact name of the game, you can type in a keyword or name inside to narrow the search. If not, you can search by the author if you remember the developer's name. If not still, then you can go by tags and lessen the search more. Or you could simply favorite the game or bookmark it.

I didn't think of the tags or authors, which will help in the searches or bookmarks favorites. What if I don't favorite or bookmark the game? What if I just play it for a second on a lunch break? Then later when I'm home I get bored and remember the game I was playing. So at first I was playing it just to pass a few minutes time. So I don't bother to remember the games name, author, or favorite. All I can remember is the genre and that it was a few pages back. Got to use the load more now.

I don't know how many times I've searched for games and it makes things no more simple. "Search: jumping game. No. Running game. No. Fast paced action game. No."

It's not like I completely dislike the button. But I still find it less usable than the page numbers.

I still think it's easier to remember the genre and a proximate page number, click that and then look for the image. I feel the brain recognizes images more easily than remembering key terms or names (kind of a "remember the face, not the name" deal).

I mean the load more button basically adds one more page to the list each time it's clicked, in effect replacing the page numbers. Pages do force the user to open an entire new page (causing more to load than just adding to the list, however, with pages one can simply jump to the page or approximate page and load less than having to go through all the &quotages" of load more.)

Why not have both?

On side note, I know this it's delayed: Congratulations on becoming a mod Freakenstein!!
311 posts

uhm well your realy late... we put a lot of work on the laod button and i'm a little proud of it (i know but i made a list of a lot of options on how to implemt it... freakentien you probaly remeber...LOL) but yes i agree on the games with activety stream or comments the laod more is fine but form games it is not very effective, but you should remeber the tags and if it's good enough to recemend you should have faved it...

both would bee to much, you got to remember that websites arn't an endless dump of info there is a limit and you have to pay to get passed that limit plus it slows the site, Html isn't all powerfull (aposse to common beileve (i hate IT LOL!)

but i think we can all agree on the forums (does not exit yet) or games it is (or would be) not as effective, but it sounded good at there time for comments and activety stream, but i didn't think it was going to go on to games, but i gesuse they got cared away with the load more button...

3,174 posts

Yeah, I find it more effective in google photo searches and on facebook pages of photos. But google photo searches only have you click it once and then after that your on page 50 and it still shows page numbers.

Facebook fails with it, when it used on the main wall. If you want to see old posts you have to click it way too many times. Thats how I feel about it on AG3 for games.

The button also needs to change darker in shade or something when you hover over it.

1,649 posts

No it's already in the beta.

True, I didn't check.

The button also needs to change darker in shade or something when you hover over it.


Why not have both?

^And that.

both would bee to much, you got to remember that websites arn't an endless dump of info there is a limit and you have to pay to get passed that limit plus it slows the site, Html isn't all powerfull (aposse to common beileve (i hate IT LOL!)

But sadly there's ^that.

Why not have both?

Which makes ^that not possible. (At least according to KyahcoSukaimasutae, I wouldn't know anything about it.)

Personally, I don't want the load more for games. I don't really see how it would be better, but I do see how it would be worse, and/or equal.

I have to click load more eight or more times just to find it.

Wouldn't you have to press a couple random page numbers to find it anyway? (Although not as many as 8.)

Would it be possible to do what Google Images does where you don't even have to click load more because it does it automatically?

And maybe also make it load A LOT more like Google Images does. (See above post.)
3,174 posts

both would bee to much, you got to remember that websites arn't an endless dump of info there is a limit and you have to pay to get passed that limit plus it slows the site, Html isn't all powerfull (aposse to common beileve (i hate IT LOL!)

This makes no sense. Page numbers and load more functions probably aren't that complicated to program. Comparing the two functions to say, an entire flash game, I'm sure the site could handle the extra code.

Load more buttons give you no indication on what page you found something on. What the button will cause is people not browsing older games. No one will want to click the thing more than a few times. It's almost like it's done on purpose so that people will only play newer games.

Sure you can search for an old game you once played, or search an idea of a game you'd like to play and see what comes up, but you can no longer, effectively, browse through the games (especially the ones that would be "middle aged", not the oldest games and not the newest, the games that are stuck in the middle and will never be "loaded more to".)
248 posts

How about if you scroll down to the bottom, it loads more for you. Simpler, because I find myself clicking on it anyway.

311 posts

uhm reton i am saying if you have both, every byte counts you now its another wire turning on in your ram, and a nother drop in the bucket to an IP sever, but just having the numbers would be great, i am just saying that having both is not only laggy but redundent redundent.
but as you said the middle aged games are had to get to any way you try it, just like in the forums... don 't get me wrong i agree with you to add the numbered stuff but it still creates the same problem not being able to get to older game but this time it is the middle ones!

so step one add the numbered system ditch the load more,
step two always fav or write down or some thing to help you remmeber good games you would usgest to others, and (this is for programmers) make better tag names!

231 posts

personally, i also think load more buttons are cant cycle through quick enough. if i wanted to get to comment 800 on a thread i have to click load more a lot.where as just pressing page 80 is ten times easier.

3,174 posts

personally, i also think load more buttons are cant cycle through quick enough. if i wanted to get to comment 800 on a thread i have to click load more a lot.where as just pressing page 80 is ten times easier.

Thank you!! This is exactly what I'm talking about. If I want to browse a forum post with a bunch of pages, I might start at the beginning click next page a few times and then click to page 10, click to page 15, click to page 20, click to last post. You know browse it a little. With a load more button you are forced to click it over and over and over.

Forums don't use the button, cause it'd be asinine, but the games shouldn't use it either. It makes it much more difficult for a user to browse the games. (Browse as in, look through the games. Searching games cause the user to have to think of some criteria to search for, even if it isn't specific. Browsing allows me to just see what catches my eye.)
311 posts

yes i think we can all agree with you, if you think i don't you'v got me wrong i was just laying ever pro and con down, you should talk to cormyn or larry about it(i'll talk to the down't answer or i could do this... HEYY AMIDS CORMYN LARYY LOOK AT THIS!!...)
i think a load more button is best for the activity stream though, it does not need that much (number system) put on it and would end up making tons of number systems all over your page, and wether or not it seems big that does make a differance. puting it (number system) on the games is a must...

3,174 posts

yes i think we can all agree with you, if you think i don't you'v got me wrong i was just laying ever pro and con down, you should talk to cormyn or larry about it(i'll talk to the down't answer or i could do this... HEYY AMIDS CORMYN LARYY LOOK AT THIS!!...)
i think a load more button is best for the activity stream though, it does not need that much (number system) put on it and would end up making tons of number systems all over your page, and wether or not it seems big that does make a differance. puting it (number system) on the games is a must...

Okay, I get what you're saying with saving code and what not and I can see the instances where load more is a useful feature, Google's image search, but even in that instance it's only pressed once.

I just really wanted to bring the cons to the attention of the community.
2,891 posts

I've been reading this thread since it started, I just haven't had any reason to post a reply.

While I agree that pagination controls are handy, I don't think the 'load more' button is going away.

Feel free to post on Gumption's profile if you feel strongly about it.

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