ForumsWEPRIs there life outside our Solar System?

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256 posts

There has to be life outside of our universe. There is an incredible number of planets and stars and galaxies beyond our own;a number far beyond human comprehension. Our evolution is imperfect and flawed, yet we have still become the most powerful and intelligent species within millions and millions of miles. Conditions like ours that can support life could very easily arise somewhere else in the universe. THere has been such a wide window of time, and so much space for it to happen, that it is inevitable that there is life somewhere else in the universe. If we can exist, why should we be the only ones?

There are many planets , with supstences of H2o *Water* on them . Where there is water there can be life. Since the earliest hominid species diverged from the ancestor we share with modern African apes, 5 to 8 million years ago, there have been at least a dozen different species of these humanlike creatures. Many of these hominid species are close relatives, but not human ancestors. But it only takes one to evolve creating a sucsessful species, just takes two animals with good offspring to create a more human like spcies.
Most scientist say that Earth started out as a *star* that was mostly mad out of valcanos, and that many meteors hit earth making its huge trenches within our ocean. But after all of the meteors hit earth , it started to rain , for Billions of years, Then formed an Ice age ... Which soon after melted making land and our oceans . And within our oceans life began...

But of course *humans were first evolved by creatures that lived in water . All there has to be within that water is bacteria, which could form into something over time. Then create a Ape like animal , *Which is a close ancestor to hominids*.

Well the point of planet earths history is , it could have happend some where else , within our Solar System or not. Maybe billions of light years away.

If you have any thing you would like to say just post on this fourm . Im going to keep this on my page. Hope it gets somewhere.


  • 126 Replies
5,129 posts

link to the articel on the nasa site that i forgot to link to =)

360 posts

it was confirmed by nasa 4 days ago that it is Habitable.

Wrong, it was confirmed to be inside the habitable zone. For all we know, it could be just like Venus.

Erm, 2.4 times the radii of earth. That's a high 1.75 tiems the gravity, Which is possible. But let's not forget about moons.
9,462 posts

A true smoking gun for life on another world would be if we could somehow detect if the planet had high oxygen levels comparable to Earth. Earth's enviorment is only made possible by the presence of life.

2 posts

Salam Brothers,

Ok so check it out... the Quran does allude to life in outer space, thus: "And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the living creatures He has scattered through them." (42.29) And: "The seven heavens and the earth, and beings therein, declare his glory." (17:44)

Nice. Proof is in the pudding. These verses indicate that there is life in some form or other planets in the galaxies. Until scientific means become more sophisticated to make this discovery, this Quranic statement will remain an unfulfilled prophecy.

There are signs that life once existed on Mars but now extinct. Well, if life could exist on Mars in the past and become extinct, could it not spring up in some undiscovered planets in the future, or exist even right now, somewhere billions of light years away?

Think at the way Planets are formed via BING BANG... there it is possible that the universe is changing and expanding.

In Islam, the universe, which includes the whole of space and the innumerable stars and planets within, is not static.

The Quran says that God is "steadily expanding the universe". In human reckoning, this is taking place over billions and billions of years.

On the formation of stars and planets, the Quran points to a "Big Bang" or disintegration theory. It says "the heavens and the Earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation) before God cloved it asunder".

This reference to the unitary origin of the universe anticipates scientists' views that the universe originated as one entity from one single element.

Subsequently, it separated into nebulae, galaxies and solar systems, with individual parts breaking away progressively to form new entities, such as stars, planets and other heavenly bodies. Our solar system is perhaps "the lowest heaven adorned with ornaments - the planets".

The universe is in indescribably so huge and contains numerous solar systems, each perhaps bigger than ours. A such, is it not possible for some far-flung planet ot planets to be conducive for some form of life to exist?

A verse in the Quran reads: "And among God's signs is the creation of the heaven and the Earth, and the living creatures He has scattered through them."

When seen in the light of modern science, this verse certainly points to the fact that life in some form is scattered through some of the millions of heavenly bodies in space, and not just confined to Earth.

According to Islam, man's role is a continuous fact-finding mission for progress. He can explore space and use it to his advantage, such as sending up satellites for communication purposes and space stations for exploration.

The Quran says: "See you how God has made subservient to you whatsoever is in the skies and showered on you His blessings, both manifest and hidden."

Islam does not hinder progress as long as it is carried out without harming other human beings and creation.

Now let us consider this: Just as &quotrimitive life" ended on Mars billions of years ago, would it not be possible for life to disappear from Earth too, one day?

The Quran says: "If you can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass you."
Perhaps before life on Earth also ends as Mars' did, it would be exciting to discover if life exists outside our small planet.

5,129 posts

the quran can say so much, i wont believe a single word in it.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

A true smoking gun for life on another world would be if we could somehow detect if the planet had high oxygen levels comparable to Earth. Earth's enviorment is only made possible by the presence of life.

That's assuming all possible life forms are based on biological systems we are familiar with.
5,129 posts

That's assuming all possible life forms are based on biological systems we are familiar with.

it most likely is yes.
if not then we would have a much higher chanch of finding alien life in our own solar system. wich we are unable to find
360 posts

it most likely is yes.
if not then we would have a much higher chanch of finding alien life in our own solar system. wich we are unable to find

We've only been searching on Mars. We should try and send probes to Europa and Titan.
4,710 posts

There are signs that life once existed on Mars but now extinct.

could happen with the planet earth, too.

well, maybe there is allready a planet with other beings and they wonder if there could be other life on other planets.

598 posts

The size of the universe alone confirms intelligent life somewhere.

3 posts

the term of intelligence is also relative

I don't understand why this guys keep deleting my replies.
screw you stupid admins. I don't deserve this.

9,462 posts

the term of intelligence is also relative

Yes, though given what we usually think of as intelligence here I think the use of science, advanced abilities to make and use tools, these sorts of skills.
70 posts

They found life inside our solar system. Bacteria.
And when they say stuff like "There is life on planet so and so" they will most likely, 99% of the time, mean bacteria. If there is bacteria on a planet, they consider that huge, considering all life on Earth basicly started, millions and millions of years ago, as bacteria.

13 posts

Scientists claim to have discovered a potentially habitable planet which has an environment much similar to that of Earth and may contain water and even life.

The exoplanet, called Gliese 581g, is located around 123 trillion miles away from Earth and orbits a star at a distance that places it squarely in the habitable or the Goldilocks zone, the scientists said.

311 posts

I wonder if we will find aliens first or they will find us ?

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