ForumsThe TavernSo long, and thanks for all the fish. For reals this time.

55 14210
2,892 posts

Hey Gamers,

I know we had some lulz over the idea of my resignation back on April Fool's Day, but this time it's legitimate and real. No, really, cross my heart, etc..

I wanted you guys to hear it from me personally to avoid any rumors.

As of August 22nd, 2011, I'll be a full-time employee of a different company (not game-related in any way) and will become a part-time employee of Armor Games as a contractor/consultant to help finish up AG3 and help with all of the other stuff I did day to day Monday to Friday. Except now I'll be doing that stuff in the evenings and weekends instead.

Am I still technically working for Armor Games after August 22nd? Yes, I'm still going to be a paid employee, I'll just be paid hourly instead of a salary. Nothing else changes for the foreseeable future, other than I might take longer to answer questions.

For how long? Indefinitely, at Dan's discretion. I've offered to keep helping with software development for as long as they need me and for as long as I'm able.

Will I still have Admin privileges? As far as I know, I'll still be an Admin user. Even if Dan makes the decision to terminate my part-time employment, he can choose to let me keep Admin privileges to help the Moderators in my spare time. Or, if he wants to revoke my Admin access, I can always ask him to keep me on as a Moderator.

Will this delay AG3? Not really. A lot of AG3 is done, and lately I've actually been working more on systems administration, automation, databases, etc.. And the parts of AG3 that are changing due to user feedback will be rolled out over time anyway. However, since I won't be in the office any more, I might be out of the loop on some things happening with AG3, so you guys might need to poke Ron to chat in the AG3 forum about what's being worked on.

Is it bad timing to leave? Yeah, it's bad timing for Armor Games, and I feel bad for leaving the company, but for my family goals and career goals, this was the best timing.

Was there anything going on within the company to prompt this change? Nope. 100% of my reasons were personal or based on family and career goals.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask on my profile.

  • 55 Replies
577 posts

I dont really know much about the moderators/adminastrators on here but I always seem to learn more every time im on this site and to see an admin go that ive learned so much about the past year (ive only been a memeber for about a year) is really sad to me. Hope it all works out with your new primary job. Hope i can still get to know you some more if i ever catch you when your on when you work your 10-15 hours with armor games. (Ive always wanted to have a active role in talking with moderators/adminastrators like some of the people I find on here that would be sooo cool!) :P

577 posts

I just realized that when I said getting to know you that might sound a little creepy so just to clarify i mean whenever I see a comment by a mod/admin in a forum post. Most admins/mods that post a comment on forum post usually make good points and sometimes relate forums to their post. (Once I made a post about diseases and strop commented on this and through this thread I learned he was a doctor) So just things like this is what I mean by I learn something about mods/admins

577 posts

relate forums to their post

Relate their forum post to their lives*

Btw he metioned he was a doctor on my home page not in the forums but I still learned something about him (you can probably search through my comments and find it if you really want to) But anyways cormyn seriously congratz on your new job hope to see you around possiably........maybe not though) Sorry for my muiltple spam post but i never seem to get alol my thoughts into one comment lol

518 posts

Why are people saying "good-bye" he is not leaving (for now) he's working part-time on armor games. Anyway awesome Ian I hope your new life chose takes you far.

317 posts

You were an awesome administrator good luck with the other job!

4,376 posts

"The legends tell of a Admin who let no Spammer pass, would not sleep until every troll is silenced, and helped build the mighty AG3. That legendary Admin was known only by Ian Cormyn."

Liar, I'm still here.
310 posts

Well this is really confusing ur resigning but not resigning any wise man out there want to explain this one to me

1,606 posts

wise man

Firstly, I'm neither wise nor a man, I'm smart and a guy, lulz. Secondly, it means he's doing generally the same stuff, just wont be doing as MUCh of it. I think. *all late*
9,507 posts

If you are you would have realized that this was a month old and the news is well and gone (not to mention outdated)! :O

I keed. But no really, bad boy.

Showing 46-54 of 55