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5,061 posts

I was talking to a friend of mine about the possibility of actually having teleportation technology, when she brought up an interesting question:

Actually transferring the molecules would take up far too much energy when you teleport, so it's far more likely that it takes a &quoticture" of your being and then reassembles the molecules in a different location, the problem there in is, that when you are disassembled at one end, it is for all intents and purposes suicide. After all at the other location a person would be made up of identical but completely new molecules.

What's your opinion?

  • 43 Replies
4,206 posts

Everyone that knows science will tell you that teleportation is impossible, for the reasons that you just said.

But you can copy non-living objects from one place to another. It will look like it teleported, but of course it doesn't really teleport.

3,371 posts

I think the person would need to be in some kind of machine for it to work. And even then it's risky. I just don't see it reassembling all your molecules in perfect order. It would all need to be somewhat instantanious in my mind. Because it can't just spit up your molecules and expect them to get into their perfect DNA arrangement.

492 posts

Everyone knows that teleportation is obviously fiction. There is no machine that can disassemble a human into molecules, move them, and then rebuild them in another location. None of those steps are possible actually. Also, nobody is able to create a machine able to do that and their is probably no energy source good enough to power this machine.

5,129 posts

who knows. maybe in 400 year. it's out of reach for what we can do in our lifetime.

9,462 posts

Teleportation is possible but not in the manner we would think. In fact we have achieved teleportation of single atoms.

We do this through a method known as quantum entanglement. In essence the atom temporarily exists in two places at once.

Step 1: A pair of entangled ions are created: B and C
Step 2: The state to be teleported is created in ion A
Step 3: One ion from the pair - in this case B - is entangled with A and both are measured
Step 4: The result of the measurement is sent to ion C and the tranformation implemented
Step 5: The state of C is now the same as that prepared for A

In this process the original is destroyed to avoid problem with the uncertainty principle.

Now the idea of changing matter into energy and beaming that energy tot he new location to be reassembled back into matter is very unlikely. Such a change would leave the equivalent of a dollar bill producing the same amount of energy released from an atomic bomb explosion. So you can imagine what sort of energy would be involved in teleporting a human in this fashion.

I think that if we could perfect the process of entanglement with electrons we could use it as a means of real time communication regardless of distance. This would be useful in things like space exploration where there is be a delay in communication. Further out we move the worse this delay becomes.
5,129 posts

I think that if we could perfect the process of entanglement with electrons we could use it as a means of real time communication regardless of distance. This would be useful in things like space exploration where there is be a delay in communication. Further out we move the worse this delay becomes.

wold be hard if you believe that time is going slower or faster near a black hole. i know there was something like that for the theory of time travel. but i don't understand enoufg about the 2 subjects anyway.
8,257 posts

I agree that teleportation would be suicide, I would never do it.

Transporting the dislocated atoms to the new location is definitely not going to work. How about recording all the information about the object we need to teleport by breaking down the object, then simply transporting the information to the new location where an exact copy of the object is built?

9,462 posts

I agree that teleportation would be suicide, I would never do it.

It's also resurrection if you think about it. In a way your simultaneously being constructed and killed at the same time.

How about recording all the information about the object we need to teleport by breaking down the object, then simply transporting the information to the new location where an exact copy of the object is built?

This would still be killing the original and creating a exact duplicate. Something you don't seem to be too keen on.
8,257 posts

It's also resurrection if you think about it. In a way your simultaneously being constructed and killed at the same time.

Well, for your environment nothing changes; your friends would still perceive the new guy the same way as the old, but the new and the old are two different clones.

This would still be killing the original and creating a exact duplicate. Something you don't seem to be too keen on.

I know, but it could be an easy way to teleport things, like food and tools for example. Granted both terminal stations have enough 'raw materials' to build the object with the information; which, I just realized, is a bit stupid; what is the sense of teleporting then, if we can build things out of raw materials and exchange information as easily as phone calls?
9,462 posts

Well, for your environment nothing changes; your friends would still perceive the new guy the same way as the old, but the new and the old are two different clones.

It would be a clone that is so exact that it would be indistinguishable even on a quantum level.

I know, but it could be an easy way to teleport things, like food and tools for example. Granted both terminal stations have enough 'raw materials' to build the object with the information; which, I just realized, is a bit stupid; what is the sense of teleporting then, if we can build things out of raw materials and exchange information as easily as phone calls?

Basically it would be a Star Trek style replicator. Take a computer program with the pattern you want and the computer uses that digital copy and builds a physical copy for you out of raw materials. Though I think there is a still a power issue here.
54 posts

Perhaps a (slightly) more realistic idea that would accomplish the same sort of thing would be some type of holographic projection, again akin to the Star Trek holodeck, or perhaps the holobands in Caprica. Your "image" would be projected in the location you want to go, and you would experience virtual reality of the area you've been projected to. Complete with physical sensation, of course, not just the picture. Of course, I'm not sure how you would do that either, but I think at least significant advancements are being made in 3D projection and the termination of beams of light using electromagnetic fields.

8,257 posts

Interesting idea. Though it would need an amovible hologram device at the location you want to project your hologram to.
The projector in the location could even ensure that your hologram also has a physical impact on the location; touchable holography is already possible, though it needs the technical apparatus for that.

54 posts

Oh, very cool. I didn't know they were doing that yet. That I see it, it seems obvious. xD

And yes, it would probably take a lot of large-scale projectors to make it happen. So maybe it wouldn't give you the full experience of teleportation, but you could attend a meeting or visit a friend or something if they had access to the equipment. You'd just have holo-rooms equipped with them or something.

5,129 posts

@ hahiha

do you maybe got some more info about that holography.
i would like to know the technical side of it.

8,257 posts

I found a pdf document, a paper of one page about the device in the youtube vid. It might answer the most pressing questions. Of course I don't know what is the actual state of the technology, you will have to google for that.

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