The teacher intended for the kid to feel guilty then?
That is blatantly obvious - you say something like that and it's bound to make the person feel guilty. That teacher is not a good one.
You're basing a teacher's ability to teach off of something that has nothing to do with what the teacher teaches? A teacher can't teach unless he/she is able to maintain order... if nothing else, she did a marvelous job of that and potentially curbing off all future instances. If he doesn't think he did anything wrong, then he has nothing to be ashamed of. He has nothing to be feel guilty about. I'd wager he only went through the same emotional transit a person who is making fun of another person goes through when they thought the one being made fun of wasn't around only to find out that they were in fact around. of those "Oh s" moments.
Now, if you read the thread before posting here, then you would have seen my argument on how people can and most likely will get angry/agitated/perturbed when you reference the demographic or classification of a loved one / family member of theirs in a slang/slur kind of way. I have a mulatto niece. If you reference mulattoes in a bad way, then I will be offended. It isn't the referencing of the class of people that has prompted their opinion. It is the fact that people are constantly looking for ways to say mean things. They warp the connotative meanings of words for people and then abuse them to hurt people. the word for a bundle of sticks... and the homosexual who was put on that bundle of sticks to burn. I'd tell you to ask E1337, but it seems he's no longer with us. I guess he used one too many offensive words. He once said that ridicule and usage of those words repressed homosexuals and hurt them... and confused and made others afraid to "come out of the closet." If someone says "Gay people are stupid," then I'll be offended. I have several real life and internets gay friends.
It is the same as if there is some kid by the name of Matthew who no one likes... be he annoying, filthy, stupid, or mentally retarded. If you go around using his name as a slur for similar faults that you find in your friends or just other people that know him, then you are effecting the same derogatory usage of Matthew that is being used with retard. You are making fun of Matthew each and every time you use his name. The people that know Matthew and just happen to know him in a positive way might just be offended at your usage of him as a slur. A teacher that knows him might even go so far as to tell her class, " I know Matthew. He can't help the problems he has. Do not use his name in that way again." ...but that would effect a bone chilling silence in the classroom... and poor little Timmy would have been called out and made to feel bad, and thus shut his mouth. we can't have that can we?
What about the slang word for *****rd? Some people say it is stupid black people... some say it is just black people in general. Nowadays, black people call each other by that word all the time. What do you think would happen if you walked up to a group of them and said "Hey *&%$#@'s, wussup?" I doubt it'd end like
this. ...unless you're black. It seems that usage of that word in the presence of black people is an exclusive privilege of black people and anyone who is nothing less than the closest of best friends with those people (if there is to be a chance of no animosity towards the speaker). Why is it that way? Idk... maybe the part where they ascribe the meaning of that word to be oppressive when said by a white person b/c of slavery that none of them ever experienced... but they have recent ancestors who did. They can't possibly be offended over something because of it's connotation and the loved ones involved in that connotation... that just doesn't happen.
I've witnessed some of the special education kids from my high school go through the same type conversations as talked about by someone else... they'd laugh at each other. ...but the second they thought a "normal" person was making fun of them for their condition they got angry and would at times cry. I'm not speaking on behalf of all of the mentally handicapped, but if you say that they don't get offended by the word, then you are wrong. Some of them might not, but I know that there are plenty that do.
A kid says the slang word for *****rd in a classroom setting and makes the generality that they're all stupid. The teacher asks "what did you say?" ...kid answers, "nothing." Teacher replies, "I heard what you said. I take offense to that word (she's got a through marriage black nephew). My nephew is black. He is not stupid, and you will not refer to black people with either of those words. You are using that word in a rude hateful way. Do not do it again."
Oh noes!!! D: We can't have someone call out a bully and make him feel bad!!! What a travesty!!!... but what of his original hurtful words? If it happens, it makes that person who called him out bad at whatever it is that they do? So the teacher is bad for making the kid seal off that spewing septic tank he calls a mouth? I can't imagine why... unless words said do in fact hurt the listener in some way. ...but I thought you said that words and opinions don't hurt people and they just need to get over it? D: Why does the bully get special treatment? Shenanigans!!!
Sounds like teacher of the year to me. Give that person a raise.
I agree that the common use of a word shouldn't be bothered with. ...but that hasn't stopped the fact that people do use those words to hurt other people for the reason that they do reference another group of people who the speaker also looks down on. If you stop the people who are slinging slurs when you hear them, then your original meanings will be safe. We change words b/c we have new people who grow up to them being used in mass in a bad way, and they find them offensive b/c that's what they're mostly used for... offending people. If you want the words to not cycle in and out of obscenity, then stop the obscene... or quit complaining about something you yourself can help stop but are not willing to do so. Until you do that, we're gonna keep cycling in and out new/old words that are considered acceptable.
I hope you can find an answer to your query in that, H.