ForumsWEPRNew IBM chip that mimics human brain

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256 posts

This is out standing to me. The thought that a computer chip could learn for itself and learn things without previous programming blows my mind. I would like to hear every one's responses to this!

  • 47 Replies
256 posts

I know my post was extreme, it was on purpose.

9,439 posts

But what if it got a virus and started killing people. Cough terminator cough.

Terminator wasn't caused by a virus. The damage caused by robots in the old movie Westworld was though (and that movie was made about 10 years before the term 'computer virus' existed).

Like the automated videorentshop which we have here but then with food.

I think there's a vending-store somewhere (maybe it was Japan or Germany) where you can buy all your groceries from a very large vending machine.
1,608 posts

@Emperor yes. We have a video rent store where you insert a pass, chose a movie, choose DVD or bluray, and get it. And wouldn't it be great if they did it with insurances. No more annoying calls or people. Or with Jehovah. Imagination, there comes a robot at your door who asks. Do you want to know about Jehovah or not. Press 1 for yes 2 for no.

9,439 posts

And wouldn't it be great if they did it with insurances. No more annoying calls or people.

But isn't there already automated calling? That might get worse because they'll train robots how to understand different verbal responses.
5,129 posts

Imagination, there comes a robot at your door who asks. Do you want to know about Jehovah or not. Press 1 for yes 2 for no.

i wold throw the robot down the flat i live in =P
can't do that when they are human but i don't care about a robot xD

computers could possibly end up like the slaves, and demand in-dependance.

and we reset them =P
5,061 posts

Any Skynet jokes yet?

The potential here is revolutionary, we could get to the point where rather than having humans sent in to burning buildings or disaster areas a robot could be sent in, capable of recognizing risks and stress factors that humans wouldn't. Or you could create a HUD for security personnel and soldiers that does the same thing.

This chip is revolutionary, but I also fear what it's capable of, or what it will be capable of as our technology advances. My problem is at some point this chip is going to be advanced enough to mimic the human brain to a point where it starts questioning its existence, no sentient being is going to enjoy being told that it was created for the sole purpose of slave labor. Could we simply grant them emancipation? Yes, however after some point there is going to be a realization that they are far smarter then us, then being the emotionless machines they intrinsically are, we will be considered "obsolete", and in my experience obsolete equipment tends to be placed in museums or destroyed.

I'm not saying that AI = end of humanity, I'm quite positive that they won't go Matrix or Terminator on us, however technology knows no bounds and at some point either we're going to evolve into giant brained version of humanity speculated about in books, or become the intellectual equivalents of cavemen living in the twenty-first century.

9,439 posts

I think it will be more like Wargames than Terminator or the Matrix.

5,061 posts

That's also the problem, in that scenario the computer considered itself to be more intelligent than humans, which it most likely was, and locked them out of the system for that purpose. Now a human could do the same thing, the difference, an ordinary person knows they are not infallible because they've made mistakes in the past, an AI would do no such thing, because from their inception they are capable of processing the consequences of a thousand different decisions in a split second. As such when they do screw up, it simply doesn't register.

16,287 posts

what about the fallout Skynet? a small 3-5 foot robot with a brain for a processor? those would be interesting

3,371 posts

That's why I suggest that we don't put this chip in actual computers. We put them in robot bodies and have them in small numbers. We should also make them have jobs like fireman but not jobs like policeman, or soilder. With jobs like that we would need to make them bullet resistent. They should also go schools to learn and have their body be made of material that can be pierced fairly easily. Then have their head be specialy made so that if it's detached or broken into it would kill the robot. Their strength should be about the same. Unless it's specially deigned for rescue missions and needs extra strength. They should also be made so that they can be shut down through a non-sentinent computer. This way they are a lot like humans and need to go by our laws. If they kill someone and are found guilty then they can be shut down. If they're killing in something like a riot then a shot in the head should be able to kill them like a regular person.

9,439 posts

We should also make them have jobs like fireman

But then they'd be very durable, strong, and heat resistant. They'd also have cutting tools for getting through obstacles.

They should also be made so that they can be shut down through a non-sentinent computer.

They'd find a way to hack/disable it.

Also if they ever got a link to the internet and found Wiki, they'd know everything they'd need to know.
3,371 posts

But then they'd be very durable, strong, and heat resistant. They'd also have cutting tools for getting through obstacles.

I think as long as we put them in a suit of kevlar they should be fine. Unless we give them nevrves. As for cutting tools we can give them an axe like a regular fireman and that's it. They wouldn't need much else. The worry with regular fire men is burning and smoke inhaling. But with the robots we can solve that problem.

They'd find a way to hack/disable it.

Well maybe some would. But I don't hink just because they're computers that they'll be able to hack anything. They'll just have a mind like our and they'll grow up like regular people do. But we would basicly have an on/off switch that we can regulate. To be able to hack it would be like a person tapping into their own brain. I think the only ones who would be able to hack it would be the ones who learn how to hack like regular people do.

Also if they ever got a link to the internet and found Wiki, they'd know everything they'd need to know.

True. But maybe we can give them a memory similar to our that erases some things.
5,061 posts

Dair you're referring to willfully crippling a sentient species so they can't escape their slavery. That's would be akin to the plantation owners of the antebellum era, removing a leg so the slave couldn't run away.

3,371 posts

Dair you're referring to willfully crippling a sentient species so they can't escape their slavery. That's would be akin to the plantation owners of the antebellum era, removing a leg so the slave couldn't run away.

Well of course they could have other jobs and be seen as equals to humans in society. But what i want to make sure is that we don't make a machine invincible. Anyone who kill these machines would be trialed as if they killed a human. And we would just flip the switch on them for no reason. It would only be if they were sentenced to death. I just don't want them to be in numerous amounts in case they feel like they're better then us and want to rise against us. I definitly would want unstoppable death machines, so i want to make them as human like as possible. They'll have civil and politcal freedoms too. But they'll be pretty fragil for the most part like people are.
3,371 posts

Sorry, typo.

And we would just flip the switch on them for no reason.

We wouldn't. Because that wouldn't be fair. The point is that the sentinent life should be treated like humans because they think like humans. The only diffrence is their bodies.
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