explain where these windmills would go?
the ocean. up to 6 miles from the coast of countrys it's still that countrys "ground" for a 6 feet person the horizon is about 3 miles away. so if we build behind those 3 miles. no1 will be able to see these windmills clearly. if even at all.
also is building them so close the the coast both easy to get that power to the mainland. (a few mile long cabels is nothing special)
if we are going to build them in the deep ocean. (like places were oil rigs are located) then we can use the very principe of the oil rig but then working for a windmill. they energy get story in massive batterys (oil stored in tanks) and a ship comes by to get those batterys and replace them whit empty ones. also can we use the rig of a oil rig to put out windmill on so it can move and float when needed while els it is standing still. also we might be able to get those worms from hahiha's post and use them to create more energy while transporting the energy from windmills.
i hope this also answerds your 2nd question of
you'd have to devise a way to connect the harvested energy from the turbine back to mainland
investments and willpower is needed to get ideas become reality. that was also the case whit nuclear power.
people should give it a try and not cry that it is ugly (i find airplanes also ugly but it does do it's job right and we are all happy whit it.) or that it costs more. because it will cost alot less the more there is. (just like any other product on the market)
you'd have to build towering windmills that don't pick up much energy
? i don't get this line.
i'd have to build large windmills that don't producess much energy?
why do i want to to that?
Wind energy is a great concept, but your idea seems too costly and difficult.
costly only because it whold be new. get loads of them and companys will specialize in it wich will make it cheaper.
difficult. i dunno and you can't know either because it's not done.
once again i have to say that it lacks investment and willpower for it to become reality (for now).
Oh but you see, think of horizon pollution. If there's a home with a great view, and a home with a crappy view of windmills, which one costs more? People don't like to screw up their investments.
i hope my 1st part of this post gave the answerd for this =)
the ijselmeer is to small. for the windmills to be efficient enoufg if they were only building them further then 3 miles away. it has to be build whitin the 3 miles radius. so yea people from the mainland will be able to see those windmills but thats not 100% needed at other locations in the world.
Wind is not a very dense substance
it might not be dense but there is alot of power
try power-kiting or kiteboarding, you will feel yourself how easly the wind can pull you up in the air. while normaly you have no problem walking against the wind
it is not like the massive amount of energy created from dams.
that depends very much on wich dam. and how many windmills.
windmills are not ment to be used 1 for a entire city. (if it was like that then windmills was THE most cheapest energy source today)
dams are awsome and i'm realy happy that people have had the willpower to create those things. however you can't build a dam evrywere. the landscape must be right for it. also do dams do massive damage to the land behind the dam. but at the same time creating a new place for other animals. so yea i like dams and they are a good thing.
but I think it should be implemented in areas that don't use a lot of energy
they should be build in a area whit not much people and then send the energy to big citys.
The energy grid isn't just some battery that can take in all the surplus energy it needs. You need a constant source of power
i ment the energy grid that is getting used by some country. at those grids there is always energy going through. windmills can simply add their energy to those grids.
I don't know of any place that solely relies on wind energy.
beside some houses that have a huge windmill in the garden there is no such place and windmills are not ment to be used that way. windmills are like solar penels to be used in combination whit other energy sources.
for now. maybe 1 of those 2 technologies can be improven so much that it can make enoufg energy on it's own 1 day. (or a other source wich we can't think of yet)
this is however more likely to happen whit solar penels then whit windmills. windmills are like realy old amd so is the technology. but it has great potentional so who knows? (no1)
but that seems like a road far into the future to me
and the future is what we do it for. save the future from a polluted earth. beter start today if it takes so long then to wait another 50 years 1st and then start the long process of saving the earth.
anyway i hope you see now that i'm not for 100% use of solar energy only or 100% use of wind energy only or 100% water energy only. i'm for a combination of those untill we have improved technologie in 1 of them or 1 wich we didn't discuss. (if it never improofs then a combination for ever =))
also am i for a ban against the build of new nuclear power stations
if we ban that then we will force people (scientists, governnments and energy companies) to change to "green" energy.(sure some go coal mining. if that realy becomes a issue because they all do it and no1 go's "green" then we can ban those aswel but thats later and a big IF) all the nuclear power stations that are out there now can still be running as they want to. untill it's simply not safe anymore because the power plant became to old. (no restoring them either (except when you are going to close the plant after and you don't want it to leak after it gets closed))