... to me nuclar power is completly fine... i dont sem to have a problem... its just common people have a frar of mutation and monster and stuff... if properly taken care of they would be okay.... what doyou think
A "cleaner" solution to waste, is fast reactors that both breed extra fuel and can consume some of the higher level waste elements.
The "once through" cycle of conventional reactors means very low fuel efficiency wothout reprocessing, and that style of reactor would deplete the known fuel reserves within a single lifetime if it became the major source of power in the world.
You guys do know that there is two types of nuclear power right? Fission and Fusion, though im not compleatly sure which one you talking about rigth now. But the other one is where we theorticlly split an atom and and in is huge amounts of energy and the only waste product is h20 which cam be used to make even more energy
ha.... i did not know that but isnt that kinda out of our reach at this time...
No, how do you think the atom bomb works? We make the atom so unstable that it splits and then we use the equation e=mc^2 to find out how much energy is released. We can also use the heat to turn turbines which is how we get nuclear power. I don't know much about the hydrogen bomb, but we fuse two hydrogen atoms together.