No. The site is great and all, but we really don't need TV commercials for it. We may have some ads scattered across the web, but commercials on TV are not gonna happen.
ArmorGames has had lots of publicity by advertising the site via banners or slots within the game itself. However *looks at Acmed*, ArmorGames may want to take it a step further, but that is their decision (and jurisdiction *COUGH*) to make. Though purely speculation, advertising a flash game site via commercial would be...different.
advertising a flash game site via commercial would be...different.
And it would probably be very expensive. The AG employees would have to choose which networks would be the most beneficial to air their commercial on, and at what times so as to achieve the most viewers from their targeted audience.
Do we really want our precious AG to turn into an "As Seen on TV" game site?
But again, I still agree with Ernie. AG is not a "seen on TV" thing. I think we'll actually lure in more underage kids. And what would we say? Come play flash games here! The most famous websites don't have commercials like Facebook, Flickr, Stumble Upon, etc. I don't we can afford and keep the site maintaining at the same time.
But still, it all depends on the money. If Dan can keep up the revenue and can afford a commercial while at the same time keeping the site alive, it's his choice financially to make a commercial. It's also the TV producer's decision to produce a flash game site commercial as well. From what I'm looking at, I doubt AG will shoot a television commercial.
but like you said,its Dan's decision and if he has enough money,we might be able to shoot a commercial,but like you said the producers decision,and Dan's.
I found that the average cost for a TV commercial is $350,000 (Just an estimated guess. Cost may change due to network, show it is sponsoring, ETC)..... That is a lot of money, i wouldn't expect Dan to have $350,000 bucks just hanging around. Its an excellent idea, just kind of expensive.
yea but who knows,he might win the mega million dollar lottery,we never know.
You're talking about unlikely and ridiculous what ifs. Let me put it this way:
AG is a website. No website is on TV. 1.3 million users have enjoyed this site for the past 6 years, and the 6,000,000 in the world watching TV won't care. Please stop with the buts, because it won't happen.