ForumsWEPREarthquake on East Coast???

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492 posts

Reports have come in today of 5.9 earthquake in Virginia. I live in North Carolina and I could feel it here. What's more astounding is that Virginia is in the middle of a tectonic plate. The word really is ending!

  • 30 Replies
5,061 posts

Nuclear power plants are designed to withstand earthquakes, before you bring up Japan let me point out that not many things can survive both an earthquake and a tsunami.

I would think there is more damage that hasn't been discovered yet, especially since houses in the area aren't designed with earthquakes in mind.

5,129 posts

$100,000,000 worth of damage

ow boy ow boy... thats not realy much for a natural "disaster" in a location like that.

many injuries reported but no deaths

funny how you say many but your link just says injuries reported. also is the only thing that i see on those pics a few chimneys that fell off. (wich is also not that rare because it's the weakest spot in a house) ofcours when some chimneys fall that a few people are under it.

japans nuclear plant was "destroyed" by the tsunami not the earthquake.
5,061 posts

Which followed what, oh that's right, an earthquake, they do tend to damage things that are attached to the ground.

ow boy ow boy... thats not realy much for a natural "disaster" in a location like that.

You seem to be under the impression that everyone in the area is obscenely rich. Unless it happened to government property it's going to be individual hardworking people who pay for that 100 million.
9,438 posts

funny how you say many but your link just says injuries reported.

Ok here's another link that says numerous injuries.


Main Entry: many
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: profuse, abundant
Synonyms: abounding, alive with, bounteous, bountiful, copious, countless, crowded, divers, frequent, innumerable, legion, lousy with, manifold, multifarious, multifold, multiplied, multitudinous, myriad, no end of, numberless, numerous, plentiful, populous, prevalent, rife, several, sundry, teeming, umpteen, uncounted, varied, various
5,129 posts

You seem to be under the impression that everyone in the area is obscenely rich.

hey another conclusion i did not say.
the area is very crowded and 100mill is not much in a area whit so much houses, flats and people.
1,482 posts

The higher up you are in a building, the less you'll feel it (possible swaying if you're really high up, but you won't feel much of the shaking).

That is what I reasoned. But apparently, everyone I've talked to say they felt more tremors at higher latitudes. I'm guessing the building would sway more? <-- That doesn't make much sense, I can't reason it through. I can definitely say though that everyone I talked gave statements that were contradictory to what you're telling me, most people felt it 'more' at a higher floor level. They might just all be crazy though I don't really trust my friends on things like this

Unless it happened to government property it's going to be individual hardworking people who pay for that 100 million.

Actually I agree with him. DC is an expensive area, and four counties surrounding it [Fairfax, Loudon, Falls Church, Arlington] are amongst the top 10 richest counties within the USA.
To make the same damage in, say, Kansas, it would have had to have been like a 7.5 or something.

I think the damages are so high up there because property costs a ton here, so small damages are still expensive. Whatever the case, I agree, too, that 100 Million is still a big number, and we have no idea who it is, and I still feel sorry for whoever has to pay for any damages. Stuff like this can feel like a tremendous setback if it has financial implications.
5,061 posts

Property costs shouldn't matter, it's the type of damage, a clogged drain in the White House costs the same amount to fix, as one in my house.

I would think that the majority of the damage would be cracks in the foundation, and other such landscape problems, for example in my neighborhood the hillside slid away from the sidewalk, creating a giant crack. I think it also damaged a cell tower, because cell phones just stopped working for a few hours yesterday.

Skyscrapers are designed to be slightly flexible so they don't fall over in strong winds, so I suppose that would probably have had something to do with the increased motion.

9,438 posts

I can definitely say though that everyone I talked gave statements that were contradictory to what you're telling me, most people felt it 'more' at a higher floor level.

hmmmm... it could be because there's less rigid supports when you get higher allowing more motion or something. like it's really sturdy at the bottom, but that wave energy can do more when there's less resistance maybe. The skyscraper flexibility thing seems to support this.

I think it also damaged a cell tower, because cell phones just stopped working for a few hours yesterday.

I heard they can only take a certain number of signals at a time. When it hits the limit, it won't accept any more signals. Hundreds of thousands were trying to call eachother at the same time.
1,482 posts

I heard they can only take a certain number of signals at a time. When it hits the limit, it won't accept any more signals. Hundreds of thousands were trying to call eachother at the same time.

Yeah, that's correct. The Federal Emergency Management service affirmed that no cellphone towers were harmed at all [I mean, they are rigid structures of metal and that wasn't a huge EQ], but it said that there were cellphone overloads on the system and they ask that in times of crisis we look towards the internet and SMS.
289 posts

ther was an Earthquake in Boston, too, but I didn't here the news cover that...

"Of course they didn't, DC is WAY more important than our city. duh!"

Shut up, Mom!

but yeah, it was a pretty small quake, anyways. And as my mom aptly put it, nobody cares what happens in Your city if something else is going on in DC.

1,482 posts

but yeah, it was a pretty small quake, anyways. And as my mom aptly put it, nobody cares what happens in Your city if something else is going on in DC.

What was even funnier is how the pentagon and the white house all evacuated. I was like 'wtf', the worst that could happen is a book from a shelf land on the president's head.
9,438 posts

What was even funnier is how the pentagon and the white house all evacuated. I was like 'wtf', the worst that could happen is a book from a shelf land on the president's head.

They weren't sure what it was and thought it was a terrorist attack. When the structure is in danger, the standard procedure was to leave the building.
5,061 posts

Let's not forget that the president wasn't even in the White House, he's on vacation.

Washington Monument's been shut down, they found cracks along the top of the obelisk, so until they're repaired, no visitors.

492 posts

Bull****. I can't even take you seriously anymore.

Why not? It's not very likely to have an earthquake in the middle of a tectonic plate and nowhere close to any faults.
1,017 posts

Why not? It's not very likely to have an earthquake in the middle of a tectonic plate and nowhere close to any faults.

May I refer you to EmperorPalpatine's link

There is a fault line that runs to a close proximity to the epicenter
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