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I've seen lots of "ask a" things so I thought I would make one for me and my fellow Non-Diety believers


Does being an atheist mean you don't eat meat?

No, atheist eat meat....

Will you answer my questions?

I'll try.

  • 155 Replies
132 posts

Most forms of Buddhism are Atheistic as far as I know.

They are because they believe we control our own destiny ( If there be such a thing as destiny or fate ). What happens in our life is based on our decisions good or bad. Karma is just a way of how they perceive the outcome/consequence of a given action. Now with that aside, I do believe atheist can be spiritual just as Kyouzou said. Does it have to be worshiping something? No. A man can go out into the fields where there are no cars or people but just nature and feel the most calming sense of peace and relaxation. The sound of the wind, the feel of grass, the bold scent of pine, and the taste of crisp air can be called meditation and , to few, can be considered a type or form of prayer. Does this mean we believe in God? No. We just enjoy the simplest sensations in life and appreciate it. You do not need to believe in a God to do that.
9,462 posts

The notion of atheists believing in supernatural phenomenon just bothers me.

Over all that doesn't really matter.

Does this mean we believe in God? No. We just enjoy the simplest sensations in life and appreciate it. You do not need to believe in a God to do that.

Yep and a nice thing about science is I can take it a step further and enjoy these things beyond their surface.
154 posts

Over all that doesn't really matter

One could argue that applies to everything posted in here. I was simply stating a reason for my stance.

On Spirituality:


: of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit : incorporeal <spiritual needs>
a : of or relating to sacred matters <spiritual songs>
b : ecclesiastical rather than lay or temporal <spiritual authority> <lords spiritual>
: concerned with religious values
: related or joined in spirit <our spiritual home> <his spiritual heir>
a : of or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena
b : of, relating to, or involving spiritualism : spiritualistic
â" spir·i·tu·al·ly adverb
â" spir·i·tu·al·ness noun

I don't see how being spiritual by this definition can be compatible with atheism. Enjoying life has nothing to do with being spiritual. Atheism is NOT a simple rejection of established religion. Holding spiritual belief outside of established religion is still a form of religion.


a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion>
b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

NOTE Service and worship of God or the SUPERNATURAL. This is key. Belief in the supernatural IS religion. Therefore to believe in the supernatural makes atheism impossible as one is practicing a form of religion as per this definition. You don't need a god for a religion.
879 posts

NOTE Service and worship of God or the SUPERNATURAL. This is key. Belief in the supernatural IS religion. Therefore to believe in the supernatural makes atheism impossible as one is practicing a form of religion as per this definition. You don't need a god for a religion.

Like I already said you can be an Atheist and still hold religious beliefs (e.g. Buddhists). Mage said it pretty good:
a-: without, not
theist: belief in a god or gods
atheist: without belief in a god or gods
It's that simple.
5,552 posts

You're all still on this? I said as much 3 pages ago, why are we still talking about it?

4,104 posts

Does being an atheist mean you don't eat meat?

I have a question for you, can you think of any real questions? If not, HahiHa pretty much summed it up because no one on this thread has actually asked a question and it has just turned into an argument about Atheists and karma.

Q: Do you believe in any deity?

A: No.


Atheism isn't a set of beliefs like a religion is, its one single, easy to understand, belief.
154 posts

Honestly, I don't care if you want to believe in god, spirits, the supernatural or whatever and call yourself an atheist. My point is that I simply do not believe you are an atheist if you have any belief in these things. Buddhists may atheists may be atheists, but that is only because Buddhism considers all questions regarding the origins of the universe and the way it works as being useless. (Wiki) They simply do not seek answers, therefore there is no need for a "god" to provide explanation.

Anyways, thanks Kasic for stating the obvious. I believe in nothing which cannot be observe, tested or measured. I am an atheist. Not sure what the rest of you are, not that it matters anyways.

Oh, and I eat meat. Probably a bit too much to be honest.

9,462 posts

One could argue that applies to everything posted in here.

No, that was just subjective opinion based reasoning. Not everything in this thread is based this way.

I don't see how being spiritual by this definition can be compatible with atheism.

Where in any of that does it state that the incorporeal, sacred matter, ecclesiastical, supernatural being or phenomena has to be a deity?

Enjoying life has nothing to do with being spiritual.

: of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit : incorporeal <spiritual needs>

So looking at the definition of spirit. Enjoying life can very much relate or affect the spirit when we apply these definitions of spirit in context with the definition quoted above.

: temper or disposition of mind or outlook especially when vigorous or animated <in high spirits>

a : the activating or essential principle influencing a person <acted in a spirit of helpfulness> b : an inclination, impulse, or tendency of a specified kind : mood
a : a special attitude or frame of mind <the money-making spirit was for a time driven back â" J. A. Froude> b : the feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something <undertaken in a spirit of fun>
: a lively or brisk quality in a person or a person's actions
: a person having a character or disposition of a specified nature
: a mental disposition characterized by firmness or assertiveness <denied the charge with spirit>

NOTE Service and worship of God or the SUPERNATURAL. This is key. Belief in the supernatural IS religion. Therefore to believe in the supernatural makes atheism impossible as one is practicing a form of religion as per this definition. You don't need a god for a religion.

Since the supernatural doesn't have to be God then you can be both religious and an atheist.

You're all still on this? I said as much 3 pages ago, why are we still talking about it?

It apparently didn't sink in with some.
154 posts

It apparently didn't sink in with some.

Sorry, didn't realize your word was Gospel. I'll try to remember for next time.
9,462 posts

Sorry, didn't realize your word was Gospel. I'll try to remember for next time.

I wasn't using just my word. Also I'm not the only one to point this out.
5,061 posts

As you've both said atheism is up to individual interpretation more than strict definition.

However I do feel the need to point out that there is a difference, however technical, between religious and theistic views.

Anyone have an interesting question? If only to inspire debate...

5,552 posts

Anyone have an interesting question? If only to inspire debate...

I do, actually.

If you're a religious Atheist (Affiliate with a religion that doesn't have a god/deity) why do you believe that makes any more sense than a theistic religion? What's the difference there?
3,371 posts

If every atheist has seperate groups and can't be clumped together why can christians be. I understand within their own denomiations but why sometimes as a whole. If the only common thing about christians is their belife in jesus as a savior and son of god then why is it even expected that christians will take everything in the bible. Isn't it like expecting all atheist are scientific? (I'm in no way trying to offend or start debate. I'm simply asking a question for an atheist to answer. If I have offended please take this as an appologie.)

5,552 posts

If the only common thing about christians is their belife in jesus as a savior and son of god

That's a pretty limiting thing, don't you think?

Isn't it like expecting all atheist are scientific?

That's just a false way of looking at it. If we were comparing apples to apples, we would have to be saying, "All theists are blah blah" etc. We aren't doing that. We're being specific.
9,462 posts

As you've both said atheism is up to individual interpretation more than strict definition.

I don't recall saying that. I do recall that the only requirement to be an atheist is a disbelief in a deity. Which is not "atheism is whatever we want to call it".

If you're a religious Atheist (Affiliate with a religion that doesn't have a god/deity) why do you believe that makes any more sense than a theistic religion? What's the difference there?

Over all there isn't one. It's still accepting claims on faith. It just so happens those particular claims exclude a god.

If every atheist has seperate groups and can't be clumped together why can christians be.

The base definition of atheist is lack of belief in any god. By this we can all be clumped together, but that's it. When it comes to religion we run into specific beliefs defining a person as being part of that religion. With Christianity I tend to use a base definition of holding "a monotheistic belief based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings" as the unified defining quality that can be attributed to all Christians, the thing that clumps you all together.

why is it even expected that christians will take everything in the bible.

You often get questioned about it because you derive your beliefs from the bible. Accepting one aspect but denying another is done completely arbitrarily, since it's nothing but your own subjective views making these determinations.
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