Honestly I don't really think it's a limitied thing. There was someone here that said he was a christian. Who didn't go to church, or read the bible, and there are some christians who do crazy things in the name of god. It seems that all christians belive in Jesus as a saviour and son of god though.
I don't really know what you mean about the second part though. I guess I didn't word what I wanted to say right. I someone is to assume that to be a real christian you must follow the bible word for word, it would be like saying to be atheist you would need to be someone who knows a ot about science. While there are atheist who do know science this isn't the requirement of being atheist. Just like taking everything in the bible, or even reading it isn't a requirement of being christian.
Whoops, I missed that. Well Mage basicly answered my question. Except for one thing. If there is a christian who doesn't take all of the old testament then is that a problem?
I wasn't using just my word. Also I'm not the only one to point this out.
Really? I just went through your posts on this thread and not once did you cite a source. So it's either your word or it's plagiarism. You argue well, make good points, but don't claim that you are using anything other than your own opinion unless you can cite sources.
Really? I just went through your posts on this thread and not once did you cite a source. So it's either your word or it's plagiarism. You argue well, make good points, but don't claim that you are using anything other than your own opinion unless you can cite sources.
You're really gonna call plagiarism on an off hand comment from another user on a public forums of a flash game site huh? I think you're taking this a bit far.
I am not "calling" plagiarism, rather bringing into question with respect to an earlier comment where he said it's not just his word. If it's not just his word, than it must be someone else's word he's using. It COULD be plagiarism, or it could be his own word. I admitted when I was stating opinion, and I cited sources when stating the word of others. I have no problem with opinion, however don't claim opinion to be fact.
Or is this a forum where you can just spew forth whatever you like and pass it of as the word of god or of science without any citation?
Really? I just went through your posts on this thread and not once did you cite a source. So it's either your word or it's plagiarism. You argue well, make good points, but don't claim that you are using anything other than your own opinion unless you can cite sources.
I posted up definitions spelling out the definition of atheist.
"a-: without, not theist: belief in a god or gods atheist: without belief in a god or gods It's that simple."
That's not just my word, that's the definition for the prefix a- and the word theist as can be found in pretty much any dictionary where I got them. I think in this case I used both Merriam Websters and Dictionary.com to find these definitions. Atheist is simply putting them together.
I also said it wasn't just my words because HahiHa had also pointed this out before me on this thread.
Now are you done putting your head up your backside?
Really? I just went through your posts on this thread and not once did you cite a source. So it's either your word or it's plagiarism. You argue well, make good points, but don't claim that you are using anything other than your own opinion unless you can cite sources.
I think this is a case of thread-fail, where a poster goes into denial and then asserts fear, followed by anger?
If you hang around the forums some more you'll see that Mage is one of the forums best, most informative posters.
As for this thread, the fact it's not derailed and off topic:
I have a few question for Atheists (to do you a favour and keep this alive)
Atheists of the thread, have you guys always been atheist? are your parents atheist? If you were previously religious before (as i know a few of you have told me), what was the reason for a demise in your faith?
Sort of. I was raised to be a Christian (First Catholic, then Methodist) but I never really believed in it. I considered myself a Christian though, which is all that really matters I suppose. At around age 6-7, I started asking a lot of questions, and got pretty much answers like, "God knows" or "God loves everyong" (Answers you'd give a 6 year old, not someone with a genuine question) So I eventually came to the conclusion that God was the same as Santa and Bigfoot and the Easter Bunny and the Loch Ness Monster and all those other things, just a story.
are your parents atheist?
None of my parents are, nor their parents. My grandmother is actually a pastor, and my Aunt is in college to be one.
what was the reason for a demise in your faith?
The top reason has got to be that no one even had the same answer. Every time I asked someone different, I got a different answer.
That, and the fact that I never "felt" god in my life, or anything different when I went to church/did anything like celebrate Christmas/Easter or pray, just boredom if anything.
I haven't always been atheist, and my parents are both religious, I was Hindu until about ten years of age.
About that time I was starting to have doubts as to the existence of something no one has ever seen, then I realized the differences between all the religions in the is , and started to wonder how it was possible that any God would allow would allow something "he" had created to splinter and kill each other in "his" name, the doubt increased. After that it was only a matter of time.
Atheists of the thread, have you guys always been atheist?
Nope, I grew up deist always told there was a god but with no more information than that, however t the age of about 11 my mother and step father started going to church, i went with them for abouta year, the stopped.
are your parents atheist?
My father is staunchly atheist, although I was only told his views at the age of about 10, my mother was deist, shes now probably some kind of agnostic, she isn't sure, I think she believes in a higher power though.
what was the reason for a demise in your faith?
Well, I like Kasic never felt the 'feeling' or a 'resence' that everyone talked about, then as I grew older i started looking for some proof or logic behind anything I was told, yet my questions were only ever answered by things like 'only god knows', eventually I cam to the conclusion that, as I could not see nor feel any sort of God that I had no reason to believe he was there.
See now, ask the right questions, get a better discussion.
Very interesting guys. I always find it much more informative when Atheists branch from different backgrounds. Such as above, Christianity was mentioned, as was Hinduism. Very interesting.
NO I haven't always been an atheist. In fact identifying myself as an atheist was a rather recent change for me prior to signing up to AG. I was one for quite a while but because of a misunderstanding of what an atheist was I didn't realize I was one.
are your parents atheist?
No, my mom was a Catholic (though a bit of an unorthodox one) as for my dad he get's a bit more complicated. He was raised Catholic, but later became some sort of mix of Buddhism and deism, even from this deistic view it's possible his views of god were not as a deity but more of a force of nature. It's got really complicated. Though I think I could argue his reasoning for believing what he did now.
If you were previously religious before (as i know a few of you have told me), what was the reason for a demise in your faith?
It didn't make any sense and didn't have evidence backing it up. I came to the conclusion early on that no one religion had a full answer, so I though an elephant approach would work, where each religion had a piece of the truth and all that was needed was to put it together like a big jigsaw puzzle. However as I went on with this line of thought I found the picture to be no better than any one religion. So I tried looking at things by removing theistic views and found things made far more sense. Things weren't just subjectively supported but had actually objective evidence backing it up. I no longer had to try and figure out how this odd myth fit the facts, it was simply rejected for not fitting the facts. This still left gaps in knowledge but gave room to fill those gaps and filled far more that were previously missing.
Both my parents were raised as Catholics. Both agree that Catholicism has too many flaws and twists to be real. Due to those flaws, my dad went atheist, my mom went JW. That's kind of both extremes.