Would a religious belief affect any of you atheists personally in regards to relationships?
mabye if we have kids one day then it would be a battle between Diety and Science... but i wouldnt care if my gf was relegious. i dont mind going to church a few times in my life.
So fair enough, for the purpose of this thread I'll go with this accepted definition. Almost exactly what Mage said. I concede. A very broad and inclusive definition.
Also related are these words, used to narrow the broad scope of atheistic belief. (All are found on Oxford online).
The theory or belief that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications. the theory or belief that consciousness and will are wholly due to material agency. See also dialectical materialism
A theory or doctrine that denies the existence of a distinction or duality in a particular sphere, such as that between matter and mind, or God and the world.
The philosophical belief that everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted.
Would a religious belief affect any of you atheists personally in regards to relationships?
Yes, it would affect me personally in any case, but not necessarily negatively. Depends how strong her belief'd be, and what belief it is respectively how much it interferes in everyday life. And if she'd let me debate with her @uselessnoob The definitions of materialism, monism and naturalism all start with "theory","beleif" or "doctrine". So they can't be directly related to atheism. They may be related for the majority of atheists, but that is because of personal reasons, that do not affect the definition of atheism.
Would a religious belief affect any of you atheists personally in regards to relationships?
Yes. My wife believes loosely in God and christianity. We've gone to war over this on many occasions, usually when I make some negative comment about christian beliefs or question the validity of religion. A few ugly arguments, but we survived. My brother, originally an atheist, went through a religious phase and tried to convert me, but that passed and he returned to atheism.
So far I am winning. My kids' never been to church.
Well thats just the same questions as, 'do you enjoy life whne not thinking about/practicing religion' its just your life without the religious bits nothing more, nothing less.
Would a religious belief affect any of you atheists personally in regards to relationships?
Well, if I am perfectly honest i find it hard to even be frineds with religious people, as to me there is always the niggling thought at the back of my mind,'hey they think i'm going to hell, and whats more they think thats just swell' so i guess the straight answer is yes it would affect a relationship, not that i would have such a thing as I'm essentially an emotionally incapable lovless monster
Well, if I am perfectly honest i find it hard to even be frineds with religious people, as to me there is always the niggling thought at the back of my mind,'hey they think i'm going to hell, and whats more they think thats just swell' so i guess the straight answer is yes it would affect a relationship, not that i would have such a thing as I'm essentially an emotionally incapable lovless monster
You know, not all religous people belive you will go to hell. And not all even belive that not following their religon will get you thrown in hell.
I know, but if you are orthodox Christian you should, I know YOU don't dair but many many do, and if I'm honest with you i think its wishful thinking on your part
I know less than a handful of Christians who are like that, and i go to school in a church >.>
If they weren't a "Shove the bible down your throat" type of Christians, would you still be willing to pas up on love simply because they believe in a God?
Plus, my question was open to all religions. If they were Buddhist? Muslim? Hindu?
The definitions of materialism, monism and naturalism all start with "theory","beleif" or "doctrine". So they can't be directly related to atheism. They may be related for the majority of atheists, but that is because of personal reasons, that do not affect the definition of atheism.
Please read my post before commenting. I said the definitions are RELATED to atheism in general and can be used to narrow a broad focus. I NEVER said anything about changing the definition of atheism.