Grimml, do you use Reddit or did you get that picture from somewhere else?
There's always Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman if Perry or Ron Paul aren't to your liking. Or Mitt Romney.
If Palin wins the nomination, why would we be sad?
Obama would landslide that in a moment.
I would love to have Ron Paul in office,
EnterOrion, are you seriously telling me this? I mean, yes, Ron Paul's ideas, some of them, are glorious that cut deep into the heart of our problems.
But he also hates FEMA and would like to kill minimum wage, gradually kill the Federal Reserve System, oppose the UN, kill income tax, eliminate the departments of education, energy, commerce, health and human services, and the IRS; along with limiting the CIA, and allowing prayer in public schools.
Might be because I lean a little left on all things that don't involve religion or social life... but seriously, Ron Paul is a scary idea for president.
Rick Perry is a bit of a nutjob, too, though.
I'm just curious though, why isn't this 'Rick Perry or Mitt Romney'? They seem to be the only two contenders left that the Media/Polls will care about [Not saying the others don't matter... it's just that they don't have a chance]. Maybe Bachmann. But... she's Bachmann, I'm sure if she's nominee then Obama will landslide.