I wish it was possible to earn armor points by playing games. It made it to where you can see how much time you actually spent playing. Plus here lately I've only been playing shell shock live.
I wish it was possible to earn armor points by playing games. It made it to where you can see how much time you actually spent playing. Plus here lately I've only been playing shell shock live.
I don't think time playing a game would be an achievement (you can put the game in a different tab and leave it for hours). But game achivements may include Kill streaks in Raze, Amount of coins gained in Coinbox hero, etc...
ArmorPoints are earned from commenting, and rating also from submitting games, earning merits, and posting comments in the forum.
That is correct. But to be more specific if you're new: commenting - If you are on a game screen while logged in, you can scroll down a bit to where it says "Quick Feedback". Posting there will get you AP. rating - You can rate games in the same place you comment on them. Just above the "Quick Feedback" area is the "Game Stats" area. Rating a game will give you AP. submitting games - If you're a programmer, you can post games to Armor Games after they've met some certain AG standards. Submitting games can be done via the "Submit Games" button at the right of the Armor Games banner at the top of your window. earning merits - If you make a good comprehensive, well-written comment in the "Quick Feedback" section, moderators can give you a merit for your comment. You can read about merits here. commenting - Every time you make a comment here in the community, you get AP. Plain and simple.