ForumsThe TavernScariest dream you ever had

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1,606 posts

The title is exactly what i'm asking, what is the scariest dream you ever had. Explain the dream in deatail please and say what scared you most.

  • 26 Replies
923 posts

I don't really have scary dreams or at least not ones that I remember...

3,139 posts

The scariest dream i've ever has is way too personal and explicit for the likes of the internet.

One scary dream i had though was pretty much based on the movie Taken. I was travelling and got taken by men and sold into the sex trade. Bad times.

2,261 posts

Luckily for me, I've never had a vivid dream in my life, and since nightmares are usually vivid, I've never had a nightmare either.

I consider myself quite lucky in that sense.

36 posts

I sucked up by a tornado and knew that sooner or later I was going to have a long fall to the ground. It was a very vivid dream and I woke up totally screwed up. Needless to say I had a hell of a time trying to fall back to sleep.

127 posts

I once had a monster dream, it wasn't scary to me though.

Monsters were passing though the halls and I was greeting them without any fear, while my sisters were petrified in the other room.

I had a much scarier dream involving faceless people (neighbors who looked at me without

but thats still to scary to remember even though I had it at least 9 or 11 years ago..

1,606 posts

So the only one who could explain their dream is coyotesfft?

928 posts

I explained my scariest, and most erratic dream in a story. If you guys are okay with it I can post it here. I typed it out pretty much as soon as I woke up and its very amateur but still.

1,606 posts

I explained my scariest, and most erratic dream in a story. If you guys are okay with it I can post it here. I typed it out pretty much as soon as I woke up and its very amateur but still.

Sure post it =)
928 posts

Okay then here it is.

I flew my kite into the electrical wires, while I was being electrocuted I had an epiphany. Im going to die, my brain was frying. Then I thought. Maybe the Earth really is round, the grass is green, the sky isnt endless, and space is just as its name applies. As I stand there hand holding the kite string I couldn't help but notice my ears smoking and my tongue was solid. So I wanted to sing. I sang "Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!" because it matched my mood. I fell backwards as I took what should have been my final breath, and the world darkened. I opened my eyes and I was in water. Confused I decided to swim upwards, only to have a large boat nail me in the head. I sank to the bottom; blood pouring from my wound, only to have a large shark swallow me whole. I wake up some time later to find my head has been bandaged and the Old Spice guy standing there staring at me. He handed me a hand and pulled me up. He gave me a mirror and said, "Hello Keeton. Look at yourself, then back to me then back to yourself and back to me. Sadly you aren't me. Where are we. We're in a Shark." Confused at his ramblings I said, "How do we get out?" He looked around and said, "SWAN DIVE! Were in a trench." He disappeared and I was left alone, a rifle in my hands and a World War I Allied Soldier uniform on me. I was at the front lines. Somehow I knew what was happening. A whistle blew as me and 50 other men rushed forward out of the trench. Explosions and gunfire rang in my ears, as well as the screams of my fellow soldiers. A bullet ripped through my abdomen. I died on the spot. I woke up to a sweet and serene voice telling me I had fainted during liftoff. I opened my eyes to a white room with several objects floating around. A single woman staring at me confused as I looked around frantically. "WHERE ARE WE," I shouted. She replied, "In Space." I looked outside the window. The Earth was staring back at me. It was a beautiful sight. So beautiful that I may have cried. The woman, who was wearing a suit. A white space suit. The name tag read V. Keeton. "Why do you have my last name," I asked. She looked confused, and a little worried. She finally replied, "Because Im your wife." I fainted from the shock. I woke up to a loud bang. I looked around for the source. I was in the woods. Another man was with me. He said, "I thought you were dead for sure, here take this pistol. These guys wont let up." He gave me a pistol. .9mm. "Whats going on," I asked. "We were burying a body remember, and a rival family attacked us." He replied. As he finished a stray bullet ripped into his head. I got up and frantically ran. But to no avail. Something hit me in the face. A large man with a baseball bat was standing over me. "See ya in Hell," said the man. He swung the baseball bat hard onto my head. My vision blurred. Again! I felt a warmth pass over my face, and then a chill to my whole body. Again! I jolted up out of bed. I rubbed my hands through my hair and said, "That was weird."

Its not so much a scary dream when explained in this way. But think about the fact that I saw all of this in first person.

1,606 posts

A very interesting dream, and I could imagine that the shark part was scarry since I've been swallowed be4 in dreams but I thougt it was funny with the old spice. I think it was a bit more random then scarry.
I think one of the scarriest dreams I had was I was in my house stiing on my bed when my sister started talking about nightmares and then she said, "I bet dark stuff is everywhere and even under ur blanket" and when she lifted the blanket there was a dead decomposing body under there and I started to be scared and she was saying "whats wrong?" and when I told her she went to tell my mom I was seeing things.
Then I went to the doctors because of that and he said he was going to give me a shot and I knew it was poison because when my mom and sister left me in the room with him, he started to look kindof demonic, so I fought with him and stabbed it into his eye and injected it and tried to run from there but when I left that room I went into this open room that was compressing and bloody Mary was blocking the doorway but there was a sword next to me so I grabbed the sword and cut off her legs and ran outof that room before the doorway dissapeared and crushed bloody mary. Then I went on this weird party where everyone was in the basement and I knew something was wrong. I peeked upstairs and saw that there were monsters that killed the parents upstairs and were going towards the stairs. Then one came down, shut off the lights, and started killing people with a machette and I found hiding among the coats and killed.

332 posts

i am not afaird of anything

510 posts

thats creepy mine i was stuck in this wierd place with like mental guys who had been tested on on and weired stuff and i was in this room i didnt know i was in the same room as one and it started running at me so i punched it went flying back hit a wall its head like blew when i punched and its blood was black i thought it was dead then it started moving looked at me and screamed then i woke up

1,606 posts

i am not afaird of anything

You prolly just never found it or ignore too much to be afraid.
1,606 posts

thats creepy mine i was stuck in this wierd place with like mental guys who had been tested on on and weired stuff and i was in this room i didnt know i was in the same room as one and it started running at me so i punched it went flying back hit a wall its head like blew when i punched and its blood was black i thought it was dead then it started moving looked at me and screamed then i woke up

Interesting dream, I never had one like that except for one where I had a doll trying to get in my house and steal my mind.
1,627 posts

Ok, so when I was about seven, I had this dream where I was fighting a monster with this super hero guy in a pretty sweet costume and everything. Now that I think about it, the monster looked like Sully from Monsters Inc. But anyways, after we beat the monster, we started to take a sky boat back to my home (the ground had fallen away during the fight), when all of a sudden we couldn't paddle forward anymore and were being sucked by toward Evil Sully. When we got back there, we walked up the path to this house for some reason, where ES was waiting for us with chains to put on our arms and legs. It was scary as Hell. Remember, I was only seven at the time.

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