it means that a small thing could have a big over time... ill explain
you have a pencil...
1) you dropped it- you found that your shoewas untied- you tied it- as you stould up a bike messanger hit you- you both fall to the ground- making him late for a messange- he ets fired- he goes crazy- kills his family and him self_all because you dropped you pencil
2) you put it in you pocket- kept walking- a bike messanger passes you- you wave-he waves back- then a buss gos by- you needed to get on that bus- you run after it- into the street- you get hit by a car- the pencil stabs you in the leg- it puncures an artiry- you bleed out and die. ( there are so many varibales...
I heard of that idea but didn't know the name of it till now, and who knows what created the universe and I think the butterfly effect can't really do much to the universe since that works only on objects without set paths and unlimited options.
the infinate Q... i belive that the universe was all ways there... all we no of is the universe unless we are just mearlly like a galxiy to another universe at thet point it would be an omniverse
Wether it's a measurement, or a physical thing, it exists. Even things that are just concepts in our minds exist. I gave more extensive arguments here, but I've lost to much faith in the WEPR since then to go through that again.
Even if things are preordained, you still have choices to make. Even if it was already set up beforehand for you to make the choice you made, you still made it on your own will.