ForumsWEPRConspiracy Theories: 9/11

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Ten years ago, the World was shocked by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Until today, there are people that don't believe in the official reports.

Officially, what happened?: In the morning of September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks happened on the United States. Two planes were hijacked and hit the World Trade center, causing both towers to collapse. Another hijacked plane hit the Pentagon. A fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania while the terrorists were trying to reach the Capitol or the White House.

Officially, who did it?: Official reports state that the Al-Qaeda was the culprit of the attacks, with Osama Bin Laden sending tapes to the US government confirming it.

Conspiracy theories:
The planes didn't make the towers to collapse:
Skeptics state that the planes's structures weren't able to cause that much of damage to the towers. Their frames are made from a very light aluminum. Other conspiracy theories state that the way that the towers collapsed was similar to controlled demolition. Witnesses stated hearing explosions while trying to escape and scientists and architects state that the planes's fuel wasn't able to produce sufficient heat to melt the buildings's metal structures.

Pentagon: Why not taking the plane that hit it down before it did it?: Conspiracies around the attack to the Pentagon ask: why don't they took down the plane before getting hit? Also, theories state that the air defense was told to Hold the position and not doing anything to prevent the planes to hit the Pentagon nor the WTC, even with officers trained to take down or disable hijacked planes. Some theories also say that the holes made by the plane crash and explosion were smaller than a commercial plane. They also question: Coincidence the fact that the Pentagon was hit in an empty section that was under renovations?

Skeptics say: How a cellphone was able to call from such a high altitude? Scientists and skeptics state that the Hijackers's calls were faked because cellphones weren't able to make calls in the plane's altitude.

Osama's tapes were fake?:Theories say that Osama Bin Laden stated first that he wasn't responsible for the attacks, but then several videos appeared showing otherwise. This lead to several conspiracies about Osama Bin Laden's participation on the attacks

The Hijackers's passports:
Skeptics found odd the fact that the hijackers's passports were found in good condition amid the debris.

The Black Boxes: Conspiracy fans state that was odd the fact that the recordings in the black boxes were kept secret. Officially reported, 3 out of 4 black boxes were found, but only one was in good condition. The latter was showed to the family members of those in the towers, but remained secret from the world.

Hijackers: Some people believe that the Hijackers are alive and living in other countries, but that can be because of repeating names.

Flight 93: Theories state that the Flight 93 (the one who crashed in Pennsylvania) crash was staged: that the plane itself landed in safety and a replacement was blown up. They also state that the passengers were maybe killed or hide.

So, what do you think about this?

I think I don't have a precise opinion about this.

God bless all the victims of this gruesome attack.

  • 17 Replies
3,139 posts

I've literally spent the day weeping over some of the videos on youtube. Not because i know people directly affected, but because i'm an emotional wreck in general. (May aswell be honest)

The Missile theory

I watched quite a lot of videos where the live news didn't show a plane so conspiracy theorists believe it was a missile. Although the footage uploaded to youtube could have easily been edited.
Then there was the fire on the roof to make one of the buildings collapse.

In regards to the plane not being able to take down the building, sure if you want to believe the conspiracy theory then it might have been a controlled demolition, although progressive collapse does happen, rare, but it does happen. It may have been a case of bad structuring. I think i read somewhere that the fire protection elements were removed from a few of the floors where the plane hit.

How a cellphone was able to call from such a high altitude? Scientists and skeptics state that the Hijackers's calls were faked because cellphones weren't able to make calls in the plane's altitude.

I don't know if it was possible in 2001, but it's possible now so maybe they could use a cell phone at that altitude. I use my cell phone when i'm airbourne Dubai-Jakarta with Emirates. They enable it when you've taken off and are airbourne for about thirty minutes. It costs an arm and a leg to use the service but it's very possible.
Also, most of the communication between hijackers, passengers and air control was done via in flight methods was it not?

Pentagon: Why not taking the plane that hit it down before it did it?: Conspiracies around the attack to the Pentagon ask: why don't they took down the plane before getting hit? Also, theories state that the air defense was told to Hold the position and not doing anything to prevent the planes to hit the Pentagon nor the WTC, even with officers trained to take down or disable hijacked planes. Some theories also say that the holes made by the plane crash and explosion were smaller than a commercial plane. They also question: Coincidence the fact that the Pentagon was hit in an empty section that was under renovations?

I've read a bunch of stuff on this saying the conversations over the radio were faked - but to be honest, if they were: they could have put more effort in. The guys were told about the WTC attack and didn't know if it was a test or something. At the beginning, they sounded rather insensitive and pretty much ignorant, so if it was fake i don't think they'd release that. The reason they were told to hold their ground was because it meant shooting down all civilian planes. Think about how many planes could have been in the area? What about the ones that weren't hijacked? Would it be right to shoot them down, kill all the innocent passengers and crew to prevent the pentagon crash, which as you said hit an empty part? They moved the president anyways.

I don't really know and i doubt we will ever actually know. All that matters is that regardless of who orchestrated it, regardless of conspiracy theories, many people were affected - those who lost their lives, their family members, the firemen, policemen. Man, something the world does not want to see again.

"Today we stand as it fell."
879 posts

Omg, not this again...

scientists and architects state that the planes's fuel wasn't able to produce sufficient heat to melt the buildings's metal structures.

Here's the answer:
Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strengthâ"and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."

"Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F," notes senior engineer Farid Alfawak-hiri of the American Institute of Steel Construction. "And at 1800° it is probably at less than 10 percent." NIST also believes that a great deal of the spray-on fireproofing insulation was likely knocked off the steel beams that were in the path of the crashing jets, leaving the metal more vulnerable to the heat.

But jet fuel wasn't the only thing burning, notes Forman Williams, a professor of engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and one of seven structural engineers and fire experts that PM consulted. He says that while the jet fuel was the catalyst for the WTC fires, the resulting inferno was intensified by the combustible material inside the buildings, including rugs, curtains, furniture and paper. NIST reports that pockets of fire hit 1832°F.

"The jet fuel was the ignition source," Williams tells PM. "It burned for maybe 10 minutes, and [the towers] were still standing in 10 minutes. It was the rest of the stuff burning afterward that was responsible for the heat transfer that eventually brought them down."

Source: Popular Mechanics
Scientists and skeptics state that the Hijackers's calls were faked because cellphones weren't able to make calls in the plane's altitude.

The cell phone thing is total BS. They were able but it just didn't work that well. You can hear that in the recorded calls... This is from wiki:
After 9/11, cellular experts said that calls were able to be placed from the hijacked planes, and that they were surprised that they lasted as long as they did. They said that the only reason that the calls went through in the first place is that the aircraft were flying so close to the ground.[153] Alexa Graf, an AT&T spokesperson said it was almost a fluke that the calls reached their destinations.[154] Other industry experts said that it is possible to use cell phones with varying degrees of success during the ascent and descent of commercial airline flights.[155] Marvin Sirbu, professor of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University said on September 14, 2001, that "The fact of the matter is that cell phones can work in almost all phases of a commercial flight."[155]
According to the 9/11 Commission Report, 13 passengers from Flight 93 made a total of over 30 calls to both family and emergency personnel (twenty-two confirmed air phone (airfone) calls, two confirmed cell phone and eight not specified in the report). According to, all but two calls from Flight 93 were made on airfones, not cell phones, and both calls lasted about a minute before being dropped.[156] Brenda Raney, Verizon Wireless spokesperson, said that Flight 93 was supported by several cell sites.[154] There were reportedly three phone calls from Flight 11, five from Flight 175, and three calls from Flight 77. Two calls from these flights were recorded, placed by flight attendants Madeleine Sweeney and Betty Ong on Flight 11.[157]

btw please show me those so called scientists.

I'm not gonna debunk the rest you can do the research by yourself (starting with reading the link to popular mechanics)
3,766 posts

The planes didn't make the towers to collapse: Skeptics state that the planes's structures weren't able to cause that much of damage to the towers. Their frames are made from a very light aluminum. Other conspiracy theories state that the way that the towers collapsed was similar to controlled demolition. Witnesses stated hearing explosions while trying to escape and scientists and architects state that the planes's fuel wasn't able to produce sufficient heat to melt the buildings's metal structures.

This is the one that I always here about. I find it very hard to believe. It would be very difficult to plan something like this without there being a leak somewhere. And why would they even want to? I believe the conspiracy theory about Pear Harbor more than this one.
9,439 posts

Y'know if the government was gonna waste their time making it a controled explosion, why include something hitting the buildings at all? Just say terrorists put a lot of explosives in the base of the buildings by adding it bit by bit to avoid detection.

What's that?

5,129 posts

all those Conspiracy theories are total BS.
people that believe them got to go check the doc for a sec.

1,100 posts



Did I mentioned that the Air Defense had the necessary training to disable the planes without taking them down?
1,810 posts

Yes i do bigfatkitty. i also believe that Elvis killed both Saddam and Bin laden. Because i can i am also going say that he killed Hitler and he is a high ranking official in the illuminati, along with Micheal Jackson. Now who want to discuss theories on assassinations of important people in pop culture or royalty or government? =P Im open to suggestions.

9,439 posts

Did I mentioned that the Air Defense had the necessary training to disable the planes without taking them down?

How? If the people are being threatened with live explosives onboard, what's stopping the detonation?
3,139 posts

Did I mentioned that the Air Defense had the necessary training to disable the planes without taking them down?

Disable the plane? Sure. Everyone on board would have still died. Not to mention they didn't know it was going to crash into the building. In hindsight if they knew what the hijackers intentions were, they could have disabled the plane and just let everyone on the plane die: but that's a tough call to me - kill everyone on board INCASE terrorists decide to crash into a building and kill 3000 people.
1,100 posts

Oh, yeah... I forgot that those terrorist had bombs... disregard my previous comment, please.

3,139 posts

Not only bombs.
On flight 93 they stabbed someone i believe?

5,129 posts

On flight 93 they stabbed someone i believe?

at the time i heared they stabbed the pilot and kept people hostage whit Stanley knifes.

dunno if i realy can believe this but w/e
3,139 posts

I just read up on it as i'd heard it in a documentary last night.
They stabbed the pilots and one passenger apparently.

Apparently one of the hijackers on flight 93 was already disguised as a pilot, and that is how he managed to get into the cockpit: he was invited.

Does anyone know where flight 93 was destined? I have read a lot of sources saying either the White house or Washington airport. It's not very clear which one though.

Also, in regard to the cell phone conspiracy - it has been proven that once airplanes go below a certain altitude, cell phones can be used and were used at that certain altitude on 9/11, although most of the calls came from on-board phones which transmit at a different frequency.

1,810 posts

This post was listed a while ago was going to Congress.

3,139 posts

It's stated that it was either congress or the white house. The reason more people lean towards congress is because bush was in Florida. There's not 100% certainty though.

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