ForumsWEPRConspiracy Theories: 9/11

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Ten years ago, the World was shocked by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Until today, there are people that don't believe in the official reports.

Officially, what happened?: In the morning of September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks happened on the United States. Two planes were hijacked and hit the World Trade center, causing both towers to collapse. Another hijacked plane hit the Pentagon. A fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania while the terrorists were trying to reach the Capitol or the White House.

Officially, who did it?: Official reports state that the Al-Qaeda was the culprit of the attacks, with Osama Bin Laden sending tapes to the US government confirming it.

Conspiracy theories:
The planes didn't make the towers to collapse:
Skeptics state that the planes's structures weren't able to cause that much of damage to the towers. Their frames are made from a very light aluminum. Other conspiracy theories state that the way that the towers collapsed was similar to controlled demolition. Witnesses stated hearing explosions while trying to escape and scientists and architects state that the planes's fuel wasn't able to produce sufficient heat to melt the buildings's metal structures.

Pentagon: Why not taking the plane that hit it down before it did it?: Conspiracies around the attack to the Pentagon ask: why don't they took down the plane before getting hit? Also, theories state that the air defense was told to Hold the position and not doing anything to prevent the planes to hit the Pentagon nor the WTC, even with officers trained to take down or disable hijacked planes. Some theories also say that the holes made by the plane crash and explosion were smaller than a commercial plane. They also question: Coincidence the fact that the Pentagon was hit in an empty section that was under renovations?

Skeptics say: How a cellphone was able to call from such a high altitude? Scientists and skeptics state that the Hijackers's calls were faked because cellphones weren't able to make calls in the plane's altitude.

Osama's tapes were fake?:Theories say that Osama Bin Laden stated first that he wasn't responsible for the attacks, but then several videos appeared showing otherwise. This lead to several conspiracies about Osama Bin Laden's participation on the attacks

The Hijackers's passports:
Skeptics found odd the fact that the hijackers's passports were found in good condition amid the debris.

The Black Boxes: Conspiracy fans state that was odd the fact that the recordings in the black boxes were kept secret. Officially reported, 3 out of 4 black boxes were found, but only one was in good condition. The latter was showed to the family members of those in the towers, but remained secret from the world.

Hijackers: Some people believe that the Hijackers are alive and living in other countries, but that can be because of repeating names.

Flight 93: Theories state that the Flight 93 (the one who crashed in Pennsylvania) crash was staged: that the plane itself landed in safety and a replacement was blown up. They also state that the passengers were maybe killed or hide.

So, what do you think about this?

I think I don't have a precise opinion about this.

God bless all the victims of this gruesome attack.

  • 17 Replies
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Not only that but Congress represents politics more than an empty White House. The attacks were not random. They were strategic. WTC was economic, Pentagon was militaristic, and Congress was politcal. The White House was destroyed once, and can be rebuilt. And yes it was empty. Congress stands for more than the White House. The White House is just where the president lives. But anyway like you said

[quote]bush was in Florida

3,139 posts

Regardless of where it was intended to crash - the fact it ended up hitting nowhere of great importance surely helps toward anti-conspiracy.

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