This thread will be for just anything strwars related. It will save you the trouble of making a different thread. You can start conversations on movies,games,shows etc. and for any picture posters that might want to share some cool pictures.
When I said "rooting" I meant cheering. That's why the last 3 movies are not my favorites, since Imperials are killed by the buckets. I rather see the younger clones blast away at droids.
If you could have one force power what would it be?
It would be fun to be able to move heavy stuff just by focusing. "Darn, that guy took the parking spot I wanted..." *moves his car out of the stall* "Mine now!"
Force mind trick "Hmm...No, i already paid for this drink, dont you remember? No, i already paid for this house, dont you remember? No, these arnt the droids your looking for, dont you remember?" So awesome. Then again "What? You dont remember me paying for this? *zap*"