This thread will be for just anything strwars related. It will save you the trouble of making a different thread. You can start conversations on movies,games,shows etc. and for any picture posters that might want to share some cool pictures.
I read somewhere that one of them after he died was able to put his soul into some Sith monument/temple on Yavin IV and 'lived' there for a few thousand years.
Found it! The one I read about was Exar Kun. None have physically lived forever but they can live as a force ghost until they're destroyed by someone more powerful.
The only books I have read is the Darth Bane series and Legacy of the Force Series. He was between those times I believe or at least was not mentioned in the books.
Lots of people like episode 5 because it reviled that Darth Vader was Luke's father. That was the only part that I found important. It seemed more like a filler movie to me.
Lots of people like episode 5 because it reviled that Darth Vader was Luke's father. That was the only part that I found important. It seemed more like a filler movie to me.
Ya,well I dont really like how it's long and draged out. I like the newer ones 'cus they have a lot more actoin.
I like the theme of ep.III 'cus it's so dramitized. I know,it sounds wierd that's why I like it but I like those type of songs. Kinda like I like the halo OP. It's dramitized too.
I like the newer ones 'cus they have a lot more actoin.
The only one of the new series I liked was III. Didn't like II for the same reason I don't like V. The best part of I was pod racing. I used to have a pod racing game. It was one of the best games ever.