Again, stop posting stupidity. Christianity and Judaism are not the same religion. I'm just going to stop posting until you say something that makes sense.
Well, christianity was a religeon made because of jesus
Back in bible times, everyone who belived in God was known as jewish. So therefor jesus was a jew
Then after jesus died and stuff, (i don't know when) christianity was made. Christianity is beliving in God, Jesus, and the holy spirit (the holy trinity)
And also
well to clear things up lets just say jews and christian are the same religeon
That doesn't clear things up at all, if anything, it makes things more confuzing because Christianity and Judaism are not the same religeon at all
Christians in the dark ages hated Jews. Most Christians these days tolerate them except the KKK and other radical groups who only use the Bible as an excuse for hate.
Christianity is about following the beliefs of Jesus among many other things, Christianity didn't until Jesus died, so Jesus couldn't follow a religion that didn't exist. Jesus wasn't too cocky or too full of himself, he didn't make a religion that followed himself.
Christianity was a common name used after the death of Jesus, also if anyone cares the cross symbol was used after the death of Jesus. I believe that the name Christian was decided at the council of Nicea. Also decided at that council is the idea that Christians don't have to follow mosaic law, circumsicoion and such. Before that Christians were also called jews. They were treated as nothing more than another sect of judiasm, there were many back then such as the sanhedrin and the pharisees. This is why the christians were persacuted for there beliefs, technaclly their religion was not accepted as a branch of Judiasm so Romans and Jews alike persacuted them.
In the dark and for a while after that Christians persacuted Jews for their beilfs that Jesus was not the messiah and the Christ.
Today Christians and Jews treat each other well, except as a few people have said the kkk and other groups. Christainity is in a form a branch of Judism except it is not the same becuase of kewy details. One of which is the practise of not following all mosaic law. Also Christians have a keen diference of how they see Jesus.
These how, I think, things went down for Christianity and Judiasm. I hope this helps.
wow your a real full bound idiot -.- Christians don't hate Jews. Jews are god's chosen people in the bible. Christians try to show Jews the right paths and help them to stop looking for someone who has already come.
But redbeard christians arent meant to force faith on people thats something they have to do themselves. Im afraid you arent being a very good christian redbeard