Wow, rbh, there seems to be a lot of anger in your little Christian bones. Granted that you are correct about the Christian/Jew relationship, insulting people isn't really the way to get your point across. How on earth would anyone ever come to love your faith with its members acting as you do?
if jesus was a jew and since christians hate jews than that would mean that they hate jesus.
Anailator23, you should read the first post of a thread before responding. Not that it was a correct statement, but that is what the thread was built on.
I find it strange that the use of the word hate is so prevalent around a religion that is based on love and acceptance... but I suppose opposites attract!
To people asking about whether Jesus proclaimed he was the messiah: Not dierctly, he did proclaim that he was the son od god so I guess that kind've leads to the messiah belif.
Jesus did proclaim that the end of time was near but then again "a day to the lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day"(some quote from the bible)was coming soon and actually stopped working and just prayed in prepearation for it.
To DragonMistress: If you are talking about the hate of the Jewish faith it is mainly centered around the fact that we took the land of plastine from the muslim plastine people so that made the other muslim states anger. If you are talking about the hate of Christianity then it is mainly focused on past abuses of the churchs power and authority. Also focused on past crimes....
If you think about it christainity can be easily displayed as a non-accepting religion becuase of people that run around screaming 'Convert now or burn in hell!!!' It sometimes sends of the wrong message....
Two additions: The "hate" of the Christians Vs. Jews was at the Dark Ages and much longer, too. With the beliefs differences, the fact that they were the "killers" of Jesus, etc etc. The Length of this hate probably lasted until the WWI-WWII Era until the western world saw the Zionist movement as a humanic deed to add on. Little did they know they would end up paying tactic and creating an entire economic system based on supporting Israeli economy and military.
But for the most part, due to rights and the western world's "Conservative Liberalism?" most people live under tolerance of one another anyway.
Basically, though, on a technical note, in Biblical Times. A Jew killing a Christian = Jew vs. Jew warfare.
I don't think its like that, Ernie. Hindu = Not a race Jew = Race, The religion of Judaism follows it. Jesus = Jew, Not a follower of Judaism. Even though Jew practically means a follower of Judaism (as well as the ethnicity) -- So its a bit of an oxymoron.
Jesus = Jew, Not a follower of Judaism. Even though Jew practically means a follower of Judaism (as well as the ethnicity) -- So its a bit of an oxymoron.
that statement is wrong. jesus was a follower of judaism. he was educated in jewish temples and lived by the traditions of his people. jesus is not the founder of christianity(maybe it wasnt even his aim). christianity was founded after his death by his apostels