ForumsThe Tavernmesuring system

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wich mesuring system is better meters or inches? i like to know what you think

  • 20 Replies
2,027 posts

why don't you use kelvin it's based on the coldest temprature that's posible.

Kelvin is actually the Celsius scale, only that it starts on the coldest temperature possible rather than the temperature at which water freezes. 0 Kelvin is about -273 Celsius, and 20 Kelvin is about -253 Celsius. The reason why we choose to use the one starting on the temperature at which water freezes is because it's much, much, much, much more useful in everyday situations.

In fact, some of the metric prefixes apply to bytes in computers.

And to most units used in physics and other science-y stuff.
3,371 posts

The metric is easier and used in science. A class that I have twice a day. We should start changing. If you start off young then we can have it changed by the next generation.

9,438 posts

I dislike customary measurements. Although it's nice to know that there's 63360 inches in a mile, a standardized decimal system is much easier.

13,817 posts

Okay, if I ever came close to championing a cause here, it would be the metric system.

But yet Americans use Fahrenheit, and the British uses Celsius. :l

Interestingly enough, metrication in Great Britain isn't complete. Yes, it's taught in schools but there are quite a lot of people who still use Imperial in everyday usage. The use of the metric system is more universally widespread in places like Japan, France, Australia and New Zealand.

If you start off young then we can have it changed by the next generation.

I agree.

I wouldn't mind a switch either since the metric system is easy to understand. In fact, some of the metric prefixes apply to bytes in computers.

Yup. -kilo, -mega, -giga, -tera, -peta, etc. However, you usually don't see anything higher than -giga except in computers. Heh, the entire power consumption of mankind was 16 terawatts in 2006 according to Wiki.

(The U.S. being the only industrialized nation to not use the metric system as a standard.)

It's quite amusing how you can share something in common with Burma and Liberia.

You're joking right? The metric system is in base 10. That already is a huge advantage. The English system is a bunch of things in between different unites, typically, 2, 3, 5, or any multiple of those.

You just reminded me about why the base ten system (decimal) is the most widely used number system among all human civilizations.

Then again, we're all just used the system because it's here. Metric is still better though!
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