This time I start in Australia!!!!!
Maybe at the Southern Part of it!
I call this New Empire.....AUSTRALIA!!!
P.S I love Australia on "This" Earth...No Kangoroos
What an original name... But Australia is only inhabited by primitive natives as of yet... Are you sure? Your nation might very well fall to the greedy Spartans aswell! The Hollarazors themself have never failed though, they as a species survived. They are one of the three sentient species on Earth, the others are the mammals and the serpents.
The spartans battle rassuna in asia
Okay, the "War of the Black Sea" has begun... The Spartans are trying to take ofer the Black Sea. They only took over Crimea as of yet.
the persians have falled ?? god bless them and their ppl my ppl my land !!!!!!! now is time to take revenge time to take back out lands time to destroy salajakus time to take the lands of old mongols time to take back what was ours now my strategies ...
first we in gun times or sword times ???
ok the ppl in tehran and mashad and esfahan and shiraz the most big cities of iran do up rising against salajakus the ppl of old persia unite and all cities from big and little unite they pick guns swords bows whatever they can and attack the salajakus and before they attack to the big army they gather guns and ... (stealing from soldiers) after they take back their land they will pick a king named nader shah ... he will order ppl to unite and make armies and they equipt them and fortify the northern lands of new persia cause there is a chance that salajakus attack again after a while we defended the area we make better soldiers and ... and attack south and get arabia !!!!! with doing this stuff nader shah dies and another great king rises name shah abbas ... he will make even better armies and ... he will fortify the lands and armies he makes pathes and roades and ... he will repair the perspolis and our new capital is now perspolis(shiraz) thats enough for now thanks god ...
Unfortunately, every great empire comes to an end... Im looking forward to the ned of a certain country that has something to do with the number 50... Go figure. No offence to anyone though :P
Anyways, this is the era of colonization. The most used weapon is the musket right now. Organizing a full scale rebellion is not as easy as you think it would be... One city revolts, it wont be easy to hold it unless it gets support etc. But it is underway! Some cities in the area have joined the rebellion!
I take the east part of rassuna and name it "Russia"
*btw I am saying all this in a Russian accent"
and I create the movement whose mission is to protect the motherland!
Actually... Rassuna is supposed to represent Russia if you havent noticed yet :P Just like Norrdas represents the Nordic nations, the Slevans represented the Slavs, Azatac the Aztecs etc.
yepppppppppppppppppppppppy i dont have enemies for a while cause you guys are gonna fight hurrrrrrrrrrray !!!!!! and from now il take no part in this fight cause this is madness
Madness? This... Is... SP- Oh sorry, would shouting "This is Sparta" and kicking some random Persian into a pit insult you? Sorry :P
Ok, actully createing now, and i really need to stop rage quitting....makes me look like a noob.
So, i mutate a fungus to take over the nervous system and voice box of deceased animals and migrate into their corpse, slowly becomeing part of it, useing their lungs and such, but also slowly eating it to survive. A "host" would last about 3 days, so they must constantly find new ones. They shall camp in the low lands of australia, waiting for prey, and eventully, I SHALL MAKE THEM CAPTURE AND EAT YOU ALL! MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA! Why are my animals/plants/fungus always evil...? Lets! There we go! Also, while in a "host" they have enough sentience to learn and listen and speak whatever laungage their host has and they have learned from previous hosts. They die easily from fire and acidics, but weapons such as a bow arnt as effective as a sword, as it can cut through the roots and kill it. They are not genocidal, uselly waiting for a host to die naturally, but will attack liveing ones if need be. I hope they can live peacefully BEFORE THEY RIP OUT YOUR BRAINS AND ENSLAVE YOU.
So, you want to prey on sentient species in Australia, eh? You sure thats a good idea mate? Right now its inhabited by natives only, and Razer hasnt confirmed if he really wants to make a civilization there.

And as a bonus Ill add maps of religion, and species!
Species (The dominant sentient species in certain regions):
Religion (The dominant religion in certain regions):

Key: Green - Islam - Founded by the prophet Ranoulius in Persia.
Yellow - The War God - Founded by Spartans to keep the spirits of their armies up.
Blue - Bihidism - Founded by the thinker Bihidin in Sia. It teaches that there are two equal halves, heaven and hell, and Earth is in the middle. It is similar to Taoism, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism in some ways.
Orange - Local folklore or minor religions. I dont think this needs an explanation.