Hello everyone! I can help you for Raze 2. I can help you for: -Kill bonuses (I have all) -Campaign levels (Just stuck in last alien mission) -Secrets (I have all too) -How to earn money fast (One time i earned 1263 credits in one match.)
btw Ive earned over 1500 in one match. Go to your best map with 11 other dummies on very easy. If you really want points put on weapons, abilities and equipment that get points rolling in.
last match in alien campaign: get high damage weapon, holy grail, rocket launcher, or IonCannon usually works the best, then stalk Razesoildier throghout the match, worst thing you want is a 1 on 1 with him in the end, you cant find him, and hes got like 7 lives left
@xcdoj7 Thanks: Have an enemy kill someone else of your Katana/Static Field.
@Johnconnor4545 You can make a deathmatch, Capture the Flag, 10 points to win. Make 3 or 2 easy teammates to defend the base, and 6 very easy enemies, on the Shipyard map. Most of enemies don't move and keep do nothing on their base. Go on their bases with the "underground" path, and Shoot with explosives/splash weapons! Whit that, i earned a Monster Kill x 6! In one game with those settgings, i killed 83 enemies, XD
@pedroUSER What do you mean? The special modes?
@TheTurretsGuy I'm srong enough to beat hi, but i can't find him! DX
This is a duplicate thread in relation to this thread which also contain these tips. You're welcome to post in this link or in the General Raze2 Discussion thread to help some guys out though