China cannot attack the USA, our stockpiled weapons are dangerous enough for mutually assured destruction, and much more likely the planet too. However, their economy will soon overpower ours and they will become the dominant power of the world.
Another thing: there's India which is starting to flex its muscles a bit in Asia. It's economy is growing, too... and it's a nuclear power. If China makes a move one way, there's a bunch of others that could move in another. And though it doesn't make the press, China's western turf's a lot closer to Islamic extremist terror hotbeds than the US is... and there's been uprisings there, despite China's efforts to squelch the reports.
China won't attack. Too much at stake, and too much money comes from America for them to justify the attack. And there'd be no reason to attack. Russia might, although, there won't be much left when the two countries stop fighting
Im pretty sure China bought some bomber from Russia that is exactly like America's bomber. My class and I were talking about this in math.. idk why math but we were.
But right now China is just gunna find a way to make the American dollar worthless so our debt will be 50 times worse. THEN they will declare war. And honestly... if we keep going the way we are (terrible and money-less) then we will get worked, but if turn the economy around and start paying our debt back.. we MIGHT have a few allies or years to redeem ourselves.
Wars are bad for business. China wants to make more money, they are the 2nd richest country in the world, if not the richest now because of the US's debt.
Amounts of men and the weapons wielded by them are very different. The US would win, even if they had to resort to nukes to do it. But they wouldn't have to. They've got better ties, better guns and better vehicles, most of which AREN'T made in China, so they can relie on their constant supply.
Well China could attack the US, invading it and make even more money. And if things don't go well they will also have new China 1 (moon) and New China 2 (Mars).