ForumsWEPRJesus is his own father?

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Can a christian explain the trinity to me? I mine Christianity is very confusing and contradicting, but this is the biggest for me. Is he god? If he is how could "god" die on the cross to save our sins? Does that mean if you believe in god,jesus,mary,the pope, or whatever even if you sin you free. from it? I would like to hear from a christian please, so i could here there side.

  • 32 Replies
534 posts

This dispute happened a long time ago between scholars.
Yes Jesus is God as well as he is the Holy Spirit. If you would like to learn more you should talk to to a preacher, preist, or whoever else is an expert on the Bible.

785 posts

so how does that not contradict each other?

3,371 posts

The way I remember it, the trinity is made of three parts.

1. The Father
2. The Son
3. The Holy spirt

Think of the father as the original God. The son is God's son (Jesus). And the holy spirt as the spirt God made to help us. They are all a part of God, and are called the Holy trinity. At least this is how I remember it.

9,439 posts

or whoever else is an expert on the Bible.

The word 'Trinity' does not appear in the bible. It was created in the 4th century AD by the early Roman Catholic Church.

Also, if they were the same being, when the disciples asked when the end would come, Jesus wouldn't have said (Matthew 36:3 NIV) "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son but only the Father." By saying he didn't know means he wasn't omnipotent. Therefore he's not the father.
9,462 posts

Think of the father as the original God. The son is God's son (Jesus). And the holy spirt as the spirt God made to help us. They are all a part of God, and are called the Holy trinity. At least this is how I remember it.

That still doesn't make any sense.

That right!! you have been studeing the bible.

As EmperorPalpatine pointed out the trinity isn't in the Bible, so you won't get that from studying it. It was invented to explain contradictions of God's nature.
10 posts

You're right Palpatine. Nowhere in the Bible is the word "Trinity" used, but that doesn't mean the topic isn't referred to. The Bible refers to the Father, Son, and Holy spirit, as being Echad. Echad is the Greek word for "one", basically saying that the three parts of the trinity are bound together as one. The two other locations where the word Echad is used in the bible, are a verse referring to a rope which was made of three combined strings, which were bound together and were made Echad, or one. The second reference is referring to a bunch of grapes that were gathered by forresters (spelling? :P) and the bunch of grapes were Echad. Many seperate grapes, in one cluster. The same with the Trinity, all seperate parts with their own roles, yet still one. This is one of the most confusing parts of Christianity, yet is one of the essentials to faith. Christianity claims monotheism, yet is occasionaly reffered to by other religions as polytheistic (multiple Gods) because of the doctrine of the trinity. I wish I could, or Palpatine could, or ANYONE could give you a clear-cut answer on how exactly the trinity works. How it was best described to me, was that God is like water. Is solid ice still water? Yes. How about steam? Also yes. aaaand liquid? of course. They may be different, but they are all "water". It's the same with the three parts of the trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all distinct personalities and play different roles, but they're all still God. I'm looking forward to finally figuring this out when I get to heaven. I suggest talking to a pastor or trusted religious friend about it. It's definitely a deep and confusing topic.

9,462 posts

but that doesn't mean the topic isn't referred to. The Bible refers to the Father, Son, and Holy spirit, as being Echad.

Can you show me where it says this? I can find parts where it refers to God as one and other areas where God makes a reference to "us" and is refereed in the plural form. But I'm not aware of any place where it's all in one spot.
Coming up with the concept of the trinity would explain away this sort of contradiction.

Echad is the Greek word for "one"

Hebrew not Greek.

The two other locations where the word Echad is used in the bible

There are a number of places where it get's used.

Christianity claims monotheism, yet is occasionaly reffered to by other religions as polytheistic (multiple Gods) because of the doctrine of the trinity.

There is evidence indicating the roots of Christianity came from a polytheism with Yahweh being but one in a large pantheon.
10 posts

No problem. Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear O Isreal! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!"
This usage of the word "one" is Echad (thanks for the correction GrayMage, for some reason I thought it was Greek. I knew it was SOME language I didn't know. :3 And in my reading, those are the only places I've seen it. I could totally be wrong about that, I just haven't seen any more.)
[/quote]There is evidence indicating the roots of Christianity came from a polytheism with Yahweh being but one in a large pantheon.
I don't really know where you got this evidence from... but I'm guessing not the Bible. Mind sharing where?

10 posts

not exactly sure how to quote things... haha

9,462 posts

No problem. Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear O Isreal! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!"

I was asking for a verse where it says God is of multiple parts and is one. This is only referring to God as one, as I said I'm aware of places where it says this. This example however does not refer to God as also being of multiple parts. There are places where it says this but there are other possibilities as to why the Bible would use the word God (El) in the plural (Elohim) This includes a basis in a pantheon or a custom of referring to a ruler in the plural.

I don't really know where you got this evidence from... but I'm guessing not the Bible. Mind sharing where?

I had intended to. I was just not at my own computer at the time and so was limited to pulling further information.
There is the historical artifacts indicating Yahweh had a wife.
Yahweh's Wife

As mentioned int he video Yahweh is mention in the Canaanite pantheon as being a god specific to Israel.
wiki provides a list of the pantheon.

This predates the current monotheistic following, indicating Yahweh (the Abrahamic God) has his origins in a pantheon of gods.

not exactly sure how to quote things... haha

Highlight what you want quoted click the quote button.
1,627 posts

Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear O Isreal! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!"

Just for the record, that is the holiest prayer in the Jewish religion.

I just don't get the Trinity thing. I read somewhere that The Father is not the Son, and not the Holy Spirit, yet they are all the same. Explanation?
3,371 posts

I just don't get the Trinity thing. I read somewhere that The Father is not the Son, and not the Holy Spirit, yet they are all the same. Explanation?

This was mine.

The way I remember it, the trinity is made of three parts.
1. The Father
2. The Son
3. The Holy spirt
Think of the father as the original God. The son is God's son (Jesus). And the holy spirt as the spirt God made to help us. They are all a part of God, and are called the Holy trinity. At least this is how I remember it.
10 posts

The nature of the word Echad indicates plurality becoming one. God is saying that he has combined wholeness with some other form(s). Seeing how the Bible seperately gives credit to Jesus, The Father, as well as the Holy Spirit for creation, I think it's only logical to assume that if The Father refers to himself as a combination becoming one, he is referring to the Holy Spirit and Jesus.
As to God having a wife, the christian belief is that the Bible is the only inspired word of God. And nowhere in the bible does it say the God had a wife. Now, I am not saying youare definitely wrong, I am just saying what the Christian perspective is, as that is what was sought after at the beginning of this thread. We could debate after the validity of this perspective if that's what the originator of this post was looking for, but he was simply asking what the Christian perspective was.

2,487 posts

hooray, another LDS view to clarify.

the trinity is 3 different people. god, jesus, and the holy ghost are all different. the reason for the cunfusion is because they are one symbolically. they work together as one, but they are three completely different individuals.

hope this clarifies the trinity.

534 posts

Try going online on some christian website where it can explain more. It will likely explain a lot more than I can.

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