i am catholic and proud of it
Congratulations. Now, I believe pride is a sin in the 'seven deadly sins' created by you Catholics. Just like Lent, where you give something up for a month then pick it right back up and resume your lives.
I'm a '
roud' theist, and I'm sure there are other '
roud' theists and '
roud' atheists on these forums; stating that does nothing for your argument but make you a target.
...Do you know what a day is?
In their defense, it never does say a '24 hour day' in the creation story of the bible. Being a deity, wouldn't the christian God be able to make the day however long he whims it to be? The day could have been five minutes, it could have been a thousand years. We don't know.
8. huh?
What she is saying is that the Pope admonishes that sex should ONLY be used in the production of children. That's it. Now, I'm not all for sticking my junk in every hole that comes by, but when I get married....you fill in the rest.
4. the church is for everyone
Are you suuuuuure about that? I remember back during the civil war that slavery was good, and God wanted slavery. And then when it was outlawed, God wanted the white man to be superior. Pretty sure thats how it went.
The creation story states that man was directly sculpted from dust and given life. According to the geneology of Jesus (Luke 3:23��"38), he had less than 80 ancesters. Even assuming that each person was 100 before continuing the lineage, that still places Adam within 10,000BC. There are modern human fossil remains dated much older than that. It is stated many times in the bible that the reason people die is from Adam's sins as the first human so Jesus was sent to correct it (Romans 5:12-19). Technically, anyone older than that should still be alive. If people suffered and died before the "Fall of Man", then Jesus' ransom sacrifice really had no purpose because there was no original sin to correct.
Evolution and the bible don't line up at all, no matter how you put it. I believe, though, that Adam and Eve were placed being in existence closer to 3,000 or 4,000 BC.
I mean Adam lived for 930 years, Seth lived to 912, Enos was 905, Cainan was 910, and it goes on. Noah was like, 500 or soemthing when he built the ark. Now, at some point, I believe that the story goes that God '
unished' man and shortened their lifespans to like, a little over a hundred so they would have 'less time to do evil' or something.