The Ion Cannon is pretty much a Rocket Launcher with more ammo in a clip, faster firing speed, and with fire, but it does not deal as much damage. It is useful against enemies who have the Adrenaline Boost equipment. However, you cannot really dodge this weapon as you cannot see it coming when a skilled AI uses it on you.
The Hail Storm is good for firing shots over a long horizontal platform. It has a huge clip, but the damage is rather weak.
A lot of people say that the Terminator is good for campaign missions. I think it is an average weapon overall but compared to other short range weapons, it is good.
I just got the Photon Blaster but so far I prefer the Uzi over the Photon Blaster.
Please post your questions in the "Raze 2 Guide (tips, campaign, achievements)".
what equipment should i buy? energy boost or armour?
I like combat armor with pick-up booster so I get back up to full 150% health rather than around half and with Adrenaline that 1% can be nothing if the enemy hits you with a weapon that can set you on fire like the ion cannon ( I think) but yes please post any further questions/comments to Raze 2 Guide (tips, campaign, achievements)
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