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123 posts

I recently had to do a presentation about what homeschooling is like. My audience was, erm, less than enthusiastic.

Most of the public schoolers gave me blank stares. The most vacant of looks came when I mentioned that I will be taking calculus as a senior in high school and that I volunteer in the ER of a hospital.

There were no questions at the end. The person in charge tried to get them to ask questions, but they did not want any part of it. It was really awkward.

Myths about homeschoolers:

1. We are unsocialized. Not true. I have to talk with people of many ages at the hospital. In addition, I've seen public schoolers literally turn their backs and shuffle away from adults. Also, many homeschoolers attend homeschooling groups that provide sports teams, debate clubs, and many other activities found in public school.

2. We sleep in till 11:00. Not true. If you are a proper homeschooler, you get up before 8:00 and get to work.

3. We have learning disabilities. Well, some do homeschool because they have a learning disability. Others, homeschool for religious reasons or as a lifestyle choice. I homeschool for academic reasons (I am looking into a career in medicine).

I might have a bruised ego, but I feel that I was brushed off. Now, you all are going to have to suffer and post your opinions and questions. ^.^

  • 25 Replies
1,810 posts

We sleep in till 11:00.

I haven't heard that one. I know some kids who are homeschooled though. They are alright, but they miss out on the stuff we do right after school which bums them out a bit.
4,104 posts

I was homeschooled for 3rd-6th grade, then went into school for 7th so i can get used to going to school before having to go into highschool.

1. We are unsocialized. Not true. I have to talk with people of many ages at the hospital. In addition, I've seen public schoolers literally turn their backs and shuffle away from adults. Also, many homeschoolers attend homeschooling groups that provide sports teams, debate clubs, and many other activities found in public school.

It's not that we're unsocialized, it's that it's hard to be social. You don't go to a place everyday where a lot of kids your age are also there everyday. The only friends i had when i was homeschooled were the ones i had before and the some people i met at various things i did.

2. We sleep in till 11:00. Not true. If you are a proper homeschooler, you get up before 8:00 and get to work.

True dat, but i finished school whenever all my work was done, so i could be done at any point of the day.

3. We have learning disabilities. Well, some do homeschool because they have a learning disability. Others, homeschool for religious reasons or as a lifestyle choice. I homeschool for academic reasons (I am looking into a career in medicine).

A lot of homeschoolers get a better education then they do in a normal school, i know i did, but that was because the school i went to previously was terrible in almost every way.
9,462 posts

A lot of homeschoolers get a better education then they do in a normal school, i know i did, but that was because the school i went to previously was terrible in almost every way.

This largely depends on who they are getting educated from. For instance there are many evangelical and fundamentalists who homeschool in order to keep their children from being exposed to certain ideas and teach their own slant. Though yes when used properly a home school program can be more effective in education.

I was home schooled for about a year, I did find socialization to be more of a challenge. There would also be times I would sleep in, however that would mean working later into the night. I found this easier on me given my natural sleep cycle.
4,206 posts

Though yes when used properly a home school program can be more effective in education.

That's probably because the teaching is focused on you.
We are unsocialized.

I don't like to talk to most people that I meet, that's why I would like to get home schooled, or at-least have a class of like 5 or less people.
We sleep in till 11:00

I heard some do, but they still do the 6 hours of school.
We have learning disabilities.

Not very true, like you said, some do, but you can learn a lot better being home-schooled then not. Obviously if it's not corrupted or biased.
39 posts

If you need more of teaching focused on you, there are private schools?

57 posts

I encourage homeschooling. What is your schedule like? How set/flexible is it? I would be one the "fundamentalists" that Mage is talking about; I would not one my child taught the humanist/atheist religion that dominates the school system. It's logically unsound and anything but neutral.

9,462 posts

That's probably because the teaching is focused on you.

Yeah it did seem pretty well focused in that way. I found in public school the curriculum usually felt like it was either behind or ahead of me.

I would be one the "fundamentalists" that Mage is talking about; I would not one my child taught the humanist/atheist religion that dominates the school system. It's logically unsound and anything but neutral.

I would argue you over that one, but your proving my point with your grammar.
3,085 posts

I would not one my child taught the humanist/atheist religion that dominates the school system.

Since when was Atheism a religion? That's like calling not collecting stamps a hobby.

It's logically unsound and anything but neutral.

Whereas it's perfectly logical to believe in one (or more - depending on the religion) omnipotent, omniscient being that used magic to bring the world into existence.
4,104 posts

Just to make a point of how great a homeschool education can be, I finished Algebra 1 before i even finished 6th grade. Of course, when i went back to school i had to take it again for the next two years, but that's aside the point. My english tutor when i was homeschooled also got me writing essays at a highschool level by the end of 5th grade.

5,061 posts

Homeschool is a valuable tool in the sense of small class sizes, and progression at the rate of the student, not the class. Unfortunately there is a severe lack in social interaction, even if you do have your homeschool groups, because there is a vast difference between interacting with 20-30 people a day/week, and several hundred people on a daily basis. It also limits the type of person you interact with, from my experience homeschoolers tend to be either ahead of or behind the curve, this means that those people you do interact with are going to be of a unique type, rather than ranging across the spectrum.

As a whole, I think homeschooling would be great if there was a viable interaction program with local schools, perhaps a class attended on a daily basis, or a technical program, essentially something that gets you out and about.

702 posts

I wasn't homeschooled officially, but my great-grandmother tutored me before I went into school. I could've dived into 4th grade classes at 6.

1,826 posts

I dont know about you guys but for me its boring

5,129 posts

i have only known 1 person that was homeschooled. i have to admit that it was a very special and extraordinary person. but also very smart. and socialy very good.

so i guess it depends on your own home situation if homeschooling works good or not.

4,220 posts

I was homeschooled for a year. You would think because I hate people I would have preferred it. Not at all, I found the perpetual boredom to be bordering on suicidal.

Life just isn't as fun without the physical confrontations and perpetual conflict school provides.

4,220 posts

conflict public school provides.
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