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123 posts

I recently had to do a presentation about what homeschooling is like. My audience was, erm, less than enthusiastic.

Most of the public schoolers gave me blank stares. The most vacant of looks came when I mentioned that I will be taking calculus as a senior in high school and that I volunteer in the ER of a hospital.

There were no questions at the end. The person in charge tried to get them to ask questions, but they did not want any part of it. It was really awkward.

Myths about homeschoolers:

1. We are unsocialized. Not true. I have to talk with people of many ages at the hospital. In addition, I've seen public schoolers literally turn their backs and shuffle away from adults. Also, many homeschoolers attend homeschooling groups that provide sports teams, debate clubs, and many other activities found in public school.

2. We sleep in till 11:00. Not true. If you are a proper homeschooler, you get up before 8:00 and get to work.

3. We have learning disabilities. Well, some do homeschool because they have a learning disability. Others, homeschool for religious reasons or as a lifestyle choice. I homeschool for academic reasons (I am looking into a career in medicine).

I might have a bruised ego, but I feel that I was brushed off. Now, you all are going to have to suffer and post your opinions and questions. ^.^

  • 25 Replies
534 posts

I am homeshooled because my mother has a degree on chemistry so she feels inclined to teach me. I am also learn on english composition meant to show me what to expect for college.

888 posts

I wouldn't mind being homeschooled because all the teachers tick me off (texting during lunch but then taking our phones away for the same reason...) kids at school tick me off(annoying, bullies, both...) and all my friends I either text or talk to on Facebook.
I wouldn't like it though because I wouldn't get to play sports with friends and the classes would be just me.

74 posts

A question on home schooling: who does the teaching? One of your parents or a tutor from outside?

And just in case anyone cares, I'm an American ESL teacher in Guangzhou, China, who went to a church-based academy in the high school years.

9,462 posts

A question on home schooling: who does the teaching? One of your parents or a tutor from outside?

I had a teacher come by once a week to tutor me and give me assignments. Then it was up to my parents, though I was pretty self reliant.
123 posts

A question on home schooling: who does the teaching? One of your parents or a tutor from outside?

It can be both. My Mom is a lawyer, so she can teach me English, logic, and any other non-math based subject with no problems.

I have DVD's for my math and my aunt has a PHD in chemistry. You can also use co-op classes. These classes are where parents who have back rounds in certain subjects teach the students what they know.
454 posts

ok im homeshcooled and am not unsocialized because i went to school for three years actually i have met a kid who was homeschooled through his life and was very unsocialized also i wake up at about 9:00 and i do do sports and after school activities through the local school

5,552 posts

Based on my life experiences...I would say that for the most part it doens't matter how much you're exposed to other people and social situations, either you're going to be a shy or outgoing person. I personally am an introvert, I wouldn't mind never seeing anyone again and don't go out of my way to talk to people or do social activities with others. I've been public schooled and I got along just fine with others, although I was normally referred to as, "That smart weird kid."

I suppose if you've "never" had any social interactions with other people and have been homeschooled you would completely freak out if thrown into say, a shopping mall, for the time.

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