Should we not be aloud to rate a game until after 2-5 Minutes of being on that screen, as then it will stop people sort of spamming. etc someone going onto random games rating going onto another game rating, without ever playing the game.
Glace is correct, there was a thread addressed by the developers early on in Beta. However, since users will be given a re-rate feature for gaming, I don't think a rate time limit will be a significant issue.
I think only being able to rate 50-75 games a day will be good, it'll cut down on spam-rating. Users will have to spread it out over weeks instead of a day or two. But if points aren't given for rating games then it'll be useless, they'll have no incentive to rate the games.
I remember Cormyn mentioning a few months back them probably lowering it to one point for rating a game or just taking points for rating out. But if AG3 is going to focus more on games with achievements and such, then why not reward points for rating a game?
Because you dont have to play to rate a geme... so someone can spam ratings to get AP. If we get "only" AP from achivements we must play games to get them and so there no more "spam AP".
not only can you not rate but you can't add a game into your favourites
No AP for rating =/= cannot rate. I think both rating and faving will be allowed on AG3, but you won't earn AP for rating as far as I know. Think more before posting something as fact when it's not.
You don't have to play it, but if AG is going to be more focused on games rather than community involvement (forums, comments), then it makes more sense to reward players for rating games.